Ning Fan and four others were assigned to a battalion. This large battalion was not yet full, with only more than 3,000 people, including 1,000 veterans, and the rest were new recruits.

Under Ning Fan's order, the Ming Army has begun preparations for an offensive.

Therefore, every time the camp reaches five thousand people, they will be sent to the northwest battlefield.

Qi Mian seemed a little uncomfortable with the atmosphere of the camp, and there was a bit of timidity in the eyes of the thin figure.

The one who was with them was a man who was over forty years old. His face was covered with stubble, there was already a strand of white hair on his head, and his face was extremely old.

His name is Chang Hanyi.

"Little brother, it looks like you don't come from an ordinary family. Why do you want to join the army?"

"Serve our country!"

Ning Fan smiled playfully, but Chang Hanyi grinned and slowly gave a thumbs up: "Okay, when we get to the battlefield, we brothers need to take more care of us."

"I heard that those Yan bastards are very fierce, so don't be careful and lose your life."


The five of them gathered together and said hello to the soldiers in the next group. Dian Wei himself was appointed as the commander, Zhao Wanhu was appointed as the corps commander, and the other corps commander was a man with a fierce face.

The ten of them formed a small group, eating, drinking and living together.

"Have you heard that our camp will be heading to the border in three days?"

"Aren't you going to train!?"

"Who knows?"

There is a thin figure in the other group, but his eyes are shrewd. His name is Hou Cheng. He was a cunning man in the past. His livelihood has not been good recently. It happened to be that the imperial court was recruiting troops, so he came to join the army.

Hou Cheng looked at everyone and said softly: "I heard that we are going to the border first. After some training, we will go into battle to kill the enemy."

"I also heard that this time it is not Da Yan's invasion, but that we are going to invade Yan's land."

"You're bragging!"

Chang Hanyi sneered: "Since the founding of Da Li, how have we ever invaded the territory of Da Yan?"

"This time is different!"

"I heard from the merchants who came from Dayu that Dayu had already invaded the hinterland of Dayan, and not long ago he annihilated tens of thousands of Dayan's soldiers!"


"Absolutely true!"

"Damn, this is so exciting. If we can also penetrate into the hinterland of Dayan, we will be considered a glorious ancestor when we return!"

Everyone was just boasting. Dian Wei listened with his ears pricked up and listened to them talking about Dayu and so on, and kept grinning stupidly.

royal palace.

For nearly a year, Her Majesty the Empress has not been in court, and has only occasionally appeared in court. She seems to have no fear of being usurped by others.

All major affairs in the court were handled by Liu Bowen, Du Ruhui and the old Prime Minister Cheng Jinrong.

In the past year, Dali's national strength has been greatly restored, and the turmoil among the people has also eased a lot. The court and the central government have been united, and they can be regarded as governing the Qingming Festival.

There was even a great victory a year ago, annihilating Da Yan's lone army in the remote land of Lingyou.

Her Majesty the Empress has been living in seclusion in the palace, raising her children!

"Your Majesty, I have good news and bad news."

Gong Yuyan came to the bedroom, teasing the child and smiling at Mu Qingcheng.

"The good news first!"

"Prince Yu, whom you have longed for, has come to Beijing!"


Mu Qingcheng's face also showed a hint of joy. Since Xu Da and Chang Yuchun arrived some time ago, she personally received them. Logically speaking, Ning Fan was either sitting in the court of Dayu or on the front line at this time.

But I didn't expect that he would come.

"What about the bad news?"

Hearing that there was still bad news, Mu Qingcheng was inevitably a little worried. He definitely didn't bring too many guards with him when he came to Li.

Nowadays, many people are looking forward to his death.

"The bad news is, he joined the army!"

"Join the army?"

A look of deep surprise appeared on Mu Qingcheng's face, and Gong Yuyan nodded slightly: "Yes, I entered the new army camp yesterday. Counting the time, I should be sent to the front line tomorrow."

"What is he planning?"

"Do Xu Da and the others know?"

"Probably I don't know!"

"Password, I will inspect the new army tomorrow!"


Gong Yuyan glanced at Mu Qingcheng with disdain and went to make arrangements honestly.

Mu Qingcheng looked at little Ji Shao in his arms, his face full of tenderness.

"Shao'er, your father is here."

"But he didn't come to see you, let's go find him, okay?"

The next day.

Ning Fan lived in the same tent with ordinary soldiers for the first time, and the sour smell of his feet was simply amazing.

However, he didn't do anything special, he just bought a sleeping bag from the system mall.

"Boom, release the system mission: the growth of new recruits!"

"Mission requirements: gallop on the battlefield, establish achievements, start from a small soldier, and grow to a second-grade general!"

"Don't reveal your identity!"

"Mission time limit: "Six months!" "

"Mission reward: a legendary summoning card and a mysterious treasure chest!"

Ning Fan looked quite surprised when he heard that the system that he had not seen for a long time suddenly issued a mission.

The growth of Xiaobing?

He originally just wanted to experience the military for a month or two, but now...

"Something big happened!"

"Did you all hear about it?"

Hou Cheng hurried into the tent and said excitedly: "Her Majesty the Empress is coming to inspect the camp!"


"This... Her Majesty the Empress has not shown up for a long time. I heard that all the commanders of our legion have gone to the front line. Now there is only one general sitting in the new army camp. Why is she here?"

"Who knows?"

"I didn't expect that we could see the face of Her Majesty the Empress in this life."

Listening to their discussion, Ning Fan was slightly surprised. Soon the army assembled and lined up in the martial arts training ground.

Not long after, a stunning woman in military uniform came to the camp surrounded by a group of officials and generals.

"Your Majesty!"

"No need to be polite!"

Mu Qingcheng stood on the stage, looking around, as if looking for something, and Gong Yuyan next to him also looked at the dark crowd.

"Everyone, I personally come to the camp today to tell you that this time, my Ming army will declare war on Dayan!"

"For decades, Dayan has invaded Dali several times, and now, my soldiers of Dayan will also invade Dayan's territory!"

"The hatred of the past will be avenged today!"

"I want you to fight bravely, expand the territory for Dali, and avenge the martyrs of Dali!"

"Long live Dali!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

After a speech, Her Majesty the Empress did not rush to leave, but began to inspect various camps, and seemed to come to Ning Fan's camp with a purpose.

"Are you sure he is here?"

"Yeah, he is now using the alias Fan Ning, and it seems that he doesn't want people to know his identity!"

"This bastard, he came to Dali and didn't come to see me!"

"That's right!"

Gong Yuyan said, "Your Majesty, do you want to expose his identity?"


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