Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1291: Get her out of me!

Seeing that Feng Feng Jin was not right, Shangguanyuan panicked in his heart, and said: "Jiangse Se, he has forgotten you and the past, how can he live with you? What's more, he loves me now!"

Hearing this, Jiang Se laughed and ridiculed: "You are really good at deceiving yourself. He loves you? Isn't it because of gratitude that he married you?"

"He loves me!" Shangguanyuan's voice suddenly rose, as if to hide his lack of confidence.

"Really?" Jiang Sesur looked at Jin Fengchen. "You said, do you really love her?"


Jin Fengchen wanted to answer, but he hesitated when he stared at the clear eyes of Jiangjiang.

"Father, please tell her quickly that the person you love is me!" Shangguanyuan grabbed Jin Fengchen's arm tightly and urged: "Hurry up!"

Jiang Sese sneered, "He doesn't love you, what do you let him say?"

"You bullshit!" Shangguanyuan turned her head and stared at her coldly, "He loves me, you never want to destroy our feelings!"

"The feelings between you?" Jiang Sesel sneered coldly, "You are so shameless!"

"You!" Shangguanyuan gritted her teeth angrily.

In the corner of Jiangse's eyes, Yu Guang glanced at the old lady of Shangguan under the stage, with a trace of coldness under his eyes, "Shangguanyuan, today's wedding cannot be held smoothly, that is to say, you cannot marry a vassal. More accurately Say, it will never be possible!"

"Jiangseyou! Don't go too far!" Shangguanyuan shouted sharply.

"I'm too much?" Jiang Seser laughed, but the next second gathered, his expression became fierce, "It's you who is too much! It is you who took my husband, my child's father!"

The guests off the stage were talking.

"I can't think of the tremendous amount of money in the official family's family, but he did such a shameless thing!"

"Yeah, I don't want any men on her terms. Why did you just fall in love with her husband? Isn't it cheap?"

The guests were all relatives or friends of Shangguan's family. Some people were kind and gentle with Shangguan's family, but secretly they were also dissatisfied with Shangguan's family.

No, take advantage of this opportunity to spit out quickly.

Shangguanyuan, Shangguanqian, and the old lady of Shangguan heard.

Everyone's face is very bad.

Especially the old lady of Shangguan.

What she cared about most was the face of Shangguan's family. Today, there was such a big joke that she lost all her face.

But this matter was her tacit consent, no matter how embarrassing, she could only grind her teeth.

Shangguanyuan is different, she can't stand others talking about themselves.

She is just pursuing her love.

There is no mistake!

"What are you doing stunned?! Get this woman out of me!"

Only by driving Jiangse away can everything return to normal.

The few people gathered around again, and when they saw it, Fang Yuchen and Gu Nian raised their vigilance and protected Jiang Sesur behind them.

"You stop!"

Shangguanqian once again stopped them, but this time they did not listen to him.

It seems that Shangguanyuan intends to move the real thing.

Fang Yuchen and Gu Nian exchanged glances and directly started.

The two sides fought and mingled together.

The audience screamed, and the scene was once confused.

Jiang Sese tried to get close to Jin Fengchen, but one person rushed towards her while taking advantage of the chaos. She quickly backed away, suddenly her feet were empty and her body leaned back.


Seeing this scene, Fang Yuchen was flabbergasted and rushed up to grab her.

But there was a figure rushing past him quickly, he was a little stunned, and after the reaction came, Jiang Seso was already drawn into the arms of the man.

Suddenly quiet around, everyone looked at the embracing couple.

Jiang Sesu thought she was about to fall off the stage, she closed her eyes and waited for the pain to come.

Suddenly someone grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her into a warm, hard embrace.

Familiar with the clean breath filled the entire nasal cavity instantly.

She opened her eyes subconsciously, and when that familiar face fell into her eyes, a thin layer of water mist instantly covered her eyes.

It's him!

Jin Fengchen was also stunned.

He didn't know why he rushed to save Jiangse.

It's like a physical instinct.

He did not allow her to suffer any harm, and kept Jiang Sesu behind him.

Then, looking at Shangguanyuan, there was silence for a few seconds, "Yuanyuan, postpone the wedding."

As soon as this remark came out, not only Shangguanyuan, but everyone present was shocked.

"What did you say?" Shangguanyuan thought he had heard it wrong.

"I said to postpone the wedding."

"For her?" Shang Guanyuan asked, pointing at Jiang Sesur behind him.

"No, it was my own decision."

Shangguanyuan smiled, but her eyes were wet, and she looked at Jin Fengchen with tears in her eyes, "You said you want to marry me, why? Regret?"

Jin Fengchen's eyes fell on her and said seriously: "I need to think about it so that it is good for everyone."

"You just regret it!" Shangguanyuan shouted at him.

Then, she pointed at Jiangse, and said: "I know you are reluctant to this woman, even if you have amnesia, you still care about her."

Shangguanyuan didn't believe him, she walked towards Jiangse.

Fang Yuchen hurried over, protecting Jiang Sesur behind him, looking at her with a defensive look.

"Jiangse, don't think that this is the case today, the vassals will return to your side! This is impossible!"

Speaking of which, she approached suddenly, a trace of cruelty in her eyes, lowered her voice and said: "As long as I think, he will forget you again."

Hearing this, Jiang Sesu's palms were tight.

What does she mean?

Are you warning yourself? What are you going to do to the vassals?

Shangguanyuan raised a sneer in the corner of his mouth, "It's impossible for him to return to your side in this life."

When the words fell, she sternly ordered to the people under her command: "No matter what method is used, drive her out to me!"

Suddenly, I don't know where more than a dozen people came from. Fang Yuchen was so entangled that they could not be separated.

Even Jin Fengchen also started with them.

Seeing that the two men were about to rush towards themselves, Jiang Sesur turned around and ran away. When he wanted to avoid it, there was a sudden pain in the back of his head.

As soon as her eyes were black, she threw herself straight towards the ground.


Fang Yuchen shouted, and the action ended more and more neatly.

Jin Fengchen looked at him in his sight, and his heart suddenly fell away, and a violent panic swept across, and the subconsciously rushed over.

But the old lady on the side of the court exclaimed, "Yuanyuan!"

Shangguanyuan fainted.

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