Shangguanyuan returned home and immediately called the housekeeper.

"Is the vassal going downstairs besides eating today?" Shangguanyuan asked.


"What happened to Shu Yun?"

"Shu Yun she..." The butler hesitated. He didn't know if he should tell Shu Yun that she ran into the kitchen during lunch time.

It was also his hesitation that made Shangguanyuan feel something was wrong and immediately froze his face, then asked sharply, "What did she do?"

The butler had to faithfully reply: "She came to the kitchen, and the vassal master saw her."

"How did I tell you?"

Shangguanyuan took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart, "Go and call me Shu Yun."


The housekeeper hurried to call someone.

Shangguanyuan walked to the living room and sat down, his face with delicate makeup was gloomy.

That Shu Yun was not a peaceful person, maybe he had been thinking about how to get close to the vassal.

Sure enough, her instincts were correct, and she didn't like it at first sight.

When the housekeeper came, Jiang Sesu was cleaning the flower house.

When she saw the housekeeper, she still had a smile on her face and asked, "Uncle Zhang, why are you free?"

"Miss is looking for you."

When he heard Shangguanyuan looking for himself, the smile on Jiangse's face instantly solidified, "Why is she looking for me?"

"What do you say?"

For the helpless look of the upper housekeeper, Jensen suddenly understood.

In addition to the vassal, will Shangguanyuan have other things to find her?

Jiang Sesu followed the housekeeper and went to the living room.

"Miss, Shu Yun is here."

Shangguanyuan raised his head, his fierce gaze shot at Jiang Sesel.

Jiang Sese bowed her head and asked respectfully, "Miss, what are you looking for me for?"

"Have you seen a vassal today?" Shangguanyuan asked.

If she called herself, she would have known for a long time.

Therefore, there is no need to hide.

Jiang Sezhu nodded, "Well, I saw it."

"Shu Yun!" Shangguanyuan got up and stared at her angrily. "Did I ever tell you to stay away from the vassal?"

"Did you say that. But didn't you come across it by accident?" Jiang Sesur pretended to be in a daze.

"Unintentionally?" Shangguanyuan sneered, "You deliberately ran to the kitchen, can this be called inadvertently?"

"I went to the kitchen just to help, and I never thought I would happen to see the vassal master."

Not only did she quibble, but she didn't realize that she was wrong.

Shangguanyuan was angry, she gritted her teeth, "Butler!"

"Miss, I'm here."

"Calculate her salary and let her go!"

When he heard that he wanted to turn himself off, Jiang Sesur's face changed suddenly, and she quickly admitted to her mistake: "Miss, give me another chance! I will see the vassal master in the future. I will definitely hide far away. Please give me another chance!"

In her pleading, Shangguanyuan turned a deaf ear and ordered coldly: "Uncle Zhang, let her go quickly!"

The housekeeper did not dare to hesitate, and answered "Yes" and turned to Jiangse, "Shu Yun, come with me."

Jiang Sesel refused, "Miss, please believe me, give me another chance!"

"Uncle Zhang!"

Shangguanyuan shouted, and the housekeeper was frightened to drag Jiang Sesel away.

"Uncle Zhang, you let me go!"

While struggling, Jiang Sesur turned back to Guanyuan and begged: "Miss, I was wrong, please give me another chance! Miss..."

Shangguanyuan turned around and answered her with her indifferent back.

"[笔趣阁] has reminded you a long time ago that you are not listening, is this alright? The girl is completely annoyed."

When Jiang Sesel was pulled outside, the housekeeper scolded with anger and frustration.

"Uncle Zhang, help me beg Miss, let her give me another chance, I promise to stay away from the vassal master."

Jiang Sesu begged hard.

But the housekeeper was unimpressed and refused, "Forget it, you should go and find another job."

"Uncle Zhang, please."

Jiang Sese didn't want to leave like this, the vassal hadn't remembered her, she couldn't leave.

"let's go."

The butler waved his hand, then turned and entered the house, shut the door, and left Jiang Suther alone.

Looking at the closed door, Jiangse wanted to laugh and cry.

She finally entered Shangguan's house and was kicked out after not long.

It's really useless.

Looking up at the balcony on the second floor, Jin Fengchen's room, I felt sour in my heart, and there was a mist in my eyes, which gradually blurred her vision.

Cry what cry!

Jiang Sese raised his hand and wiped away the tears, his expression became firm.

She won't give up just like that.

She must bring the vassals home!


In the evening, Shangguanqian drove the car to the garage. After parking, he opened the door and got off.

The black lights in the garage were blind, and only the lights from the courtyard outside came in a little, a little bright.

Suddenly a figure ran to him.

He was startled, thinking he was a bad guy, and reached out to try to subdue the other party.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded.

"it's me."

Shangguanqian turned on the headlights, and then he could clearly see Jiang Sesel standing in front of him.

He frowned, "What are you doing here?"

"I was kicked out by your sister."

"What? Yuanyuan drove you out?" Shangguan Qian was a little surprised. "What the **** did you do to make her angry?"

Jiang Sesu was helpless, "What could it be."

It's because of Jin Fengchen again!

Shangguanqian couldn't help but get angry, "Don't I let you settle down these days? Why don't you listen?"

"How do I know she will know?" Jiang Sese sighed, "Your sister is too sensitive."

She just met with the vassal, and she is not the appearance of Jiang Sesu now.

How sensitive Shangguanyuan means how much he cares about Jin Fengchen.

This is like a thorn stuck in Shangguanqian's heart, uncomfortably uncomfortable.

"So what do you do now?" Shangguan Qian asked.

"I don't know." Jiang Sesur replied truthfully.

She really did not know what to do. The cautious personality of the above official Yuan, even if she knelt down and begged her, would be unmoved.

Shangguan Qian stared at her, frowning, "Do you want me to help you?"

"Yes." Jiang Sezhu nodded.

Shangguan Qian chuckled, "Jiangse Se, don't overdo it. You have messed it up. How can I help you?"

Jiang Sesel did not answer the question: "Don't you want the vassal to leave Shangguan's house quickly? Or do you really want to watch your beloved woman marry another man?"

Shangguanqian smiled, with a satiric expression on his face, "You really understand the truth about playing snakes three inches."

"That's for sure. I'm Jin Fengchen's wife." Jiang Sesur couldn't help but mention this identity.

Yes, she is the wife of Jin Fengchen.

Jin Fengchen is her husband, only hers.

"So it's just as annoying." Shangguanqian whispered.

Jiang Sese heard this and didn't mind, "When I take the vassal home, you won't think we hate it."

Shangguanqian looked at her for a while before nodding, "OK, I will help you again."

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