Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1241: Because you are the one I love

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say."

Jin Fengchen did not force her, turned her head to look into the distance, a corner of her mouth, "Shu Yun, do you particularly believe in someone for no reason?"

Jiang Seso thought for a while, "Yes, my husband."

"I'm not referring to this, I mean someone who is not very familiar, but you will believe her inexplicably?"

"That's right." Jiang Se's grin, "You."

A surprise flashed from the bottom of his eyes, Jin Fengchen looked at her brilliant smile, as if something flicked in his heart, and there was a shallow ripple.

He quickly withdrew his eyes and chuckled, "I'm glad to have your trust."

"Last time you saw me, but you didn't tell the lady, thank you very much."

Jin Fengchen raised his eyebrows, "So you believed me because of this?"

"That's right."

Actually, I believe you because you are the one I love.

Jiang Seso silently added a sentence in her heart.

"Thank you." Jin Fengchen smiled.

Jiang Sese smiled back. She shook hands and thought for a while, carefully asked: "Are you worried?"

Otherwise how could he ask such a question.

Jin Fengchen looked at the sky, and the corners of his mouth seemed to arbitrarily pick up a slight arc.

Jiang Sezhu frowned, "What's wrong? Can you tell me?"

Jin Fengchen was silent for a few seconds before slowly speaking: "I don't know if the choice I'm making is right or not, and I don't know if I will remember the past one day..."

Speaking of which, he paused, "If one day, would I regret the choice I made now."

From his tone, it can be heard that he is really tangled.

Jiang Sese couldn't help feeling distressed, staring at his beautiful and smooth side profile, his eyes were soft and tender, and said softly: "You can follow your heart without having to force yourself to choose."

Jin Fengchen turned his head, just seeing the affection in her eyes, stunned, the sword frowned, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Ah?" Jiang Sesu quickly withdrew his eyes and raised his hand to scratch the broken hair on the cheek. Some uncomfortable said: "Sorry, when I was looking at you, I thought of my husband."

"It turned out to be this way." Jin Fengchen had no doubt. "You and your husband should have a good relationship?"

"Well, very good. He loves me very much, and I love him very much." Speaking of this, Jiangse's face was filled with sweet happiness.

I don't know why, looking at the happiness on her face, he actually felt the same.

Jin Fengchen couldn't help laughing, but he was a little helpless. It seems that he really was stunned today.

"Master, vassal, don't get entangled, believe in your heart."

Facing her serious eyes, Jin Fengchen smiled and nodded, "Well, I will believe my heart."

"That's right." Jiang Sesu suddenly thought of something, "Did you say you were insomnia last time because you always hear a woman crying in your ear?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Have you ever thought about remembering the past?"

After questioning, Jiang Sesur looked at him expectantly.

Jin Fengchen frowned, "No."

Hearing the word "no", Jiangse's heart hurt badly, and the smile on his face became a little reluctant. "Don't you think your former wife is very pitiful?

You are gone, she must be looking for you everywhere, but you are not even willing to think of her. "

Jiangse's heart hurts. She didn't know what Shangguanyuan did to him and what he said, so he wouldn't think of the past.

Feeling that she was angry, Jin Fengchen was a little strange, "You seem to care about this matter?"

"Of course I do." Jiang Seser smiled bitterly, "because if my husband is gone, I will find him in the world like crazy."

Speaking of which, her eyes could not help but heat, her hot tears sliding down the corners of her eyes.

She raised her hand fiercely, "That's your favorite woman before you lost your memory. Are you willing to see her in pain and see her cry?"

Seeing her crying, Jin Fengchen felt like a block of cotton.


He grumbled his lips reluctantly, "You are right. But I can't think of anything."

"You will remember it." Jiang Sesu sniffed. "As long as you love her enough, you will think of her."

She believes that his feelings towards her will never be easily forgotten.

"Really?" Jin Fengchen took a deep breath, "Follow the destiny."

He stood up and turned to look at her, "Go back and rest early, I'm upstairs."

Jiang Seso said nothing more, watching him leave quietly, and only when his figure disappeared into sight, he looked up at the sky.

There were still a few stars, but now I can't see any of them.

Suddenly, all emotions burst into her face, and she can no longer cover her face and wept.

The person she loves is by her side, but she can't say anything or touch.

How long will this kind of day end?

Recalling his attitude towards the past seems to be optional.

Thinking of this, she hated Shangguanyuan, all because she was selfish, so she let the vassals leave her, and even forgot her completely.

Do not!

Shangguanyuan must not be satisfied.

Jiang Sese raised his head and wiped tears fiercely, his eyes radiating a firm light.

In any case, she reminds the vassals of the past!


Liang Xinwei thought that after the marriage news came out, he might not see Fang Yuchen again.

But I did not expect to see him early out of the community today.

Stopped, she stood and looked at him.

The two are facing each other.

Fang Yuchen slowly approached, and finally stopped in front of her, with a faint smile on his lips, "Have you eaten breakfast?"

"Eat." Liang Xin slightly suppressed all emotions and replied lukewarmly.

Fang Yuchen raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is there any time to chat?"

Liang Xinwei glanced at the phone, "I have to rush to work, no time. Fang, sorry."

She nodded and turned her toes, preparing to bypass him and leave.

As he walked past him, his wrist was suddenly caught by him.

She had to stop, but she did not look back.

His voice rang in his ears, "Slightly, I think we need to talk about it."

Liang Xin smiled, with a bitter smile. "Fang, I don't think there is anything to talk about between us."

Speaking of which, she turned around and looked at him blankly. "We were originally people of two worlds. You have your life, and I have my life to live, so I hope that we will not come and go in the future. "

"Is this your truth?" Fang Yuchen didn't believe that they couldn't even be friends.

Liang Xin nodded slightly, "Yes, it's my truth."

After saying this, she shook off his hand and strode away.

Fang Yuchen stood on the spot and did not catch up, letting her go farther and farther until she could not see her figure.

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