Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1268: I'm just jealous

Liang Xinwei turned to look at him, lowered his head, and whispered: "I didn't expect it."

Before confirming the relationship with Fang Yuchen, she did not dare to imagine that one day she would be with such an excellent man as Fang Yuchen.

Sometimes it feels like a dream.

The hand holding the steering wheel tightened, Gu Nian depressed the sourness in the bottom of my heart, barely squeezed out a smile, and joked: "I really thought you would not talk about feelings."

Hearing the words, Liang Xinwei thought of what he had said to him before, and inexplicably guilty, he quickly explained: "Actually, I thought I had lived this way in my life, but..."

Hearing the panic in her voice, Gu Nian chuckled softly, "I don't blame you. I just think we have no fate."

Liang Xinwei bit her lip, "You will definitely meet someone better than me."

"hope so."

Gu Nian looked at the road ahead, and some sadness gradually appeared in his eyes. In his eyes, she was the best, and no one was better than her.

The car stopped at the door of the community, Liang Xinwei unfastened the seat belt, said "Thank you", and opened the door to get off.

Looking at her slender back through the car window, an inexplicable emotion flooded her heart.

Gu Nian unfastened his seat belt, got off the bus, and ran towards Liang Xinwei.


Hearing the sound, Liang Xinwei stopped and turned around.

Suddenly, her wrists were tightly held, and she pulled into Gu Nian's arms.

Her eyes widened and she began to struggle, "Brother Gu, you let me go."

Gu Nian did not let go, but held her tightly.

"Vivi, let me hug for a while, just for a while."

His voice trembled a little, with a hint of begging.

Liang Xinwei's heart softened, she stopped struggling and quietly let him hold him.

I don't know how long it took before Gu Nian spoke, and his voice was a little hoarse, "Wei Wei, you must be happy."

Feeling his feelings for himself, Liang Xinwei couldn't help feeling sad.

"Thank you, Brother Gu."

She didn’t know what she could do except thanks.

"What are you doing?"

A familiar, angry voice suddenly sounded.

Liang Xinwei's face changed, subconsciously pushed Gu Nian away, turned his head and looked around with sound.

Fang Yuchen walked over, his face covered with a layer of haze, his eyes staring coldly at Gu Nian.

"Yu Chen, things are not what you think..."

Liang Xinwei wanted to explain, but saw Fang Yuchen raise her hand to stop her from speaking down.

She could only shut her mouth and looked at him at a loss.

"Master, what do you think we are doing?"

Compared with Liang Xinwei's nervousness, Gu Nian seemed much calmer and looked at Fang Yuchen with a smile.

"She is my girlfriend."

In order to declare sovereignty, Fang Yuchen put Liang Xinwei in his arms.

Gu Nian laughed out loud, "Master, I didn't expect you to be in a naive relationship when you were in love."


Dare to call him naive, do you think he has a good temper?

Just when Fang Yuchen was going to get angry, Gu Nian said: "Master Master, treat Weiwei well, she is very good."

Fang Yuchen froze.

"I'm leaving."

Gu Nian Chong Liang Xinwei waved his hand and turned and walked towards his car.

When he reached the car and reached for the door, he turned back and looked at the slender figure not far away, the corners of his mouth evoked a shallow curvature.

She will be happy.


"Yu Chen, actually..."

Liang Xinwei tried to explain, but was interrupted before finishing.

"Go home and talk."

Fang Yuchen took the lead to turn around and walk into the community.

He is still angry.

Liang Xinwei took a deep breath and quickly followed.

Back home, Liang Xinwei went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water, put it on the coffee table in front of Fang Yuchen, and squeezed out a smile, "Drink some water first."

Fang Yuchen picked up the water and sipped, and the corner of his eyes squinted at Liang Xinwei standing next to him.

Seeing her hands clenched uncomfortably, the corners of her mouth seemed to be unscathed, and she put down the quilt. He raised his head and his eyes fell on her small face where she was clearly uneasy. ?"

With this opening, Liang Xinwei relaxed a little, "Yes, I have something to say."

"Say that."

Fang Yuchen withdrew his eyes and said lightly.

His attitude was a bit cold, and Liang Xinwei couldn't help feeling wronged, "Brother Gu and I are just friends, not what you think. I didn't expect him to hug me suddenly..."

"You know he likes you?" Fang Yuchen turned to look at her.

Liang Xinwei nodded, "Know."

"Then you still let him hug you?"

It is very uncomfortable to think of a scene I saw, like a scorpion in the throat.

Liang Xinwei moved her lips and tried to explain. At the end, she said “Sorry”.

She lowered her head, aggrieved emotions filled her heart, and her eyes turned red.

Obviously not what he thought, why did he just not believe in himself?

Fang Yuchen drank again, turned his head to say something, but just saw tears drip down.

The beautiful Jianmei frowned hard, "Crying?"

When he asked this question, Liang Xinwei's emotion suddenly rose, raised his head, and cried while saying, "I explained, you still don't believe me, what should I do?"

She cried like a child.

Fang Yuchen felt both funny and distressed. He coughed softly, got up, walked over and hugged her into his arms.

"I don't believe you."

Liang Xinwei buried his face in his arms and retorted mutely, "You have it!"

With a chuckle overflowing from the lips, Fang Yuchen pushed her away, holding her shoulders with both hands, lowering her head, looking into her clear and clear eyes, a tick at the corner of her mouth.

"I'm just jealous. You are my girlfriend, and of course I don't allow other men to hug you"

Liang Xinwei listened to his words quietly, and slowly stopped tears, a trace of sweetness lingered in her heart.

"So you didn't get it wrong?" Her voice was hoarse because she cried.

"No, I believe you." Fang Yuchen stared at her deeply, with tenderness in her eyes.

Liang Xinwei smiled.

Putting her bright smile in her eyes, Fang Yuchen moved her heart, lowered her head, and covered her slightly red lips.

Liang Xinwei's eyes widened instantly.

Upon seeing this, Fang Yuchen chuckled and pressed her lips, "close your eyes."

Upon hearing this, Liang Xinwei closed her eyes obediently.

An extremely tangled kiss.

Liang Xinwei felt like stepping on a soft cloud, his legs were a little soft.

Just when she thought that she would suffocate, Fang Yuchen left her lips reluctantly, her eyes drooping, and her eyes fell on the red lips that she kissed glamorously.

His eyes darkened for a while, and he said softly: "You are my girlfriend, stay away from other men in the future, especially for your care."

Hearing the possessiveness in his words, Liang Xinwei only felt sweet in his heart and nodded, "Well."

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