Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1275: Never belongs to you

Jiang Sesur opened her lips lightly and asked with a smile: "Am I pretty?"

Jin Fengchen returned to his mind, and responded that he had been staring at her all the time, coughing softly, and whispered, "beautiful."

"Thank you." Jiang Seser looked at him seriously, "You are also handsome."

As soon as the voice fell, the surroundings fell silent.

The two looked at each other and laughed out of agreement.

The atmosphere relaxed a lot.

"Why are you here?" Jin Fengchen asked.

"Because my husband is here."

Jin Fengchen understood what she meant and couldn't help but feel a little blocked, "I'm sorry, I don't remember anything."

Jiang Sese smiled undiminishedly, "I remember it."

Seeing the deep affection in her eyes, Jin Fengchen had a moment of special hope that he could restore his memory.

"I..." Jin Fengchen said what he wanted to say, but didn't know what to say.

Jiang Sese still smiled: "Don't feel sorry for me, you forget that I am not your fault, but her fault."

Jin Fengchen knew who she was in her mouth.

He frowned. "But it's undeniable that I saved her."

"No!" Jiang Sese shook his head. "Without her, you can escape with your cleverness."

Speaking of which, she took a deep breath, "It's all my fault to say. If it's not to save me, you won't even go with Berg, and you won't be taken away by Shangguanyuan."

"You...can you tell me what happened at that time?" Jin Fengchen wanted to know his past, never wanted to know so urgently.

Jiangse smiled, "Okay, I will tell you what you want to know."

So, Jiang Seshi talked about what happened in Italy at that time.

And Jin Fengchen listened quietly.

At the same time, Shangguanyuan finished reading other wedding dresses, but didn't see what she liked, and turned back to the fitting room.

But was stopped by Shang Ying.

"Yuanyuan, we haven't seen you for a long time. Would you like to chat with me?"

Shangguanyuan frowned, she was not happy.

To be honest, people who were close to Fang's family just wanted to get closer to Jin Fengchen.

Now that Jin Fengchen is beside her, there is no need to deal with the Fang family.

So she directly refused, "Sorry, I don't have time."

Having finished speaking, she bypassed Shangying and walked forward.

Anyway, Shang Ying is also an elder, but her attitude is so arrogant and unpleasant.

Shang Ying narrowed his eyes, turned around, and strode towards her.

Stopped her again and smiled coldly, "Yuanyuan, your changes are so big! You weren't like this before, always aunts and aunts are short. How? After snatching Thurse's husband away, you think you are very Amazing?"

Shangguanyuan stared at her without speaking.

"Then I have to talk about you today."

Shang Ying cleared his throat, raised his voice, and said, "The vassal is Thurse's husband. They have two children. They were a happy family of four. It was you who used any means to give the vassal medicine, causing him to lose memory and forget Thurse. And children, you are the culprit in ruining their family!"

Others heard it, all surprised, and looked at Shangguanyuan's eyes with a little more contempt.

Shangguanyuan clenched her fists and looked at Shang Ying's successful face, her anger was tumbling in her chest, but she could not resist.

"Auntie, you are wrong. The vassal was in a dangerous situation at that time. I saved him. But it was purely an accident that he would lose memory."

"Unexpected?" Shang Ying smiled and smiled ironically. "Yuanyuan, don't have to say things so nicely, we all know what is going on."

Shangguanyuan felt that if she stayed with her again, she would definitely be irritated and said: "Auntie, I really don't have time. I will visit you again sometime,"

When the words fell, she didn't wait for Shangying to react, and she quickly walked towards the fitting room.

Shang Ying wanted to stop her from being too late, and could only hurry in place.

"Oops, didn't Shangguanyuan know that the vassal was there when he went to the fitting room?"

Sure enough, as soon as Shangguanyuan arrived at the fitting room, he asked the shop assistant about the situation of Jin Fengchen.

The clerk told her truthfully, "Miss Shangguan, your husband is not here."

"Not here?" Shang Guanyuan's face changed when she heard it, and she quickly stepped forward to open each curtain. There was indeed no figure of Jin Fengchen.

She turned her head and looked sharply at the clerk, "What about others?"

"He...he went upstairs."

"Upstairs?" Shangguanyuan frowned, filled with doubts.

The vassal is unfamiliar with this place. What does he do upstairs?

Suddenly, a thought flashed in her mind.

Jiang Sesu!

She didn't care about wearing a wedding dress on her body, grabbed the skirt and ran towards the stairs.


After listening to what Jiang Sesel said about his past, Jin Fengchen had a very familiar feeling in his heart.

He really felt that he had experienced everything she said.

"Is that Burglian still embarrassing you now?" Jin Fengchen asked worriedly.

Jiang Sese shook his head, "No, he said he wouldn't hurt me, so I haven't looked for me anymore."

Jin Fengchen was relieved, "That's good."

Jiang Seso looked at him and asked, "Did you remember anything?"

"No." Jin Fengchen smiled apologetically, "Sorry, you said so much, I still didn't remember it at all."

There was a trace of disappointment in the eyes, but Jiang Sesur still smiled and comforted, "It doesn't matter, take it slowly, it will always come to mind."

Jin Fengchen pondered for a moment, and tentatively asked, "What if I can't remember it?"

"Impossible!" Jensen was very determined. "You will remember it."

Her expression was very firm, and Jin Fengchen chuckled lightly, "I wish I could remember what you said, otherwise I would be really uncomfortable."

The voice hadn't fallen yet, and the door was suddenly knocked open from outside.

Shangguanyuan rushed in. When she saw Jiang Seso, her face suddenly cooled down.

"Yuanyuan." Jin Fengchen stood up and just wanted to ask how she came.

Before the words were spoken, Shangguanyuan came over with one arrow, dragged him behind him, and sternly asked: "Jiangse Se, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Sese got up unhurriedly and smiled at her, "He is my husband, I want to chat with him, can't I?"

"As I said, he is no longer the former Jin Fengchen, nor your husband." Shangguanyuan's emotion was obviously agitated, even his voice became sharp,

Jiang Sese frowned, "Shangguanyuan, don't think that if you shout so loudly, you can change the fact that he is my husband."

"What the **** do you want to do?" Shangguanyuan questioned again.

Jiang Sese narrowed her eyes slightly and raised a smile on her lips, "Shangguanyuan, are you afraid?"

Shangguanyuan stared at her deadly, silently.

Just listening, she spoke slowly, and said, "Do you know why you are afraid? Because he never belonged to you."

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