Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1269: Take care of you all your life

"Did you have dinner? If not, I will cook something for you." Liang Xinwei said.

Fang Yuchen nodded, "Okay."

"Then wait for a while. Turn on the TV if you are bored."

Liang Xinwei said as she went to the kitchen, during which she took off her coat and threw it on the sofa.

"and many more!"

Fang Yuchen suddenly made a noise and walked towards her nervously, grabbed her hand, and glanced at the eye-catching gauze, "What's wrong with this?"

Liang Xinwei withdrew his hand and smiled, "I accidentally got burnt while working."

"Why are you so careless?" Fang Yuchen was very distressed.

"You don't have to worry, just a few days."

Liang Xinwei was afraid that he would continue to inquire, and quickly interrupted: "You are going to sit in the living room, I will prepare dinner."

"Your hand is injured, how do you prepare dinner?" Fang Yuchen took her to the sofa and sat down, her eyes straight into her eyes, a smile on the corner of her mouth, "I will prepare dinner."

"You?" Liang Xin looked at him suspiciously. "Will you cook?"

"of course."

Fang Yuchen smiled, then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Liang Xinwei looked back and watched his tall figure walk into the kitchen, a sweet smile spreading across his lips.

Around eight o'clock, An An, who was on a cram school, came back.

He saw that Fang Yuchen was even there, and he was so happy that his eyes were sparkling and he shouted crisply, "Uncle Fang!"

"Go wash your hands and you can eat immediately." Fang Yuchen's tone was natural as if they were a family.

An An nodded happily, "Okay."

Looking at An An running to wash his hands, Liang Xin smiled at the other party, Yu Chen said: "An An likes you very much, and I must be very happy at this moment."

"Really?" Fang Yuchen glanced at her and smiled, "That's my pleasure."

After nearly an hour, Fang Yuchen prepared three dishes and one soup.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, braised fish, boiled cabbage hearts, and a simple pot of seaweed egg soup.

"Uncle Fang, you will cook!" An An looked at the dishes full of flavor and fragrance on the table. In addition to the surprised young face, there was a trace of worship.

"Simple dishes will still be cooked, but not complicated ones."

"It looks delicious." Liang Xinwei picked up the chopsticks, put a piece of fish in his mouth, and immediately praised: "It's really delicious."

"Really?" Fang Yuchen said that she wanted to comfort herself.

"Of course it is true!" Liang Xin nodded slightly.

"Delicious, eat more."

Fang Yuchen put the good meal in front of her and An An, "Hurry up and eat."

The three people sat down to eat, and Fang Yuchen put a piece of fish in the An'an bowl. "You are growing your body and eating more."

An An said wisely: "Thank you Uncle Fang."

"you are welcome."

Fang Yuchen looked at Liang Xinwei, only to see that she was staring at herself, her lips slightly twitching, she looked a little dissatisfied, Jianmei raised her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What about me?" Liang Xin asked slightly.

Fang Yuchen didn't understand what she meant, frowning slightly, \"Huh?\"

Liang Xinwei gestured his bowl with his eyes, "I want it too."

Fang Yuchen suddenly realized that he smiled and teased: "How do you compare with children?"

"Then you treat me like a child." Liang Xinwei took the bowl out, like a cat waiting to be fed, his face full of anticipation.

"Here." Fang Yuchen put a piece of fish into her bowl.

"Thank you."

Liang Xinwei immediately ate with satisfaction.

Fang Yuchen looked at her and smiled spoiledly.

After eating, Fang Yuchen took the initiative to wash the dishes, which was stopped by Liang Xinwei, "I will do the washing, you will accompany An An to watch TV."

"Your hand..." Fang Yuchen glanced at the gauze wrapped in her hand and frowned.

Liang Xin turned his arm slightly and smiled: "Look, there is nothing at all, you don't have to worry."

With that said, she pushed him to the living room and pressed him on the sofa. "Sit here, don't move."

Afterwards, quickly walk back to the kitchen and start to clean up and wash the dishes.

Fang Yuchen looked back at the busy figure in the kitchen, his mouth rising slowly.

A strange feeling came to my mind.

They are like a family. As a wife, she is busy in the kitchen, while he is with the children in the living room.

It's so heartwarming.

"Uncle Fang."

Suddenly, the voice that sounded pulled Fang Yuchen's distant thoughts back. He turned his head to meet An An's bright and clean eyes, and raised the corner of his mouth unconsciously, "What's the matter?"

An An stared at him for a while, "Uncle Fang, will you marry my mother?"

"Marry?" Fang Yuchen frowned slightly, "Why do you ask?"

"Because I want a dad."

This reason made Fang Yuchen a little surprised. He raised his hand and touched An An's head and asked, "Why do you want a father?"

An An bowed his head, his voice was a bit lonely, "Because our classmates all have fathers, only me does not. Peng Peng often laughs at me."

It is said that Fang Yuchen is very distressed. He hugged An An's shoulder and comforted softly, "Don't be uncomfortable. If someone laughs at you again in the future, you say you also have a father."

An An raised his head, his eyes a little dazed.

Fang Yuchen smiled, "Just say I am your father."

An An had some bleak eyes. When he heard this, he slowly turned on. He jumped off the sofa and rejoiced, "Okay! I have a father, and I have a father."

Looking at his happy face, Fang Yuchen laughed, and Jun Lang's face was full of spoils.

Liang Xinwei, who heard the sound, came out of the kitchen and was curious, "What's so happy?"

An An ran towards her and looked up at her with a tone of excitement: "Mom, I have a dad."

"What?" Liang Xin frowned slightly.

"Uncle Fang said that he will be my father in the future." An An pointed to Fang Yuchen in the living room.

Liang Xinwei had a momentary consternation and slowly looked up towards Fang Yuchen. Qingli's small face was full of disbelief.

Fang Yuchen got up and walked in front of her, looked her expression into her eyes, and laughed softly, "How do you look dumb?"

Liang Xin slightly recovered, frowning tightly, "Yu Chen, do you know what you are talking about?"

Why did he tell his children casually that he was the father?

Does he know this means a promise?

She did not dare to promise!

Fang Yuchen nodded, "I know."

He bowed his head to look at An An and smiled, "In my heart, An An is like my child, so I said I am his dad, no problem."

"No..." Liang Xin was anxious. She wanted him not to say such things easily, in case they broke up one day, it would also cause harm to An An.

Seeing her thoughts, Fang Yuchen held her hand and intertwined her fingers, Shen Sheng said, "I want to take care of you all my life."

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