Shangguanyuan closed the door lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and it was counted.

It seems that the wedding has to be done in advance, so as to avoid long nights.

Who knows what methods they will use to stimulate the vassals and let him restore his memory.

She quickly went downstairs, preparing to go to the company to find Shangguanqian to discuss the wedding.

As soon as he walked to the entrance, he saw Shu Yun coming in with a garden shear.

As soon as she saw her, Shu Yun stood still and bowed his head respectfully, "Miss."

"What are you doing?" Shangguanyuan glanced at the scissors in her hand and asked sharply.

"I'm thirsty and want to pour a glass of water to drink." Shu Yun hurriedly explained.

"Go. After drinking water, go to the backyard. If you are busy, go back to the room and stay. Don't run around, you know?"

She was going out now, and the vassal was at home alone, in case they were in trouble.

Shu Yun nodded, "Got it."

Watching Shangguanyuan go out, Jiang Sesur sighed with relief, and immediately bent the corner of her lips, her beautiful eyes shone with cunning light.

Shangguanyuan is out, isn't there just a vassal at home?

She quickly put the scissors in the entrance, walked quickly into the house, and looked up to the second floor.

The heartbeat speeds up little by little.

The vassal is on the second floor, and she can see him as long as she goes upstairs.

As she stepped on the first flight of stairs, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Shu Yun, what do you want to do?"

Scared that she quickly retracted her foot, turned around, and smirked at the butler, "Isn't I getting fat recently? I just saw on the phone that climbing stairs can lose weight."

"So you want to climb the stairs?" The butler approached, and her gaze fell on her face.

"Yeah." Jiang Sesur shook his hands and smiled a little unnaturally.

The butler looked up at the second floor and reminded her, "Don't forget how the lady told me? She said you can't go to the second floor."

"Uncle Zhang, don't worry, I remember this."

Then, Jiangse went to the porch and said, "The grass in this front yard has not been repaired. I will hurry to repair it."

When the words fell, he ran away, and did not forget to take away the scissors.

The butler shook his head and sighed. The girl Shu Yun was really uncomfortable. If I had found it in time, I would have run upstairs.

It seems that he had to find an opportunity to tell the young master and let him persuade Shu Yun to do something that made the young lady angry.

Jiang Sesu absently trimmed the flowerbed, turning his head from time to time to look at the balcony of Jin Fengchen's room on the second floor.

I don't know what the vassal is doing now, it would be nice if she could come out and give her a glance.

Xu Heavenly Lord looks at her pitiful, or maybe the husband and wife have a good heart...

Jin Fengchen lay on the bed for a while, and his mind was full of images of Jiang Sezuo and Tiantian weeping, which disturbed him and made him restless.

He simply got out of bed and walked to the window, trying to breathe, pulled out the awning, pushed open the door and went out.

He raised his hands on the railing and looked up at the blue sky.

At this time, a surprise and carefully lowered voice came from downstairs.

"Master vassal!"

He lowered his head and saw Shu Yun standing on the lawn and waved at him.

Somehow, when he saw her smile, his restless heart slowly calmed down.

"Master, vassal, what are you doing?"

Jin Fengchen couldn't help laughing, "I came out to breathe."

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Sesur asked tentatively, "Master Sir, do you want to try gardening?"

She pointed to the flower garden behind her.

Jin Fengchen raised his eyebrows, "Okay."

Anyway, he is also idle, it is better to find something to do.

"Then you come down."

Jiang Sesel beckoned at him, and cautioned carefully, "Don't be seen by Uncle Zhang."

"Okay, wait for me." Jin Fengchen turned and walked into the house.

After a while, Jiang Sesu saw him coming out of the villa.

Watching him walk towards him step by step, the smile on Jiangse's face grew bigger and bigger.

"Try it?"

When he walked in front of himself, Jiang Sesur passed the trimming scissors in his hand.

Jin Fengchen glanced down and looked at her, his thin lips bent, "Okay, I will try."

He took it over, tried to cut off a branch, and turned his head to look at Jiang Sesel, "So, right?"

Jiang Sezhu nodded, "Well, yes, cut all that should be cut."

As soon as the housekeeper walked out of the villa, he saw Feng Feng Jin, who was trimming the flowerbed seriously, and frightened him, exclaiming, "Master Fengjun, what are you doing?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Seso crouched under the flowerbed and stood up. She saw the steward's face running in horror and frowned.


"Master, vassal, how can you do this kind of thing?" The butler grabbed the scissors and accused Jiangse of it.

"What are you doing, how can you let the vassals prune the flowerbed? You don't want to do it here, do you?"

Jiang Sezhu bit her lip, daring not to speak.

Upon seeing this, Jin Fengchen quickly explained: "Uncle Zhang, I want to try it myself, it's not Shu Yun's business."

"Master vassal, how can you try this? If this is seen by the young lady, I will be miserable."

The butler sighed.

"Uncle Zhang, don't worry, Yuan Yuan won't know."

Jin Fengchen was afraid that the housekeeper would blame Jiangse, saying, "Shu Yun, I'm sorry, I'm in trouble."

Jiang Sezhu shook his head.

Not at all troublesome.

She wished he could stay by his side all the time.

If not a housekeeper...

Thinking of this, she looked angrily at the housekeeper.

The butler thought she was blaming herself for scolding her, and she sighed heavily and explained: "Shu Yun, you also know that the young lady does not like you and the vassal masters are too close. Do you want the lady to drive you away?"

"No." Jiang Sesur pursed her lips. "I'm not a virus. Is it necessary for Miss to guard me like this?"

"Okay, don't talk about it." The butler glared at her angrily, and said to Feng Feng Jin: "Master vassal, please go upstairs, otherwise the lady will blame me."

"Okay." Jin Fengchen smiled at Jiangse, "I'm going upstairs first."


Jiang Sesai reluctantly watched him walk into the house.

The butler stared at her closely, frowning, "Shu Yun, wouldn't you like the vassal master?"

"No." Jiangse Se picked up the scissors and clicked twice, and cut off two messy branches.

The housekeeper's brow furrowed, "No, no, why do you cut so hard?"

Jiang Sezuo kept silent and continued to trim the flowerbed.

Seeing this, the housekeeper had no choice but to walk away.

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