Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1258: Violence against violence

Opposite her is a woman dressed up with grace and luxury. The face with delicate makeup is full of anger at the moment.

The little boy in her hand had a scar on her face, bloodshot eyes, and looked scary.

"Look at my son's face caught like this, can I solve it with a few sorry words? What if the scars are left in the future?" she asked angrily.

Since answering the phone, she hurried over to the school, and she apologized non-stop as soon as she saw the other's parents.

"I'm sorry, what do you think is more appropriate?" Liang Xinwei asked cautiously.

"Let my son catch it too."

Liang Xinwei didn't expect that the other party would make such a request, and he froze for a moment, then immediately reacted and said: "Mother Peng Peng, is it not appropriate to use violence to suppress violence?"

"Inappropriate?" Peng Peng's mother sneered, "Then my son can only be wronged?"

"I don't mean that. I mean I will pay for medical expenses, no matter how much you spend."

Upon hearing this, the other party was not happy, and shouted loudly, "Are we looking for money? Anyway, my son will have to punch back!"

The other party's attitude is not understandable in three words, and Liang Xinwei has no idea for a moment.

If you really agree to her condition and let her son settle down, then you will have to die.

At this moment, An An ran over, pointed at the other boy, and said, "Mom, it was he who threw my book first, and did not apologize before I hit him."

Wen Yan, Liang Xinwei frowned, although it was indeed An'an who was the first to provoke the other party, but after all, it was wrong to beat people.

"An An, apologize."

An An thought he had heard it wrong, "Mom!!"

"You hit someone just because you were wrong. He threw your book. You can get him to apologize, but you can't do it."

An An squeezed her lips tightly, her small cheeks flushed, just not willing to apologize.

Pengpeng’s mother saw that An Anzuan refused to apologize and shouted: “Your son really has the guts”! He hurt people at a young age, which is enough to grow up! Sure enough, the children of single-parent families are amazing !"

Liang Xinwei frowned, "If your son threw my son's book, my son would not beat him."

Originally, she also thought that this was An An’s fault, and she could understand the other mother’s distress for the child, but does this matter have anything to do with An An’s single-child family?

"Yo, are you trying to say that it is my son's fault?" the boy's mother asked irritably.

Liang Xinwei didn't want to say too much to her, turned to An An and said: "Apologize quickly, otherwise I'm angry!"

What An An feared most was that she was angry.

She said this, An An was reluctant and apologized obediently: "I'm sorry, Peng Peng, I shouldn't hit you."

Peng Peng raised his chin and looked like he couldn't live forever. "My mother said, an apology is useless. You have to let me hit it."

The teacher kept watching quietly beside him, and wanted to let the parents solve the fight.

But after so long negotiations between the parents of both parties, the matter has not been resolved.

She couldn't help it, and came over, "Mother Peng Peng, this child is always inevitable to fight, and An An also apologized, please forgive him."

Seeing the teacher talking for An An, Peng Peng's mother was even more angry.

She pulled Peng Peng in front of her, pinched his chin, and pointed his injured cheek to Liang Xinwei.

"Look, it's just as simple as a fight? This is a malicious injury!"

"Did you say this a bit heavy?" The teacher frowned.

"It's not hitting your children, of course you feel heavy." Meng Peng Peng glanced at An An and continued: "The school must deal with this matter."

"What do you want the school to do?" the teacher asked.

"Let him drop out of school!"

As soon as this remark came out, the teacher and Liang Xinwei were shocked.

The matter was not serious enough to require An'an to drop out of school.

"As long as he drops out of school, I can just forget about it."

The teacher smiled helplessly, "Mother Peng Peng, things are not so serious. You take the child to the doctor first, and any expenses incurred will be borne by Ms. An'an."

"I said that my family is not short of money! I can't let my son be beaten in vain!"

No matter what the teacher advises, she is unwilling to reconcile.

"As long as he drops out of school, this matter will be fine." Her attitude was particularly determined and there was no room for change.

Liang Xinwei took a deep breath, "Mother Peng Peng, shall I let you hit it, will you?"

While the other party did not respond, she directly grabbed the other party's hand and fanned to her cheek.


The others were stunned.

Liang Xinwei didn't care about the pain and smiled at Pengpeng's mother and asked, "Is it enough?"

Pengpeng's mother was completely ignorant. She didn't expect that she would do so.

"If it's not enough, play a few more times."

After talking, Liang Xinwei slapped again and again.

Pengpeng's mother quickly withdrew her hand and hurriedly left with her child after cursing the phrase "neuropathy".

Just like there are flood beasts chasing behind.

"Mother An'an, are you okay?" The teacher looked at Liang Xinwei worriedly.

Because even a few slaps, and Liang Xinwei was not soft, his cheeks were swollen.

Liang Xinwei smiled and shook his head, "I'm fine."

She lowered her head to look at An An, and An An's eyes were filled with tears, her small hands clenched tightly.

I couldn't help it.

Liang Xinwei leaned down and reached out to touch An An's head, and said softly, "Mum is fine, don't worry."

"Sorry, mother." An An bowed his head and apologized in a low voice.

"Good boy, don't beat anyone in the future, you know?" Liang Xinwei knew he was actually wronged, and he couldn't bear to scold him.

An An nodded heavily, "Got it."

"Mother An'an, this time it was indeed Peng Peng wrong." The teacher looked at An An, who was red-eyed, and sighed softly. "The child has always been naughty, and it also made me a headache. I will pay more attention to it in the future."

Liang Xin smiled, "It's okay, teacher."

Liang Xinwei took An'an out of the school, stopped a taxi on the roadside, and got on the bus. She found that Fang Yuchen had made several calls.

She quickly called back.

Soon it will be picked up over there.

Fang Yuchen's anxious voice came over: "Why didn't you answer the phone? Did something happen?"

I have faced everything by myself for so many years.

Suddenly someone cared about herself, Liang Xinwei's nose tip could not help but she quickly turned her face and looked out the window, not wanting An An to see herself crying.

Did not hear the response, Fang Yuchen took off his phone and took a look.

The phone is on.

He tried to shout: "Wei?"

"I'm here." Liang Xin sucked his nose slightly, even if he couldn't see it, he still squeezed a smile, "I'm fine, don't worry."

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