Addicted to Boundlessly Pampering You

Chapter 40: Doubtful association

"Let, let go,,,,,,,,,,,,"

A weak struggle, Gu only struggled to move the hand, but the strength was too small, the big hand is like a hoop, how can he break free. Until the indoor Mu Yalun, heard the faint call, he hurriedly started, grabbed Gu from the elders' hand and carefully squatted in his arms.

"Unparalleled, are you okay?" The voice of worry sounded from Mu Yalun's mouth. Gu shook his head weakly, and calmed his heartbeat. The dumb scorpion spoke intermittently: "No, nothing...." . . ."

"Little master, who is he?"

However, he was the only man who had just seized Gu. He had a long, straight hair, and he did not have a haircut. It looked like he was forty or fifty years old. A serious cold face makes Gu's only heart numb. Plus, he was almost killed by him. Gu is very afraid of this elder. There are a few white-dressed old men in the room, sitting at a long table similar to the modern office, and Zhuang Sheng stands aside. This stick makes Gu only very timid. After the squatting of Mu Yalun, he pulled his sleeves. This move, singularly pleased Mu Yalun, somehow, he cooperated to protect him behind him.

"Fu elders, he is the snow unparalleled when I invite guests to the fort." Laughing and explaining, the care of the fundus is visible to anyone. Fu Long’s serious face was slightly convergent, and his cold eyes glanced at Gu’s only one eye, and then slowly said: “The guest of the Lord’s guest does not want to question, but does Xue Xuezi want to explain why he suddenly appears in the Chamber? ”

"That is, Xue Gongzi suddenly appeared here, it is hard not to doubt your intentions!" But it is always looking at the only unscrupulous Zhuangsheng, and now in front of everyone in the fire.

"I, I,,,,,," seems to be somewhat scared by everyone, and the only expression is very weak, almost immediately let Mu Yalun rise up the pity. Soft voice comforted: "Don't be afraid of the unparalleled, let's talk, why are you coming here?"

"I, I am here to find you." Xiaosheng said, Gu is very timid. "At this time of the week, you will come to my room to eat with me; but today, you have not come. I will come to you."

This thoughtful discourse makes Mu Yalun very fond of heart, and believes without any doubt. What's more, this is indeed true. Gu only at this time of the day, it is indeed a meal with Mu Yalun.

"I was negligent. I forgot to tell you that I have something tonight. Go back first, don't wait for me." Gentlely whispered, Mu Yalun's tone was soft.

"I didn't mean to listen to you, and I really didn't hear anything!" Innocently, he even grasped Mu Yalun's hand, and Gu only cried. Angelic face, tearful eyes, lovable.

The heart is soft and soft, and the slender hands cover the hair of the only ink, and comforted: "Unparalleled, I believe in you, really, you should go to the meal first, don't be hungry."

"Yeah." The elk-like tears sighed softly, and Gu nodded and left the Chamber of Deputies under the eyes of Mu Yalun. Until I couldn’t feel the gaze behind me, I was relieved when I got outside the castle. The pitiful face suddenly became calm and awe.

If Lan Shengling wants to use his own threat to his brother, he will not say the news that he has escaped. So, why isn’t my brother looking for her at the moment, trading with Lan Shengling, but entangled in the Blue Snow Fort? Is it really what kind of treasure is Zhuangsheng saying? No, no, she can doubt anyone, it is impossible to doubt the love of her brothers! Inside, there must be something else hidden, something they can't figure out, but what is it?

Hard to think of the results, Gu only decided not to abuse his little head. Let's wait and see what happens, all her doubts will always be a day of falling out.

After dinner, Gu was lying on the bed and couldn’t sleep. I have slept for a long time today, thinking of the adventure in the afternoon, the mysterious grove, and the big red-blooded tree, all come to mind. However, later, what happened later? She only remembers that she saw the tree bleeding, and then, as if an old man appeared and said something strange. What snow girl, seal, and guardianship, but it is not clear. Still, everything that I see today is her illusion. After all, the traces of myself are there, there seems to be nothing, nothing left.

I thought about it, and the only one who fell asleep in this way.

At this moment, Xueyuan Curie, Xueyunge, and Snow Moon are thinking about the wonders seen at noon today. The broken wall is not the entrance to the Blue Snow Fort. However, what makes them even more puzzled is that such a barrier is no stranger to them. Because of the snow, it is also like this. Is there any connection between Snow and Blue Snow, and this connection is why they are taking one? However, the existence of Snow is extremely secretive. It is not even like the Blue Snow Fort, even if no one knows where it is, it is still famous all over the world. Inside, what kind of secrets are hidden in the end, is this behind the scenes really fruitful? Does the other party know what they don't know and know more about the existence of Snow?

I exchanged a look, and the expressions of the two brothers were dignified at the same time. I hope that they thought more. However, even if that is the case, even if they want to give up the Shura Mountain Villa, or even hand over the power of Snow, as long as they can exchange one, what is the relationship!

If you are someone else, if you want to enter the Blue Snow Castle, I am afraid you can only choose it at noon, but for them, entering the castle is a breeze. That barrier, they know how to break. In this way, it saves them a lot of troubles. Who would have thought that the hidden barrier that is in the eyes of others is a trick for children?

Tonight, a raid on the fortune, this time, they are bound to win!

"Commanded, all the shadows are lurking in all corners of the slum, I want to surround it with all sides! Look at it, no one is allowed to go out of the castle, if the lady appears, immediately protect her, there must be no mistakes! Ten Snowcoat Wei, and we will sneak into the Blue Snow Fortress with us tomorrow night!"

"Yes, the owner!"

This time, they don't want to make any mistakes, they have a life-threatening life, and they can only feel at ease if they enter the fort.

One by one, my brother will come soon!

Wow, Jing wants tickets, Jing wants to collect, but also long comment. . . . . . Greedy is not guilty, robbery is reasonable! ! ! ! (*^__^*)嘻嘻...The book is made by the starter, please don't reprint it!

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