Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1257: The right to speak

Shangguanqian let Jiang Seso wait outside and walked into the house.

When the housekeeper saw him coming back, he hurried up and whispered, "Young Master, Shu Yun was driven away by Miss."

"I know." Shangguanqian took off his suit jacket and handed it to the housekeeper, and asked, "Where is the lady?"


Shangguan Qian walked upstairs quickly, came to the door of Shangguanyuan's room, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Yuanyuan, it's me."

After a while, the door opened.

Shangguanyuan looked at him expressionlessly, with an indifferent tone, "Is something wrong?"

Although she has long been accustomed to her attitude, Shangguan Qian is still a little hurt.

After all, there is a big gap between this and the attitude towards Jin Fengchen.

Shangguan Qian was not distressed and asked, "Why did Shu Yun drive away?"

"Are you here to speak for that Shu Yun?" Shang Guanyuan asked without answering, and was particularly mocking.

"Yes." Shangguan Qian nodded frankly. "She was the servant I asked for from the housekeeping company. Simply put, I chose to use her. Even if you want to fire her, you must first ask me what I mean? "

"OK." Shangguanyuan nodded. "I'll ask you what you mean now."

Shangguan Qian frowned and looked at her momentarily.

Just listen to her speak slowly, "Shu Yun tried to approach the vassal despite her warning twice and repeatedly, and I reasonably suspected that she wanted to be against the vassal."

"Because of this, you fired her?" Shangguanqian frowned even more and couldn't agree with her approach.

"Isn't that enough?" Shangguanyuan sneered. "Don't wait for the vassal to have an accident before expelling people?"

Shangguan Qian took a deep breath, "I don't mean that. I mean Shu Yun is not the kind of person you think."

"Listen to you, do you know her well?" Shangguanyuan put her arms around her chest, watching his eyes full of sarcasm.

Shangguanqian found that he had wrapped himself in, and he raised his hand, "Wait a minute, where do you see that I know her well?"

"Isn't that what you said yourself?" Shangguanyuan snorted coldly, "If you're not familiar with her, how do you know she's not the kind of person I think?"

"I'm just very confident in the vision of my selection."

Shangguanqian thought for a while and continued: "Jin Fengchen is an adult, not as vulnerable as you think, as if anyone can hurt him. Also, don't think everyone is as obsessed with him as you are. "

"What the **** do you want?" Shangguanyuan asked coldly.

"I will ask Shu Yun to come back. If you don't want to see her, I will tell her that she has been staying in the backyard, and if you see you, go around, will you?"

"I disagree." Shangguanyuan directly refused.

"Why? She is just a servant, why should you bother with her?"

If she saw that Shu Yun was Jiang Sesu, she drove away, he had nothing to say.

But this is not the case now, he really can't understand why she has such great hostility to Shu Yun.

"Since you also know that she is just a servant, then you don't need to speak for her. You will find another one when the time comes."

Shangguanyuan's words are not wrong.

Shangguan Qian didn't know what to say for a while.

Shangguanyuan did not want to waste time on such meaningless things, "If there is no other thing, I still have to be busy."

When the words fell, she raised her hand to close the door.


Shangguanqian blocked the door and remained silent for a few seconds. "Yuanyuan, I should still have some say in this house. I will let Shu Yun come back."

After saying this, he turned around and left, regardless of whether Shangguanyuan agreed or not.

Shangguanyuan was stunned for a while, and he immediately laughed out of laughter.

She really didn't understand why he was protecting a servant. Was it as she suspected, what secrets did he and Shu Yun have?

If this is the case, she can not agree with his approach.


Shangguanqian directly called Jiang Sesur home.

"In the future, you will stay in the backyard honestly, don't run around, or I won't be able to protect you next time." Shangguanqian specifically advised.

Jiangse nodded hurriedly, "Master, rest assured, I will never run around again."

Shangguanqian did not believe her.

She cares so much about Jin Fengchen, who knows what else to do.

But it can be a day.

He also gave up forcing her to do what she did.

"Go back to the room."

Jiangse said thanks and hurried to the room.

When passing by the stairs, Shangguanyuan happened to come down.

The two made a face-to-face meeting, and Jiang Sezhu nodded and hurried away with her head down.

"You really let her come back." Shangguanyuan walked to Shangguanqian and looked at him incredulously.

Shangguanqian smiled softly, "I just don't want to be said to be an unscrupulous boss. She didn't make a big mistake and there was no reason to expel her."

"There is no reason?" Shangguanyuan sneered, "I said, I suspect she wants to be bad for the vassals!"

"You just doubt it, don't you?" Shangguan Qian raised an eyebrow.

Shangguanyuan choked, and immediately smiled, the smile was full of sarcasm, "OK, Shangguanqian, you are really in love with that Shu Yun."

Shangguanqian didn't speak, he didn't want to say more, just think what she thought.

Shangguanyuan took a deep breath and continued: "I now suspect that you want to use Shu Yun to be detrimental to the vassals. After all, you have a great opinion of him."

Shangguanqian smiled, "Yuanyuan, you watched a lot of dog blood TV series, can you think of such things?"

Immediately, he shrugged again, "Whatever you think, I don't agree to expel Shu Yun anyway."

After he finished speaking, he went straight out.

He needs a few drinks to calm down his irritability.


Fang Yuchen didn't expect to ask Shangguanyuan to have a meal, but he was photographed and posted on the Internet.

Gossip is flying everywhere.

It is said that the person he likes is actually Shangguanyuan, and the marriage with the Ye family is just to stabilize his position as president.

When he saw the news, Fang Yuchen couldn't help laughing.

"How could anyone compile such ridiculous news?" He looked up at Song Yao with a helpless expression.

Song Yao rubbed his lips and said carefully: "President, weren't you pursuing Miss Shangguan at first? So this news is not all edited."

"What time is this, and also mention this?" Fang Yuchen raised his eyebrows in displeasure.

Song Yao closed his mouth and silently said in his heart: This is only the past few months.

"Go out, I will make a private call."


After Song Yao went out, Fang Yuchen called Liang Xinwei, fearing that she would be thinking about the news.

However, no one answered after playing several times.

Are you busy? Otherwise, why not answer the phone?

At this time, Liang Xinwei kept apologizing to people.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was my family that An An accidentally hit your son. Please don't be angry."

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