Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1286: I will see you now

"Think about other ways," Fang Yuchen said.

Jiang Sesel smiled bitterly, "What else can we do? If we can think of a way, we don't want to directly grab people."

Fang Yuchen was silent for a few seconds and asked, "Did Shangguanqian contact you?"

"No." Jiang Sese shook his head.

"Then I contacted him and asked him what he should do."

"That line, what will happen then, you tell me again."

"it is good."

Jiang Seso walked out of the study and sighed heavily.

Can it really stop the wedding?


Soon after Jiang Sesur went out, Fang Yuchen found Shangguanqian's number and dialed it out.

Soon, it was picked up over there.

"Sorry, I really can't help you anymore." Before waiting for him to speak, Shangguan Qian bluntly stated his meaning.


"Because that is my sister, her happiness is more important than anything."

His attitude had changed 180 degrees.

Fang Yuchen couldn't accept it a little bit, "But that's the woman you love, are you really willing?"

There was silence on the phone.

Fang Yuchen quickly went on to say: "And Jin Fengchen doesn't love your sister at all. The person he loves is Thurse. One day he will recover his memory, and he will definitely not let your sister go by then."

Still silent.

But Fang Yuchen was not in a hurry, he quietly waited for a response.

It took a long time before Shangguanqian's voice came again, "It can't be stopped now, unless you have a way to ruin the wedding that day."

Fang Yuchen heard it and frowned, "How to destroy? You must arrange a lot of people by then, it is still unknown whether we can go in."

"With me, of course you can go in."

"Is that dangerous?" Fang Yuchen asked.

He asks this because it is clear that Thurse will definitely ask to go to the wedding scene with them.

"You want no danger at all, that is impossible. However, I will try to get you back safely."

This can only be done now.

Fang Yuchen took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, "Okay, just do what you say."

"The wedding is on the 28th, please arrange the people first."

After that, Shangguanqian hung up the phone.

Fang Yuchen thought about it for a moment, walked out of the study, came out of Jiangse's room, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Thurse, it's me."

The door opened, and Jiang Sesur came out, "Are there any results?"

Fang Yuchen nodded, "Uh."

"What result?" Jiang Sesu hurriedly asked.

"Shangguanqian means let us do destruction on the wedding day."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Seso didn't understand.

"Just ruin the wedding."

"This... isn't it the same as Gu Nian's meaning of robbing people?" Jiang Sesur felt no different.

"But this time we have Shangguan Qian's help, at least a little safer."

Fang Yuchen really did not want to see anyone injured.

Jiang Sezhu nodded, "Then I will speak with Gu Nian. What should I do?"

"I have to plan this well. I can't fight unprepared battles. We must bring people back this time."

"Thank you, cousin."

Without their help, she really didn't know what to do.

Fang Yuchen raised her hand and rubbed her head, laughing: "You're welcome to me. Take a break early."

Jiangse nodded, "Good night."

She turned into the house and closed the door.

Xiao Bao and Tian Tian in the room saw her coming in, and both of them jumped from the bed and ran towards her.

Sweetly hugged her legs, looked up at her small face, looked at her expectantly, "Mommy, is Daddy going home?"

Jiang Sese smiled slightly, "Well, he is coming back."

"Mummy, is it true?" Xiao Bao still didn't believe it.

He remembered the daddy who didn't know him and sweet daddy in other people's homes, and he became afraid again.

It was obviously he and sweet dad, but he didn't know them.

He was a man, he didn't dare to say that he wanted to miss Daddy very much, he could only secretly think about it in his heart.

"Of course it's true." Jiang Seso stooped and touched his head. "I know you all miss Daddy, so Mommy will bring him back in a few days."

"Mommy, we pull the hook."

Sweetly lifted her little finger.

Jiang Sezhu smiled, "Why? Don't you believe Mommy?"

"No. I just think Daddy will be able to come back as long as we pull the hook."

The sweet and naive words made Jiangse's heart sour.

"Okay, sweet."

Jiang Seso reached out and hooked her little finger.

"The hook is not allowed to change for a hundred years. It has become a puppy."

Sweetly read the words, and when he finished, he immediately released Jiangse's hand and smiled: "Okay."

"Since the hooks are all pulled, shouldn't they go to sleep?" Jiang Sesur looked at them.

Tian Tian and Xiao Bao glanced at each other, and then turned back to bed at the same time in tacit understanding.

"Mommy, we want to sleep with you." Tian Tian lay on the bed, her voice softly.

Jiangse's heart softened, looking at Xiaobao, "Do you want Xiaobao too?"

Xiaobao focused on the head.

Jiangse smiled, "Okay, sleep with me."

This night, perhaps because of the company of children, Jiang Sesur slept soundly and slept till dawn.


The next day, Jiang Sesu went out to find Gu Nian after breakfast, and wanted to tell him what Fang Yuchen said last night.

The car was parked downstairs in Gu Nian's house. As soon as she got out of the car, she gathered around a few people.

Jiang Sesur watched them alertly, "What do you want to do?"

"Someone wants to see you." The other party said.

"Who?" Jiang Sesu suddenly flashed a person in his head.

Is it him?

Just then, her cell phone rang.

A strange number.

She hesitated before picking it up, a familiar voice rang in her ear: "Sophia, how are you?"

It was Berglian.

It's really a leak in the house.

The vassal's matter was not settled yet, and another Bergen came.

Jiang Sesu took a deep breath and asked coldly, "Is there something wrong?"

"Don't you want to know where I have been during this time?" Berg asked even.

There was a sneer in the corner of Jiangse's mouth, "I'm not interested in your business at all."

Berg didn't even get angry, "I want to see you."

"I want to see me, but not now." Jiang Sezuo looked coldly at the people around him.

She has more important things now and has no time to see Bergen.

"When?" Berg asked even.

"When I'm in a good mood."

This answer made Berg laugh.

Across the phone, hearing Berger Lian's laughter, Jiang Cerse felt an inexplicable chill in his heart, and the consciousness of the man holding the phone tightened.

After a while, the laughter stopped, and Berglian’s voice came again, "I will see you now."

His voice just fell, and people on the other side immediately set her up.

"You let me go!" Jiang Sesur was shocked.

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