Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1248: That's my child

Looking at Tiantian's crying sadness, Jin Fengchen felt a pain in his heart, as if stabbed by a sword.

"Sweet..." He stretched out his hand to touch her, and something suddenly flashed in his mind.

He covered his head and moaned. He yelled, "It hurts..."

Upon seeing this, Shangguanyuan hurried forward to support him, "Religion, what's wrong with you?"

"My head hurts." Jin Fengchen crouched down in pain.

His painful expression scared both Tiantian and Xiaobao, staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

"Hurry to the hospital." Jin Fengyao wanted to help the people up.

Unexpectedly, Shangguanyuan was forced to push away, "You leave me, not you, he will not be so painful!"

She stared at Jin Fengyao resentfully.

Apparently the vassals had forgotten the past, but they still forced him to remember, completely disregarding his physical condition.

In desperation, Jin Fengyao could only leave with two children.

"I want Daddy, I want Daddy..." Tian Fengyao cried sweetly into the car.

Her eyes were red and she was crying, which was very distressing.

"Sweet, don't cry anymore." Jin Fengyao took a few tissues to help her clean her face and coaxed softly: "Your father's body is not feeling well now, we will take him home another day."

"I don't want, I'm going to take Daddy home now."

The tears wet the sweet young face again.

Seeing her crying so sad, Jin Fengyao felt very uncomfortable and could only hug her into her arms and gently patted her back to appease.

Xiao Bao sat quietly on the side. He lowered his head, and there was calmness in his face that did not match his age.

After the sweet mood calmed down, Xiao Bao asked, "Uncle, will my dad never think of me and sweet again?"

"No." Jin Fengyao touched his head and continued: "Your father loves you so much, how could you forget you."

"But he really has forgotten us now." Xiaobao's eyes looked hot when he thought of Daddy's strange expression when he looked at him.

His daddy really forgot him and sweet.

"To have confidence in your fatherland, he will remember you." Jin Fengyao comforted with a particularly determined tone.

Xiaobao quietly "huh", then quieted down, said nothing more.


On the other side, Jin Fengchen lay down on the bed, his eyes closed tightly, and a pair of beautiful sword brows were tightly wrinkled.

Shangguanyuan stretched his hand in distress and stroked his eyebrows, "If you really can't bear the vassal, I'll get you a pill."

When the words fell, she turned to go out.

Suddenly, his wrist was caught.

She slowly turned her head, Jin Fengchen opened his eyes, and a slight smile smiled in the corner of his mouth, said softly: "I'm fine, just rest after a while."

Shangguanyuan cried.

She raised her hand and wiped her tears, sobbing: "You scared me to death."

"Don't cry, I'm really okay." Jin Fengchen turned to look out the window, his smile slowly faded, and his expression became solemn. "Yuanyuan, can our wedding be suspended?"

"Why?" Because of surprise, Shangguanyuan's voice was raised several degrees.

"I want to resolve my previous affairs first."

"I don't allow it." Shangguanyuan shook her head. "Since you have forgotten everything before, it has nothing to do with you."

If he really wants to resolve the previous issues clearly, then he will definitely be unclear with Jiang Sesur.

Maybe the memory will be restored because of this.

She absolutely does not allow this to happen.

"Yuanyuan." Jin Fengchen turned his head and turned the resistance in her face into her eyes, and said softly: "Don't think about it, I just want to say goodbye to the past, so that we can live a peaceful life in the future, don't we? ?"

"But... but if you remember the past, you will..."

He will hate her.

Shangguanyuan didn't dare to finish talking, because she was really afraid that such a thing would happen.

She spent a lot of time to keep him beside her, she really didn't want to lose him.

I really don't want to!

"Wedding will be held as usual!" Shangguanyuan said, "You know the situation of grandma, this matter can not be delayed."


Jin Fengchen also tried to persuade her, but she covered her mouth.

She shook her head gently, "Nothing to say, listen to me."

Seeing her perseverance, Jin Fengchen had to give up, he took her hand and sighed, "All listen to you."

Shangguanyuan took his hand and said in a soft voice: "Faith, I know what you are worrying about, but you have forgotten all the previous things, haven't you? That means you are born again, you have to start a new one life."

Jin Fengchen chuckled softly, his smile somewhat helpless, "Yuanyuan, that's my child, isn't it?"

Sure enough, the child affected him.

Shangguanyuan regretted not kicking Jin Fengyao out as soon as he entered the door, so that the vassal would not see the two children, and there would be no later things.

After seeing her not speaking, Jin Fengchen continued: "Yuanyuan, I saw Tiantian crying and shouting at my father, I was very unhappy. I wanted to hug her, but I dare not touch her."

Speaking of which, his eyes were wet.

It feels like it's something you love, but it doesn't belong to you.

"Father, I understand your mood." Shangguanyuan bit her lip, "or, wait for us to get married, then take the two children to us, how?"

As long as he can marry her, she can try to accept the two children.

Later, when they have their own children, I believe he will slowly pay less attention to those two children.

"What about their mother?"

Jin Fengchen had a picture of Jiang Sesur crying very sadly in his head, and his heart hurt so badly.

Shangguanyuan laughed, with a little bit of sarcasm in her smile, "Actually, you care about their mother?"

Jin Fengchen frowned, "Not what you think."

But what is it?

He couldn't tell.

It seems that it is indeed related to their mother.

"What's that like? Just because you saw those two children, you don't want to marry me. After all, you are nostalgic to the past, and you haven't forgotten that woman."

Jin Fengchen sneered at himself, "I've forgotten the past, how can I miss the past?"

Shangguanyuan suddenly felt a little tired. She took a deep breath and said, "This matter ends here, okay?"

She just wanted to have good memories with him, not mixed with others' unpleasant memories.

Seeing the fatigue between her eyebrows, Jin Fengchen nodded, "Okay, I won't say anything."

Shangguanyuan let out a long sigh of relief, touched his face, and said softly: "You take a break, I will go out."


Shangguanyuan helped him tuck the quilt and turned and walked out of the room.

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