Touched instantly filled the entire heart.

There was a mist in Liang Xinwei's eyes. She turned her head to wipe the corners of her eyes, turned back, and looked at Fang Yuchen deeply.

"You can't say anything."

Fang Yuchen nodded, "Well, don't go away."

Fang Yuchen didn't go home until more than ten o'clock.

The next morning, he was ready to go out to work, but when he opened the door, he saw Jiang Seso standing outside.

"Thurs?" Fang Yuchen yelled in surprise, and quickly called people into the house, "Why are you back?"

Jiang Sese closed his eyes, tears slipped down the corners of his eyes, and his voice choked: "He was kicked out of Shangguanyuan."

Fang Yuchen frowned tightly, "What's the matter?"

"Yu Chen, I seem to hear you calling Thurse, why..."

Shang Ying walked out of the restaurant and said, walking, said that when he saw Jiang Sesu, his voice came to an abrupt stop.

Immediately reacted, and quickly walked to Jiang Sesur, seeing her crying, frowning, "Thur, what's wrong?"

Jiang Cersei was crying and speechless, and her tears kept falling.

Upon seeing this, Fang Yuchen sighed softly, "Sit in the living room first."

He hugged Jiangse to the living room.

Shang Ying quickly followed.

I thought I could easily enter Shangguan's house. I thought that I could take Jin Fengchen home smoothly, but I was just thrown out.

Heaven to hell.

It is difficult for anyone to accept such a gap.

That's why Jiang Seso cried so sad.

Although Fang Yuchen and Shang Ying felt anxious, they were not good enough to persuade her. They could only let her vent her emotions.

I don't know how long it passed, and the crying slowly stopped.

"Wipe." Fang Yuchen drew a few tissues and passed it.

Jiang Sese took it, wiped it casually, and laughed at herself with laughter, "I'm really useless except crying or crying."

After crying for a long time, her voice was a little dumb, and she still had a cry.

"What nonsense!" Shang Ying murmured, holding her hand, and comforted softly: "The sky hasn't collapsed, anything can be solved."

"Little aunt." Jiangse's heart was sour, and her tears filled her eyes again.

"Okay, don't cry." Shang Ying wiped her tears, "What the **** happened? You have to tell us, let's find a solution together."

Jiang Sesu sniffed his nose and sorted out his emotions before he began to say what happened in Shangguan's house.


That day, when she was busy in the front yard, she heard others talk about the marriage of Shangguanyuan and Jin Fengchen.

"I heard that Miss's wedding plan is going to be held in the villa, everything is simple."

"Really? Isn't that too casual?"

"No way, the lady is not so anxious to hold the wedding for the old lady."

"Also, the old lady's biggest wish is to see the young master and the young lady get married, and this young lady's marriage is a wish for her."


Jiang Seso heard her thoughts confused, and her mind was full of things that Shangguanyuan and Jin Fengchen were about to get married.

Today is already in the middle of the month, and she no longer wants to make Jin Fengchen remember herself, she really can only watch him marry another woman.

The thought of marrying Shangguanyuan seemed like he was being held by him.

The pain made her breathless.

She closed her eyes and squeezed her palms tightly. After the pain in her heart eased a little, she opened her eyes and her eyes were very firm.

Can't wait any longer, she must take Jin Fengchen home in these few days.

She was so anxious that she had no time to think about it, and she made a decision.

at night.

Jiang Seso took advantage of everyone in the villa was asleep, and crept out of the room.

He looked up at the second floor, then looked around, took a deep breath, and raised his feet up the stairs.

On the second floor, she stood in the corridor and looked at Jin Fengchen's room, approaching gently step by step.

As she approached the door, she stopped and pinched her palms, which had oozed cold sweat, and reached out to open the door.

There is no antilock.

She opened the door easily, and the room was dim and there was almost no light.

After walking in, she closed the door gently.

After the eyes adjusted to the darkness, they slowly approached the bed.

When she turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone, she saw Jin Fengchen sleeping on the bed at a glance. When her familiar face fell into her eyes, her eyes instantly turned red.

Now is not the time to cry!

She wiped the corners of her eyes, leaned over, and gently shook Jin Fengchen, "Fang, vassal..."

Jin Fengchen slept sleepily, and when he heard someone shouting his name, he opened his eyes and was shocked when he saw a shadow of the figure.

Fortunately, the voice is not loud, otherwise it will definitely alarm Shangguanyuan.

"It's me." Jiang Seso whispered.

After seeing her appearance, Jin Fengchen sat up and frowned slightly, "How did you come in?"

"Walk in."

"Of course I know you came in. I asked you why you came to my room so late?" Because just waking up, Jin Fengchen's voice was hoarse.

"I have something to tell you."

"what's up?"

"You can't marry Shangguanyuan."

After hearing this, Jin Fengchen looked at him suspiciously, "You came to my room so late, just to say this?"

"This is very important." Jiang Sese suddenly took his hand, "Jin Fengchen, you must not marry Shangguan Yuan!"

"What are you doing?" Jin Fengchen tried to withdraw his hand, but she gripped tightly, and her expression was serious.

An inexplicable sense of familiarity came, Jin Fengchen frowned and gave up drawing his hand back, "You give me a reason."

"You have a wife and children. If you marry Shangguanyuan, you will hurt your wife and children."

She is just a servant. How does it sound like she understands his past?

Jin Fengchen felt something was amiss, his expression was slightly cold, and his voice sank, "Who the **** are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you listen to me."

Jiang's unacceptable attitude made Jin Fengchen feel more and more wrong.

He withdrew his hand hard and said coldly: "I don't know why you said that to me, but before Yuanyuan found them, you hurried away, otherwise I would call someone."

"No! If you don't promise me, I won't go." Jiang Se stared at him firmly, as if he didn't promise to give up.

Jin Fengchen was unimpressed. "Since this is the case, I will call out."

After he finished speaking, he saw that Jiang Sesel was still unwilling to leave, and he would shout when he opened his mouth.

Who knows, Jiang Sesu threw himself directly, blocking his mouth with his mouth.

Jin Fengchen's eyes widened and his face was shocked.

Then, the soft touch on her lips filled her nose with her breath.

It's a familiar feeling again!

He was at a loss.

Why does the woman in front of him always give him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Jiang Sese backed away, staring at him with clear eyes.

From her eyes, he even saw a lot of love.

She loves him?

Jin Fengchen was even more at a loss.

Who is she?

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