Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1242: How dare you climb high

Liang Xinwei got on the bus and sat down in the last row.

She turned to look at the street scene flashing out of the window, and there was a touch of sadness in her eyes.


A relationship that has ended before the beginning.

In the future, she may never see Fang Yuchen again.

Thinking of this, the tip of the nose could not help being sour, and there was a thin mist in the eyes.

She raised her hand.

There is nothing to cry.

Originally, she and he were people from two worlds, and this time it was formally cut off from her thoughts.

However, my heart still can't help the pain.

At the restaurant, Liang Xinwei went directly to the staff changing room.

Changing her uniform, she was ready to go out and saw Song Ran rushing in.


Liang Xin wore an apron slightly and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Someone looking for you."


Liang Xin frowned slightly, who would come to the restaurant to find her so early?

A man suddenly appeared in my heart.

She laughed at herself, how could it be him?

Song Ran swallowed and replied: "It's Fang Yuchen."

Liang Xinwei froze for a moment, actually it was him.

Small hands clenched, she said: "Tell him that I am busy and have no time to see him."

Song Ran looked at her up and down, frowning puzzledly, "But you are not busy."

Liang Xinwei was a little helpless. "Don't you hear that I don't want to see him?"

"Oh." Song Ran turned to prepare to go out, and thought of something, turned around, his face full of doubts: "Why don't you want to see him?"

That's Fang's president, how many women's dream lover, she actually disappeared if she didn't want to see it, this is too much.

"Song Ran!"

When she called her name directly, Song Ran knew she was angry, so she threw out her tongue and showed a pleased smile, "I will go out and tell him."

When he was finished, he ran out of smoke.

I can't get out for the time being.

Liang Xin sat down slightly in the chair beside her, and her mood was a little complicated.

She didn't know what Fang Yuchen came to see her for, but she could not be seen without him, lest she shake her resolve again.

Song Ran walked out of the restaurant and saw a man standing in front of the railing. She paused and hesitated before walking over.

"Mr. Fang, I'm sorry, I'm a little busy, I can't come out to meet you."

She clearly saw the disappointment in the man's Qingjun face.

Suddenly he couldn't bear it, opened his mouth and tried to persuade him to come back another day, but thinking of Liang Xinwei's attitude, he swallowed it back at his mouth.

Slightly do not want to see him, there must be his own concerns.

"When will she be busy?" Fang Yuchen asked.

He knew that Liang Xinwei didn't want to see him, instead of being too busy.

But he didn't want to just give up.

He really wanted to talk to her.

Song Ran's eyes flickered, "This...I don't know this."

Fang Yuchen thought for a while and asked, "I can wait for her inside, can I?"

"If you want to dine, of course you can, but if you just have to wait a little, then I'm afraid it won't work."

Fang Yuchen looked into the store and pondered for a moment before saying, "Then I will have something to eat."

Anyway, anyway today, he must talk to Liang Xinwei.

When Liang Xin came out slightly and saw Fang Yuchen sitting in the corner, she was stunned for a moment. When the reaction came, she ran to find Song Ran.

"Why didn't you tell me he came in the store?"

Faced with her questioning, Song Ran smiled apologetically, "Sorry, he wouldn't let me say it, so I didn't tell you."

"Are you still not my friend?" Liang Xin was slightly angry.

"Okay, don't be angry." Song Ran pointed to the man in the corner and whispered: "For his perseverance, you can meet him."

"You don't even know..." Liang Xinwei felt agitated.

She really doesn't want to get too close to Fang Yuchen anymore, which is not good for her, it will only make her sink deeper and deeper.

Song Ran sighed, "Yes, I don't know. But no matter what happens between you, you have to make it clear in person."

Liang Xinwei calmed down and gently apologized. "Sorry, I'm a little annoyed, so the tone is a little bit heavy."

"It's okay." Song Ran patted her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I..." Liang Xin pursed her lips slightly, "It will be fine when I make it clear to him."

After that, she would walk towards Fang Yuchen and Song Ran held her.

"Wei Wei, no matter what contradiction you have with him, you try to control your emotions, you know?" Song Ran said with confidence.

After all, the other party is the president of a big group.

Knowing what she was worried about, Liang Xin patted her slightly and appeased: "Come on, it won't be a problem."

Fang Yuchen saw Liang Xinwei coming and stood up quickly, a pair of deep eyes tightly locked her beautiful face.


When she approached, he called softly.

Liang Xin looked at him expressionlessly and asked indifferently, "Fang Zong, do you have anything?"

Her indifferent attitude made Fang Yuchen's heart clenched tightly.

"Wei, when did we become so strange between us? Are we not friends?"

"You are the president of Fang's, and I'm just a small employee of the restaurant, how dare you climb high?"

Her words sounded like an awl drilled into his heart, very uncomfortable.

Fang Yuchen frowned, "When did you learn to speak in such a strange way?"

Said she was yin and yang strange?

Liang Xin's eyes flashed slightly and her small face became colder. She turned sideways and made a gesture of asking, "The door is over there, please always leave."

She thought there was nothing to say between them.

Fang Yuchen couldn't help crying and laughing, "Slightly, where did I mess with you? Do you want to treat me with this attitude?"

Liang Xin squeezed her mouth slightly and said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Fang Yuchen sighed softly, "If you are angry about what happened that night, I apologize to you. It was indeed that I didn't think about it and embarrassed you."

At the mention of that night, Liang Xinwei closed his eyes for a few seconds, and immediately opened, looking at him coldly, "Fang, you are the person to be engaged, it is best not to come to me again, I am afraid that it will cause Necessary misunderstanding."

"I didn't want to get engaged!" Fang Yuchen was anxious and his voice was a little loud, and the others in the restaurant looked at them.

Fang Yuchen calmed down, took Liang Xinwei's wrist and said, "You come with me, we must make things clear."

Before Liang Xinwei reacted, he took the person and walked outside.

Not far away, Song Ran watched them go out, frowning tightly, and worried.

Does this slightly contradict Fang Yuchen?

"Xiao Song, was that person Fang Yuchen?" The manager approached her and asked.

Song Ran quickly replied: "Yes, it's Fang Yuchen."

With a positive answer, the manager's complexion instantly became dignified.

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