Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1271: Make a conclusion

"who are you?"

Jin Fengchen asked again.

This time the tone is a lot colder.

Jiang Sese chuckled, "Who I am is not important, do you really want to marry Shangguanyuan?"

Jin Fengchen was silent.

In fact, he has been thinking about this issue these days.

Knowing nothing about his past, he would be afraid of harming his original wife and children as she said.

Wife and children.

Jin Fengchen remembered the two children he saw the other day.

My heart suddenly seemed to be pulled by something, and it hurt.

If they are really his children, how can he leave them and marry others?


Jiang Cesur's crying appeared in his mind, and Jin Fengchen couldn't help feeling annoyed.

"It's not up to me to decide," Jin Fengchen said.

Jiang Sesai frowned, "As long as you don't want to knot, can Shangguanyuan still force you?"


Jin Fengchen just opened, and the door was suddenly opened from the outside.


All the lights in the room were on, and there was a moment of light.

Suddenly, Jiang Suzu didn't adapt to the sudden light and narrowed his eyes, before he could see who it was.

Shangguanyuan's chilly voice sounded in his ear.

"Hello brave, dare to break into the master's room in the middle of the night!"

Jiangse's heart sank to the bottom instantly.



"So... that's how you got kicked out?" Shang Ying asked.

Jiang Sezhu nodded, "Well."

Fang Yuchen frowned, "What about Shangguan Qian?"

"At that time, Shangguanyuan was very angry and insisted on driving me out of Shangguan's house. Shangguanqian couldn't take her, she could only do it."

In fact, before she secretly entered Jin Fengchen's room, she had already made the worst plan.

But when it actually happened, it was still not acceptable.

"What did your cousin react?" Fang Yuchen asked again.

Jiang Sezu smirked helplessly, "He... does not know Shu Yun at all, what can he do?"

Shang Ying squeezed her palm distressedly and said, "Don't think too much, there will always be new ways."

"Auntie, I didn't think too much, I just thought I did a stupid thing."

Now that she came out of Shangguan's house, it was really difficult to go back.

"Not stupid at all. You are also anxious. I think the vassal loves you so much and will definitely remember you." Shang Ying comforted her softly.

Jiang Sese pondered for a moment and looked up to Fang Yuchen, "Cousin, they must not let their wedding be held smoothly."

Once the wedding is successfully held, there is really no room for recovery.

Fang Yuchen nodded, "I know, I asked Shangguanqian to let him solve this matter."

"Thank you, cousin."

Ever since she recognized them, she has been making troubles for them. When the vassal returns, she must ask him to thank them uncle.

Fang Yuchen smiled slightly, "The family need not be so polite."

Then he picked up his suit jacket, "Nothing else, I went to the company."

"Thurse, you go upstairs and rest. No matter what happens, the spirit is the most important, and the body can solve the problem." Shang Ying said.

"it is good."

Jiang Sesu went upstairs obediently and returned to the room. She threw herself on the bed and buried her face in the pillow.

What happened last night was replayed in the mind, Jin Fengchen's doubts, Shangguanyuan's anger, Shangguanqian's helplessness.

A bit of sourness poured into my heart, and tears came out.

She rolled over and lay flat on the bed, looking at the ceiling with tears in her eyes.

What method is needed to make the vassal remember her?


On the way to the company, Fang Yuchen called Shangguanqian.

As soon as it was connected, I opened the door and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

"Sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you this time." Shangguan Qian on the other side of the phone also directly expressed his meaning.


"That's my sister, her happiness is the most important."

Hearing this, Fang Yuchen laughed and said, "Shangguanqian, this is not like what you would say. Do you really want to watch your sister marry another man?"

"That's no other man, it's a very good man."

Fang Yuchen didn't even know what to say for a while, and he was silent for a few seconds before speaking: "Meet me?"

"I'm at Norman Golf Club, come here."

Hanging up the phone, Fang Yuchen turned his head at the intersection in front and drove towards the address mentioned by Guan Qian.

At the club, Fang Yuchen saw Shangguan Qian under the guidance of the staff.

"Do you want to hit two shots?" Shangguan Qian asked.

"No mood." Fang Yuchen directly refused.

Shangguanqian smiled, turned to look at the green lawn, and mocked himself: "If you are not in a mood, then I should be even more moodless."

"What should I do now?" Fang Yuchen sat down opposite him.

"What do you want to do?" Shangguan Qian withdrew his eyes and fell on him.

Fang Yuchen sighed, "I just came to you without knowing."

Shangguanqian could not help laughing, "Do you think I must have a way?"

Fang Yuchen glanced at him and said nothing.

Shangguanqian pondered for a moment, and continued: "Yuanyuan is my younger sister, and I saw that she was so looking forward to her and Jin Fengchen's wedding. I really couldn't bear to destroy it."

"Then you want to watch her marry another man?" Fang Yuchen asked.

"Of course I don't want to." Shangguan Qian sighed. "But what can I do if I don't want to?"

"Stop the wedding." Fang Yuchen said, "All I can do now is stop the wedding."

Hearing the words, Shangguan Qian laughed, "Mr. Fang, what you think is really simple, can you stop it with one sentence?"

"As long as you want to stop it, you can stop it." Fang Yuchen thought for a while and said, "Well, let's see if there is anything that can prevent the wedding from being held."

"Things?" Shangguan Qian frowned. "What can happen?"

Then he shook his head, "Unless there is a natural disaster like an earthquake, don't try to stop it."

"Think about it more seriously." Fang Yuchen turned around and asked, "What is the situation with my cousin now?"

"Look the same. But in the past two days I heard the servant say that he is often in a daze."

"Dazed?" Fang Yuchen frowned. "Aren't you remembering something?"

Shangguan Qian smiled, "I don't know."

"My cousin was kicked out, it's uncomfortable. To be precise, because of your sister, it makes everyone uncomfortable."

Fang Yuchen took a deep breath, "We should find a way to close this matter."

Shangguanqian looked at him for a while, then slowly nodded, "Okay, make a conclusion."

"Then wait for your good news." Fang Yuchen got up and extended his right hand.

Shangguanqian also stood up, took his hand and said, "Hopefully I can give you good news."


After Fang Yuchen left, Shangguan Qian sat down and thought for a long time alone before getting up and leaving the club.

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