Shangguanyuan calmed down slowly, her red lips bent, "Auntie, you are all old, why bother me?"

"I'm embarrassing you?" Shang Ying thought he had misheard. "Don't you have the mistake first?"

Shangguanyuan shook her head, "Wrong? I'm not wrong at all."

She turned sideways and took Jin Fengchen's hand.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Seshou squeezed his palms, his knuckles were pale.

"The vassal was in a dangerous situation at that time. I saved him. Without me, he may not be able to stand before you now."

Shangguanyuan said this very clearly, one word at a time, and the implication was to ask them to thank her.

"Did you look down on the vassals?" Shang Ying asked.

Shangguanyuan frowned, not understanding what she meant.

Just listen to Shang Ying Road: "With the ability of a vassal, he can turn danger into danger himself, without your need to save."

Hearing the words, Shangguanyuan smiled, as if hearing a joke, she laughed happily.

Jiang Sese and Shang Ying looked at each other, and both stared at her suspiciously.

After a while, Shangguanyuan stopped laughing and raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"You are too naive." Shangguanyuan said, "Do you think Bergen is a good deal?"


When Jin Fengchen heard the name, the inexplicable sense of familiarity reappeared.

"Who is Bergen?" he asked silently.

Jiangse's eyes lit up and grabbed before Shangguanyuan said, "He is your enemy. Bergen has always wanted to arrest me and go back to the experiment. It's because you are in danger for me. Do you remember?"

She asked cautiously.

Jin Fengchen shook his head, "I don't remember."

A trace of disappointment crossed Jiangse's face, and he still couldn't remember anything.

Shangguanyuan also thought that Jin Fengchen had remembered something. When he heard that he could not remember, he was relieved.

Then she said: "We have to try the wedding dress, so we won't talk to you."

She took Jin Fengchen's hand and walked away.

Looking at their backs, Jiangse's heart was sore, and tears immediately poured into his eyes.

She lowered her head, closed her eyes, and the hot tears dripped.

Obviously her vassal was in front of her, but she could only watch him being held by other women, and she could do nothing.

Seeing her crying, Shang Ying was very distressed and patted her on the back gently, comforting: "Don't cry, your aunt will find a way to help you."

Shang Ying called the clerk and whispered something in the other ear.

I saw the clerk's eyes widened in surprise and looked at her incredulously, "Ma'am, are you sure?"

Shang Ying looked awkward, "just do what I said."

The clerk answered "OK" and hurried away.

"Auntie, what do you want to do?" Jiang Sesu asked.

Shang Ying patted her hand and smiled, "You will go upstairs later and try your wedding dress."

"Me? Trying a wedding dress?" Jiang Seso didn't understand her intention. "We are not here to try a wedding dress..."

"I know. Just obey."

With Shang Ying's insistence, Jiang Seso went upstairs to the VIP room.

As soon as I entered, the sales staff sent the wedding dress immediately, "Ms. Jiang, this wedding dress was designed by our chief designer personally. There is only one piece in the country."

"Thank you."

Jiang Sezhu nodded.

"Can I help you?" the clerk asked.

"No need." Jiang Sesur refused with a smile.

"Then call me if you need anything, and I'm outside."

"it is good."

After the clerk went out, Jiang Sesur looked at the wedding dress and couldn't help but feel a little lost.

The wedding dress is very beautiful, but her mood is very heavy.

It is useless to wear such a beautiful wedding dress if it cannot be seen by a loved one.

Although she thought so, she picked up her wedding dress and went into the fitting room.


Shangguanyuan led Jin Fengchen to the men's dress area, looked at the suit, and picked a suit from him to hand over to Jin Fengchen.

"Try it."

Jin Fengchen glanced at her and nodded, "Okay."

Watching him walk towards the fitting room, Shang Guanyuan's heart fell back to the place calmly.

She was really afraid that he would think of something as soon as he saw Jiangse, but now it seemed that he didn't remember anything.

She should have confidence in her medicine.

Yes, have confidence in your medicine!

With this thought, she felt quite comfortable.

At this time, a clerk came and smiled at her: "Miss Shangguan, there are other wedding dresses over there, would you like to try them all?"

"No, just this one." Shangguanyuan didn't want to pick and choose, just wanted to choose the wedding dress she saw at first glance.

But the clerk did not give up, but said: "Miss Shangguan, this marriage is only once in a lifetime, don't you want to dress beautifully and marry your beloved man?"

Shangguanyuan frowned, "You mean I'm not beautiful now?"

"Of course not." The clerk hurriedly denied, "I mean you can be more beautiful."

Shangguanyuan thought for a while and thought she said something quite reasonable, then nodded, "OK, let me look at the other."

"Then come with me." When the clerk turned around, a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes.

After changing his suit, Jin Fengchen walked out of the fitting room, and the clerk next to him looked straight.

The man's facial features are deep and three-dimensional, with shoulder width and narrow waist, and straight legs are perfectly wrapped in trousers, slender and abstinent.

The clerk couldn't help but exclaim, "Sir, you are so handsome."

Jin Fengchen smiled lightly, "Thank you."

He looked around and asked, "What about her?"

"Miss Shangguan is trying on a wedding dress, you come with me."

The clerk led Jin Fengchen upstairs to the outside of the VIP, "Miss Shangguan is inside."

Jin Fengchen nodded slightly, pushed open the door and walked in.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Jiang Seser behind the curtain said loudly, "Can you come and help me unzip it?"

A familiar voice.

Subconsciously, Jin Fengchen walked towards the fitting room step by step.

Pulling the big hand, the snowy white back hit his eyes like this.

He was stunned.

"Help me unzip."

Jiang Sesur looked back and was shocked and surprised when he saw that he was a vassal of King Jin. "How come you are here?"

As soon as she heard her voice, Jin Fengchen returned to his mind, and quickly turned around, his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and his tone dropped a little.

Jiang Sezhu frowned, and suddenly realized.

This should be arranged by the aunt.

Lifting the skirt, she walked slowly to him, staring at him with bright eyes.

His ears glowed red, probably because he had just seen his back.

After he lost his memory, how could he be so innocent as a boy?

She unconsciously covered her lips and chuckled softly.

Jin Fengchen looked at her, his eyes reluctant to move away.

The white wedding dress made her muscular. Her skin became fairer, her long hair was randomly picked up, and a few naughty hair scattered around her neck. She was lovely and sultry.

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