Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 992: Meet the Empress and head to the Western Territory!

"No need!"

Mu Qingcheng shook her head and came to the camp where Ning Fan was. She looked around but did not find him.

Gong Yuyan on the side said softly: "How about I go look for it?"

"If he knows I'm here, he will definitely see me!"

"Tch, men are fickle. What if he changes his mind?"


Mu Qingcheng chuckled and turned around: "Let's go, it's time for us to return to the palace."


"There are so many people here."


The two asked a group of officials to return to the city first, and left the camp under the escort of a group of personal guards.

As soon as we entered the ancient road, we saw a handsome young man in white shirt waiting quietly.

"Your Majesty, he is here."

"Ask him to get in the car!"

When Ning Fan came to the carriage, his expression froze when he saw Mu Qingcheng. They hadn't seen her for just half a year. Her figure had become much plumper, and her temperament had become more pure, like a hibiscus emerging from water, which was touching.

"What are you doing?"

"Now that the crisis in Changluo has been resolved, Bai Qi and his army will continue to advance westward, and they will inevitably encounter a comprehensive counterattack from Da Yan!"

"So, the Dali battlefield is particularly important."

"I'm a little worried if I don't watch it myself!"

Mu Qingcheng's eyes narrowed and he asked in confusion: "Then why do you want to associate with ordinary soldiers?"

"I want to see the ordinary people in this world, and see the world in the eyes of the soldiers at the bottom!"

"You...are going to ascend the throne?"

"After unification, it will be time for my king to rule the world."

"what about me?"

Mu Qingcheng's eyes surged, showing a deep complex look. From her personal feelings, she must not want to see Dali destroyed, but under the general trend, Dali has no foundation to compete for destiny.

Now, the alliance between Dayi and Dayu is about to destroy Dayan. With Dayu's national power, it is bound to reach unprecedented heights.

On the other hand, if not for Dayu's help, Dayi would have been destroyed by Dayu's iron cavalry.

She and Ning Fan have their own bloodline again, and they will probably become princes in the future.

From a general point of view, Ning Fan is a descendant of the Daxia royal family. Now that the world has returned to his bloodline, it is natural and justified. In the future, under Jiuquan, there will be a way to explain the ancestors.

But despite this, he still had some unspeakable emotions.

"You are the queen of the world!"

"I don't want to!"


"You are about to become the king, and I am already the king. How can you be someone else's queen?"


"I don't want to be trapped by you in that deep palace compound, surrounded by palaces."

"What do you want?"


Mu Qingcheng thought about it for a while, and then there was a bright light in her eyes: "How about traveling around the world?"

"Take Shao'er with you!"

Ning Fan added and said seriously: "I don't want him to grow up in the palace. Since ancient times, every wise king must go deep into the people and understand the sufferings of the people."


"How is the recruitment of the new army going?"

"It's almost full. It's expected that the recruitment will be completed in two days!"


After the two of them finished chatting, Ning Fan hugged the child with a silly smile on his face. After half a year of not seeing each other, the child had grown up.

"Shao'er, daddy will conquer the world for you!"

"When dad comes back, you will be the second generation of creation, the greatest second generation of creation in the world!"

"Dad is gone!"

Half a month later.

The northwest border of Da Li.

Ximen Pass.

Xu Da, Tang He, Chang Yuchun and Dali's Xi Xiongtu stood on the city wall together.

"The three hundred thousand troops are ready, and most of Dayan's main force is now restrained by Dayu."

"On the battlefield in the north, the Hunu cavalry went south to contain the Beiyan army. If we send troops at this time, we can naturally catch Dayan off guard."

"And Dayu still has a large army, advancing westward from Shanyang and Muye."

"In this way, with our long march in, it is equivalent to sealing off the south, east, and north sides of Dayan!"


Xi Xiongtu also nodded and said in a deep voice: "It's just that the journey from Wancheng to the north is not easy!"

"It doesn't matter!"

"I have sent out pioneers to open roads in the mountains and build bridges in the water."

"If it doesn't work out, we can take a detour to Liujiang."

As soon as Xu Da finished speaking, the three of them nodded slightly and looked at him in unison: "When will you leave?"

"Is the food and grass ready?"


"Then tomorrow!"

"Okay, I'll go down and get ready!"

"We're going to the battlefield!"

"I said, Lao Zhao, aren't you nervous?"

Chang Hanyi looked at Zhao Wanhu, Dian Wei and others as if nothing had happened, with a bit of confusion on his face.

Dian Wei grinned: "What are you so nervous about?"


"Xiao Hou, what about you?"

"Kind of!"

It was also the first time for Hou Cheng to go to the battlefield, and the running around these past few days had already made it difficult for him to support himself. I heard that he was going to attack the city soon?

"If we attack the city tomorrow, there is a high probability that our new recruits will not be allowed to attack."

"Our mission should be to intercept them halfway!"

The person who spoke was a young man in the team. He had a handsome face and an extraordinary temperament. He should have come from a wealthy family. After more than half a month of contact, Ning Fan discovered that this person was probably a general.

His name is Changrao!

"That's right. If we rely on us to attack the city, I'm afraid we won't be able to conquer it in a year and a half."

"If I guess correctly, our mission should be to intercept Liu Jiang's reinforcements!"

"Do you have a map?"

Chang Rao looked at Ning Fan in surprise, and the latter shook his head slightly: "I'm just familiar with this area!"

"Is that so..."

Chang Rao looked at Ning Fan deeply, and stayed on Dian Wei for a moment. During this time, he also found that these two people were extraordinary.

Especially this Fan Ning, the momentum on his body made him feel a little in awe from the bottom of his heart, and his manners and conversation were not in line with his current status.

The army safely crossed the mountain in front of them, but the food and supplies were difficult to pass. Xu Da had secretly transported a batch of food and supplies to take a detour a few days ago.

Dong Bocheng.

This city was built on the mountain and is a majestic city. There are 50,000 soldiers stationed in this city all year round to guard against Dali. However, now that the war in the eastern border is tense, 30,000 soldiers in the city have been transferred away!

Perhaps the Dayan court never thought that Dali would mobilize troops against them, and they would still send troops from Wancheng.

"General Chang's camp, get ready to go!"

Ning Fan's camp was taken away as soon as it left the mountains. In addition to General Chang's camp, there were three other camps with a total of 20,000 soldiers and horses.

After walking for half a day, they came to a valley.

The two camps set up ambushes on both sides, while General Chang's camp and General Li's camp were blocking the front.

"My lord, we should ambush the reinforcements from Liu Jiang here. Liu Jiang is an important town in Dayan, and most of the food and grass are stored here."


Ning Fan nodded. At this time, Dongbo City should have started to attack the city, and Liujiang City should have received the news of Dali's entry.

"Leave the city!"

Ning Fan looked at the red dots on the dynamic military map, and the system gave data, a total of 50,000 troops!


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