Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1287: Envy? Still jealous?

Jiang Sesur struggled hard, trying to earn the hands of the two.

However, because of the disparity in strength between men and women, she simply couldn't make money.

"Mr. Berglian."

A neat and respectful voice rang in her ear, and she hurriedly looked up with a chuckle in her heart.

I saw Berg pacing over and then stopped in front of her, a corner of his mouth, "I haven't seen you in a long time, Sofia."

When he saw Bergen, Jensen's heart sank to the bottom.


Won't he want to catch her again to Italy?

"You... why are you here?"

"I said, I want to see you now."

Burg hooked the corners of his lips with an arc, raising his hand compared to an action, and the men under his hands were about to shove Jiangse into the car.

"You loose me!"

Jiang Seshou shouted angrily while struggling.

"What are you doing?!"

Gu Nian happened to come out of the house and saw this scene, his face changed suddenly, and he shouted sharply.

Jiang Sesu was like seeing the straw for help, shouting: "Gu Nian, save me quickly."

"You let her go!" Gu Nian's fierce gaze directed at Bergen, "What can you do other than forcefully take people away with this method?"

Berg ignored him and ordered: "Bring her to the car."

"Let me go!" Jiang Sese struggled and shouted: "Gu Nian, save me, save me!"

Upon seeing this, Gu Nian scolded "Damn" and then rushed up, kicking him on the man holding Jiangse.

At a glance, the others couldn't look at Jiangse, and rushed towards Gu Nian.

Jiang Sesu, who was free, hurried to the side and looked at Gu Nian nervously.

Although Gu Nian was only one person, but several times, he beat several people on the ground and howled.

Gu Nian walked in front of Jiang Sesur, guarding her behind, staring at Bergen with a sharp gaze, "You'd better put away your thoughts, this is Kyoto, not Italy. If you dare to mess up again, Jin Jiahe The Fang family will never let you go!"

"Do you think I will be afraid?" Berg smiled conceitedly.

Gu Nian stared at him defensively, silently.

Berglian's eyes shifted to Jiang Sesur behind him, and he asked, "Do you think that Feng Feng Jin will come back to you?"

Jiang Sese clenched her small hands, immediately released, slightly raised her chin, and replied in a particularly determined tone: "Yes!"

"Really?" Berg even chuckled and shook his head. "I don't think so. He is going to marry another woman. Why do you still insist?"

Jiangse's face, which was stabbed in the pain, changed slightly, but his mouth still insisted: "He will come back, it is only a matter of time."

"Time? Days? Months? Years?" Bergen thought she was too naive. "What if he never recovered his memory? What do you do?"

"It doesn't bother you." Jiangse Se refused to answer his question.

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed and hurt."

It sounds as though Bergen cares about her very much, but when he listens carefully, he is laughing at her innocence.

Jiang Sesur stood up.

Gu Nian was anxious, "Young lady, you..."

Jiang Sese turned back and gave him a soothing smile, "You can rest assured that with you, he would not dare to treat me."

Then, she looked at Bergen and said clearly, word by word: "The vassals will restore memory and remember me, no matter how long, I will wait."

At this point, she smiled, "I think Mr. Berglian should not understand the feelings between me and the vassals. We love each other deeply, even if we forget each other, there are still traces of each other in the bottom of my heart, so I believe he will restore his memory!"

Berg looked at her expressionlessly, not denying that his heart was turbulent because of her words.

Envy? Still jealous?

Maybe it does.

His marriage to Lisa was only a temporary compromise, and he even played with other women. No woman deserves his deep love, or deeply loves him.

They love his money and momentum!

Jiang Sesur's determined expression was deeply imprinted in his mind. At this moment, he suddenly hoped that the person she loved was herself.

This thought made him laugh, his smile intertwined with self-deprecation and helplessness.

Gu Nian hurriedly protected Jiang Sesur, staring at him with a pretentious look.

"Then, good luck!"

Leaving this sentence, Berg left with his men.

Both Jiangse and Gu Nian were a little surprised. The two looked at each other, and they didn't expect that Berg would walk so simply.

In the car, Berg even looked at the street scene flashing out of the window, his expression was faint, and he could not see any emotion.

The assistant in the passenger’s seat turned to look at him and asked carefully, “Sir, shall we just give up like this?”

"Otherwise?" Berg even asked back.

The assistant bowed his head in panic, "Everything is up to you."

Bergen even raised his hand and squeezed the painful temple, and asked, "How is Lisa over there?"

"I have sent someone to watch for 24 hours. As soon as my wife does something, we will know immediately."

Before Lisa sent someone to Kyoto to try to be unfavorable to Gangse, simply discovered by his people in time, otherwise Jiangse might not be able to stand in front of him today and say those words.

Thinking of what Jiang Sesel said, his eyes lightened and said coldly: "Go back and help me prepare a divorce agreement."

When the assistant heard it, his expression was shocked, but he didn't dare to ask more, "Yes."


"Young lady, are you okay?" Gu Nian asked with concern.


Hearing Jiangse's answer, Gu Nian's face changed, and she looked at her up and down, "Where was injured?"

Seeing him nervous, Jiangse could not help laughing, "I mean I have something to tell you."

Hearing the words, Gu Nian was relieved immediately, "Young lady, you scared me to death."

Fortunately, this means that if he is really injured, he can't explain to the young master.

Jiang Sese smiled and turned his head, saying, "Is it convenient for you to live? I have something important to tell you."

Gu Nian nodded, "Of course convenient."

The two entered the apartment building and took the elevator to the floor where Gu Nian lived.

As soon as he entered the room, Gu Nian quickly said, "Young lady, you can sit in the living room first, and I will pour you a glass of water."

Jiangse nodded and walked toward the living room while looking around.

The house is small, with one bedroom and one hall. The decoration is simple and stylish, and it is especially suitable for those who are single.

But she always felt something was missing.

"Young lady, drink water."

Gu Nian put the cup on the coffee table and stood aside respectfully.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Sezu couldn't help laughing, "There is no one else here, you just sit down, it's better to talk about things."

Gu Nian sat across from her by words and asked, "Mrs. Shao, what are you doing?"

Jiang Sezhu picked up the glass, sipped, and said, "My cousin does not agree with your plan."

Master Young disagrees?

Gu Nian wondered, "Why?"

"Worried that you will be in danger."

"This is not a reason." Gu Nian said, "As long as I can rescue the young master, I have to do it even if it is dangerous."

"But I don't want any of you to be injured."

How loyal he was to the vassal, she looked at her, but the more she did, the less she wanted him to be in danger.

"What's the master's plan to do?" Gu Nian asked.

Since he does not agree with his approach, there should be other ways.

"Um..." Jiang Sesel pondered the wording, "Shangguanqian means let us ruin the wedding."

"Destroy the wedding?" Gu Nian frowned, not knowing what it meant.

"Well. The wedding will still be held as scheduled, but Shangguanqian will find a way to get us mixed in and find the right time to ruin the wedding."

"We?" Gu Nian caught a very important point. "Do you want to go, Madam Young?"

Jiang Sezhu nodded, "Well."

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