Water Palace, study.

"His Royal Highness, the Snow Brothers have begun planning to attack the Fort tomorrow night, and everything is expected in His Royal Highness."

The flattering of the dark guard did not make the blue sacred heart happy, but it was a cold smile, and the face was gloomy: "Is the snow unparalleled yet found?"

"This, and," the dark guard bowed his head and said nothing.

"Becoming incompetent!"

"A word can't solve the problem?" The pressure in the air suddenly increased. The dark guard only felt that breathing was difficult, and the inner force was secretly resisted.

"Give you two more days. Before the Xuejia brothers saw my plan, if you still can't find the snow, you can cut it!"

"Yes, it is not insulting!"

Blue Snow Fort.

The majestic white giant fort, the empty hall for the first time is full of people, a large group of white plain clothes messengers, neatly and seriously gathered together. On the big chair of the fox, it is awesome. Below the right position, there are five white elders and Zhuang Sheng.

For the first time, Mu Yalun, for the first time, a serious look. This time, Blue Snow Fortress really had a big crisis. Not only did strangers come to inquire in these days, but many people surrounded the entire West Gate yesterday. I just don't know when Blue Snow Fortion has provoked such a powerful role, although with the influence of Blue Snow Fort, he does not have to worry. However, he did not want the tranquility of the fort to be destroyed. Now the whole martial law in the fort is not his favorite.

"I believe everyone knows that Blue Snow Castle has been surrounded by people recently. Although we have shelter for the barriers, we have to guard against it. All Suyi Xuewei must now be vigilant. The patrols are at the barrier entrance. Outsiders enter!"

"Yes, less master!"

The neat and radiant sounds, the face of Suyi Xuewei is full of loyalty and firm follow-up.

"The meeting, the elders followed me to the Chamber of Deputies."

"Less Lord, although Blue Snow Fort is the martial arts supreme, no one knows the specific residence. Now, Simon suddenly appears so many people, it is obvious that there is a traitor in the fort, revealing the secret of the barrier." The second time I took hold of Gu’s only veteran, at this moment he sat on the side of the seat, his face was very solemn.

Mu Yalun did not speak, but the gentle eyebrows wrinkled slightly. The elders are right. Except for the spies in the fort, it is impossible for outsiders to know the secrets of Blue Snow Castle. But who is this spy? There are so many people in the fort that there is no way to find out; who is the suspicious person?

"I see, the snow man must have a problem!" Zhuang Sheng spoke dissatisfied. However, he provoked the angry gaze of Ya Lun.

"Shut up!" After calming down the sudden rising anger, Mu Yalun tried to control his emotions as much as possible: "Zhuang Sheng, I don't want to hear the unparalleled words from your mouth next time!" If it’s not good, it won’t work.

Zhuang Sheng’s face was white, and their young masters seemed to have changed since they met the Xuezi. The former little master never gets angry, and he won’t be louder than him. The younger gentleman was gentle and gentle, and he was soft to everyone, but for the snowy son, he became indifferent three times and five times, and even murdered. This is a small master, not a familiar master, all of this, all because of the snow is unparalleled!

Zhuang Sheng’s eyes slammed into the flash of hatred, but he lowered his head and no one saw it. And the elders on the side, looking at this scene, the bottom of the eyes crossed a deep smile.

"People are going to find out who the other person is, and arrange all the clothes and messengers to wait. I will go back first, and that's the way it is." Some tiredly stunned the eyebrows, Mu Yalun waved, got up and left the hall.

The scenery outside is beautiful, the sky is blue, the clouds are white, and everything is always beautiful. However, his mood could not calm down. I don't like Zhuangsheng to be like him. I don't like to see his frustration and grievances. I don't like others to hurt him. A lot of thoughts, chaos, but for him, how simple and innocent little people, how could be the so-called spies. What's more, he brought it himself, and he never went out after entering the fort. Most of the time of day is spent with myself. How could he have that time to reveal the secret. Unparalleled since entering Blue Snow Fort, never asked anything about Blue Snow Fort, so he has any motivation to sell Blue Snow Fort?

Unconsciously, I walked out of the window of the only room. Mu Yalun looked at the boy who was dedicated to painting, the jade-like face, full of serious, slender hands dancing on the paper roll, occasionally stopping for a little meeting, as if thinking of something, the face appeared gentle A smile of love. Staring at his own picture, or nodding or shaking his head. At this time, he is just as beautiful as a white jade innocent child. So, let him want to protect, even, not hesitate to live.

Very strange, he admired Yalun, there is such a mind, the object is still a slender teenager. However, he is quite sure that he has no other thoughts about this boy. Even if there is such a subtle sway in the bottom of my heart, Mu Naru, who does not know what it means. Because in his heart, there is no dirty thought, perhaps, the real simple person is his own right!

I didn't want to worry about him, and I didn't want him to feel embarrassed. Mu Yalun looked at him deeply and left silently.

While seriously painting, I use the thoughts of my thoughts to outline the only thing in her heart, and I have not noticed anything. I just immersed myself in my own world, and my heart is full of love.

West Gate of Yanzhou.

In the dark night, a purple coat, a snowy song that is fascinating and fascinating, and a Qingyi, a cold snow, standing on a high wall, overlooking the quiet community of Ximen. The bottom of the eye, the dark tide is surging.

He was dressed in black and appeared in front of two people. He respected them and said: "The owner can start."

"After entering the fort, Xuewei immediately evacuated to find a young lady. If you encounter an enemy, don't let the killer, just avoid it. If there is an accident, I will signal a warning. When it is time, don't worry about it. What should I do? !"


Just like the arrow of the string, the two shadows disappeared into the wall in an instant, and the subsequent scorpions followed with twenty snow robes.

Two beautiful and slender figure in the night sky, standing quietly on the wall of the run-down. Xue Yunge carefully observed it, and exchanged a self-evident eye with the snow on the side. For a long time, the snow began to open the month: "Brother, yes, it is the barrier of 'Snow", and The snow is exactly the same."

"No matter this, break it first, month!" Nodded to the snow, and the two men took out a piece from their arms, almost the same blue jade that Mu Yalun had!

Two pieces of blue jade, in the moonlight, emit a brilliant blue and green light.

Sorry, my dear, Jing is late today. Last night, the code words were written and Mu Yalun died. The mood erupted and cried a little, and now the eyes are still swollen! Oh, poor admiration, no one likes to go this way. . . .

Hey, Jing did not expect to cause such a big protest. Dear friends, the identity of Mu Mu is not just as simple as the owner of Blue Snow, and the scenery will not make him so easy to die! ! Don't protest, ~~~~(>_<)~~~~, the pressure is good. . . . Mumu will definitely not die! ! ! ! Serious statement! ! ! ! !

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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