Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1290: You can't marry her!

On the wedding day, Jiang Sesu, who had been insomnia all night, got up before dawn.

When she went downstairs, Fang Yuchen and Gu Nian were there.

They are waiting for her.

"Are you ready?" Jiang Sesur asked.

Fang Yuchen smiled, "all ready."

Jiang Sesur looked at the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and it was still dark. She took a deep breath and said, "Let's go."

The wedding was held in the villa of Shangguan's family. Shangguanqian informed them in advance and made them pretend to be staff members of the wedding company, so that they could enter the wedding site smoothly.

I thought Shangguanyuan would be very cautious, but I didn't expect them to enter Shangguan's house easily.

The courtyard in front of the villa is beautifully decorated with colorful balls, colorful flowers, and live bands playing moving music.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Sesur only felt dazzling, and he was more determined to destroy the wedding, not to let Shangguanyuan do what he wanted.

"Father, do not be impulsive when you see the opportunity." Fang Yuchen urged her in her ear.

He was afraid that she could not help rushing out as soon as she saw Jin Fengchen come out.

Once Shangguanyuan discovered their existence, it would be troublesome.

"I know." In fact, Jiang Sesur had no idea. She didn't know if she could bear it. After all, any woman who saw the man she loved wanted to marry another woman was not crazy.

The wedding was held at noon because of the health of Mrs. Shangguan.

All the relatives and friends of Shangguan's family came to the wedding, no one else.

Seeing that there were more people on the scene, Jiangse Se became more and more nervous, and her hands could not help sweating.

She took a few deep breaths before she eased her tension slightly.

Near noon, someone shouted: "The wedding is about to start, let us welcome the two newcomers with warm applause."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone applauded and turned to look at the gate.

I saw a white car stopped at the door, the door opened, and Jin Fengchen, who was wearing a groom's dress, was the first to get off.

When that familiar figure fell into the bottom of his eyes, Jiangse's nose could not help being sour, his vision gradually blurred, and he couldn't see clearly what he was looking at this time.

Jin Fengchen walked to the other side of the car, opened the door, bent over and extended his hand.

Shangguanyuan sitting in the car faced his eyes, the two smiled at each other, and Shangguanyuan put his hand in his palm.

Jin Fengchen led her out of the car.

The car drove off, they set foot on the red carpet and walked towards the crowd side by side.

Shangguanqian stood on the stage and clearly saw the happy smile behind Shangguanyuan's veil.

The woman he put on the cusp for nearly two decades will marry another man today.

Even if he knew that the wedding would not be held smoothly, he still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"Thurs, hold back."

Fang Yuchen, who was standing beside Jiang Sese, sensed that Jiang Sese had the urge to rush up, and quickly took her hand.

"Cousin, I feel uncomfortable." Jiang Sezuo squeezed his mouth tightly, and locked his eyes tightly on the men and women walking towards them.

"I know you are uncomfortable, but the time has not yet come." Fang Yuchen clenched her hand and gave her a hint of comfort silently.

Jiang Sesur watched Jin Fengchen and Shangguan Yuan stepping onto the stage, and the master of ceremonies immediately said: "Let us again bless the couple with warm applause."

There was warm applause again in the ear.

Jiang Sese didn't want to listen to the master of ceremonies presiding over the wedding process, and her eyes stared at Jin Fengchen momentarily.

Today, he looks as good as ever. The handsome face, which has always been cold, is now much softer, and even his eyebrows are stained with a smile.

It can be seen that he is really happy today.

Is it because you want to marry Shangguanyuan?

Thinking of this, Jiang Sese couldn't help it anymore. She shook off Fang Yuchen's hand and strode toward the stage.

Fang Yuchen quickly caught up.

"Please ask the two newcomers to exchange rings!" As soon as the driver's voice fell, a staff member came to Jin Fengchen with their wedding rings.

Jin Fengchen first picked up the female ring and took Shangguanyuan's hand, and when he was about to put it in his ring finger, there was a sudden sound: "Wait!"

Familiar voice!

Shangguanyuan's face changed instantly, and she and Jin Fengchen both turned their heads to follow the prestige.

I saw Jiang Sezue taking off the hat on his head while walking, throwing it aside fiercely, three steps and two steps, and ran to the stage.

"You can't marry her!" Jiang Sesur looked at Jin Fengchen and said aloud word by word.

Guests of the audience, look at me, I look at you, I don't know what happened.

"Come here, take her away!" Shangguanyuan shouted.

Just when her people were about to come up, Fang Yuchen and Gu Nian jumped onto the stage and stood on the left and right sides of Jiangse Se.

Their appearance, the people of Shangguanyuan dare not step forward.

Shangguanyuan was angry, "Why are you still standing? Get them all away!"

So the few people gathered around.

"The comer is a guest. Yuanyuan, what are you doing?" Shangguanqian appeared in time, he winked at the few people, and the latter immediately backed away.

Upon seeing this, Shangguanyuan was furious: "Shangguanqian, what do you mean? Do you want to help outsiders?"

"He didn't help outsiders, he didn't want to be sorry for his conscience." Jiang Sesu said coldly.

Shangguanyuan turned to stare at her angrily.

Jiang Sesur twitched his lips, "Shangguanyuan, the vassal, he is my husband, do you want to **** him away, are you afraid of retribution?"

"Retribution?" Shangguanyuan sneered coldly, "What time is it, even saying such things as retribution?"

"Okay, you don't believe in retribution, do you? Then we let the people present judge, whether you were wrong or I was wrong!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Sesur turned around and glanced around the guests under the stage. His eyes finally fell on the old lady of Shangguan.

"Old lady, you should know that your granddaughter is going to marry someone else's husband?"

The old lady's face was not pretty, nor did she answer her question.

Shangguanyuan was anxious, but she reached out and twirled Jiang Sesel, "My grandma doesn't know anything, and you come at me if you have anything."

"Okay." Jiang Seso turned to look at her, expressionless: "Then you return me the vassal."

"Impossible!" Shangguanyuan refused without thinking!

The scene was glued, and the old lady's complexion instantly went white. Shangguanyuan was worried, but she could not care.

Once she left, the vassal might have really been taken away by Jiang Sesu!

At this time, Jin Fengchen, who had been silent, said, "Miss Jiang, I welcome you to participate in the wedding of Yuanyuan and me, and invite you to sit down and do not affect the wedding."

It was this time, he even thought of continuing the wedding.

Jiang Se laughed angrily, "Jin Fengchen, I am your legally legal wife, and you have two children. Do you have the heart to let them become children without a father?"


Jin Fengchen frowned, his hands falling on his side clenched slowly.

He remembered Tiantian's sad look.

My heart started to hurt again.

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