"What the **** do you want?"

Liang Xinwei threw away Fang Yuchen's hand with force, and was originally angry, but his eyes turned red.

She turned her head and blinked, not letting her tears flow down.

She was clearly determined to forget him, but why did he come to her and disturb her?

"Slightly, don't cry." Fang Yuchen looked a little helpless.

He just wanted to talk to her.

His voice is gentle.

Liang Xinwei couldn't bear the bitterness in his heart anymore. He cried and said, "You are getting engaged. Can you stay away from me? I really don't want to see you again."

Seeing her crying, Fang Yuchen felt distressed.

He stepped forward and hugged her into his arms, gently stroked her back with a big palm and coaxed softly: "Don't cry, okay?"

"You let me go!" Liang Xin was anxious and struggling desperately, "Fang Yuchen, don't give me any hope anymore..."


Fang Yuchen tried to tighten it tightly and hugged her tightly.

He knew she was wronged, so he just hugged her quietly and said nothing.

At this point in time, the mall had just opened, there were no customers, and it was a quieter corner, and we could clearly hear the sobbing sobs.

I don't know how long it took before Liang Xinwei calmed down, and gently grabbed his shirt with his fingertips, unwilling to let go.

Even more reluctant to leave his arms.

Fang Yuchen's deep voice sounded in his ear.

"Wei, I already said that night, I like you, and I am not without feeling for you."

Hearing the words, Liang Xin squeezed his palm slightly, and immediately released him, pushing him away vigorously, staring at him with his red eyes swollen with tears, and a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

"It's late, isn't it?"

Moreover, she really did not dare to expect her feelings to get his response.

"It's not too late." Fang Yuchen held her shoulders with a serious and sincere tone. "As long as you are willing to believe me, I will solve everything."

"I don't believe you."

Liang Xin slightly opened his hand, turned around, and gently said: "It is because the status of the two of us is too disparate, and it is not suitable at all."

"Do you think I care about this?" Fang Yuchen frowned. "Don't you think that I am also the kind of person who is too poor to love the rich?"

"I don't mean that." Liang Xin turned his head slightly, his eyes a little sad, "Brother Fang, if you really like me, I'm very touched. But... we won't meet again in the future, I hope you can be happy."

"Wei, do you know what you are talking about?"

Fang Yuchen stretched out his hand to touch her, but she evaded.

"I know." Liang Xin took a deep breath and continued: "You are Fang's president and need a wife who can help your career, and Miss Ye is the best candidate."


Fang Yuchen wanted to say that he didn't need it at all, but he was interrupted by Liang Xinwei before he could finish speaking.

"You don't need it, but your parents and Fang family need it."

It turned out she knew everything.

Fang Yuchen was even more distressed to her.

"Wei, whether you believe it or not, I will not marry Ye Xiaoyi."

Speaking of which, Fang Yuchen paused for a few seconds. "The person I like is you. I will make it clear with my parents, but I hope you will not refuse me thousands of miles away."

Liang Xinwei's nose tip can not help but why she wanted to reject him thousands of miles away, but reality does not allow her to have any delusions.

Seeing that she was about to cry again, Fang Yuchen stepped forward and hugged her into her arms again, softly whispering in her ear: "Wei, believe me, I will solve the matter of marriage."

His clear and clean smell filled the entire nasal cavity, tears slipped, Liang Xinwei pressed his face to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, and slowly closed his eyes.

Just let her be capricious once.

Even if there was an abyss waiting for her in front of her, she would step out without hesitation.


Fang Yuchen sent Liang Xinwei back to the restaurant, reached out to wrap the broken hair that fell on her cheek around her ears, and her voice was soft, "I will pick you up at night."

Liang Xin nodded slightly, "Okay."

Watching him leave, Liang Xinwei turned and walked into the restaurant.

As soon as she saw her coming in, Song Ran rushed over and pulled her aside.

"What's the matter with you and Fang Yuchen?"

If it were not for seeing Fang Yuchen’s naturally intimate behavior, Song Ran could not believe that a big president in the hall was so gentle with Weiwei.

Liang Xinwei bit her lips uncomfortably, "Just... that's what you saw."

"No." Song Ran looked around, and when no one was watching them, he whispered, "Isn't he going to get engaged to Ye Jiaqianjin? How did you get with him..."

Speaking of the engagement, Liang Xinwei's complexion suddenly became a bit bad, but he still explained, "That was decided by his parents, and he didn't agree at all."

After hearing this, Song Ran frowned, "So you are together?"

Liang Xin nodded slightly, "It's true."

Song Ran couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Liang Xinwei, aren't you usually very smart? How can you be stupid when you encounter feelings?"

Liang Xin lowered her head slightly and said nothing.

"You have also seen the news of the marriage between Fang Ye and the two people. But people all over the country know that Fang Yuchen will marry Ye Xiaoyi. Are you now with Fang Yuchen, wouldn't it be a small third that destroys people's feelings?"

Thinking of this, Song Ran felt a bit of a headache in her head. She rubbed her eyebrows and continued, "You are so stupid!"

"I know." Liang Xinwei said: "But he said he would solve this matter."

"He said you believe it?" Song Ran suddenly realized that she was an emotional idiot, and the man believed whatever he said.

Liang Xin twitched his lips slightly, "Well, I believe him."

"God!" Song Ran patted his head and shook his head helplessly, "I really don't know what to say about you. I thought there was a contradiction between you, but I didn't expect it to be an emotional thing. I already knew that I You should not be asked to see him."

Song Ran regretted it.

Rather than subject her to infamy, it is better to fall in love.

"Don't worry." Liang Xinwei gave her a soothing smile. "It's not as serious as you think."

"I also hope it's not as serious as I thought." Song Ran sighed heavily. "But if this matter is known to the Ye family, I don't think you will feel well."

They have all seen how arrogant Ye Xiaoyi is. If they know that their fiancé likes other women, they will certainly not give up.

Liang Xin took a deep breath, "When I promised to be with him, I already thought about the consequences."

"Aren't you afraid?" Song Ran asked doubtfully.

"Afraid." Liang Xinwei replied frankly.

"I'm afraid you promised?"

Liang Xinwei bent his lips and smiled, "I want this relationship more than fear."

After hearing this, Song Ran sighed again and patted her on the shoulder. "Well, I wish you good luck."

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