Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1292: Because of instinct

A wedding ended in chaos.

Jiang Seso was taken to the hospital, but was hit by a fist in the back of the head, but it didn't hurt.

The reason why she fainted was because of her unstable mood in the past few days, she did not get enough sleep, resulting in a weak body.

"It's not a big problem, but the patient needs a few days of rest."

After hearing the doctor's advice, Fang Yuchen nodded, "Okay, I will pay attention."

After the doctor left, Fang Yuchen walked to the hospital bed, his eyes fell on Jiangse's pale face, and a sigh overflowed from his lips.

As long as Jin Fengchen has not returned to her side, how could she be quietly quiet for a while?

"Master, what should we do now?" Gu Nian asked aside.

Today, this matter has developed to such a point that they did not expect it at all.

Moreover, after this incident, it was more difficult for them to take Jin Fengchen away from Shangguan's house.

Fang Yuchen pondered for a moment before speaking: "It really can't be done. You can only do what you thought before."

Gu Nian frowned, "Are you sure?"

"It's not really a question of uncertainty now. With this situation, I don't think it can be delayed."

Gu Nian understood what he meant, "Okay, I know what to do."

"You must pay attention to safety." Fang Yuchen exhorted.

Gu Nian chuckled lightly, "You can rest assured, how can I say that I was also trained by my young master, there will be nothing wrong."

After he finished speaking, he nodded gently towards Fang Yuchen and turned to leave.

Quietness returned to the ward.

Fang Yuchen took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

The wedding became a farce, and at the same time, the Shangguan family became a joke.

The old lady was almost angry and Shangguanyuan woke up on her way home.

As soon as he entered the house, he went straight upstairs to his bedroom.

The old lady sighed and called Shangguanqian to the front. She just accused: "How did your child do things? Knowing that the other party will come over and make trouble, you are still letting them come! That's your sister what!"

"Grandma, I'm sorry!" Shangguan Qian bowed her head.

So far, he can only say "sorry".

"Ah!" the old lady sighed heavily. "Are you still blaming Yuanyuan? So you help outsiders?"

"Grandma, nothing."

Even if Shangguanyuan's attitude towards him was so bad, he never blamed her.

"Then what's the matter with you?" the old lady asked.

Shangguanqian was silent for a while before slowly speaking: "Grandma, you know, I like Yuanyuan."

The old lady frowned, "So? You destroy her happiness, thinking that she will like you?"

Facing the old lady's question, Shangguanqian chose silence.

The old lady looked at him, and although she was angry at his approach this time, she thought about his feelings for Yuanyuan, and she couldn't bear it.

She could only sigh again, "Xiaoqian, it's not yours, we can't force it."

Hearing the words, Shangguan Qian's mouth twitched a little, and said, "Grandma, since you understand this, why should you agree to marry Yuan Yuan and Jin Fengchen?"

"Because that is the person Yuanyuan likes."

Speaking of which, the old lady shook her head and sighed, "For so many years, you know Yuan Yuan's temperament is too cold. Only in front of Jin Fengchen can you smile so sincerely and so happy."

"But grandma, Jin Fengchen doesn't love her."

"Not loving now does not mean not loving in the future."

There was a feeling of powerlessness, Shangguan smiled modestly, "Because of this, would you hurt Jin Fengchen's wife and children? Don't you think it's selfish and excessive?"

At the mention of this, the old lady felt like she was clogged with cotton, which was very uncomfortable.

In fact, she also felt that it was selfish and excessive, but for the happiness of her granddaughter, she had no choice.

"Grandma, you can't indulge Yuanyuan like this." Shangguanqian said.

The old lady lowered her eyes and waved her hand to signal him to go out, "Grandma is tired."

Shangguanqian knew she chose to escape.

"Grandma, you educated me from an early age, and you should be conscientious."

After saying this, Shangguan Qian turned around.

The old lady sighed. How could she know that she needs to be conscientious, but can her conscience bring her granddaughter happiness?

The answer is no.

Well, she can only ignore her conscience.


Walking out of the old lady's room, Shangguanqian saw Jin Fengchen, who was about to leave from the door of Shangguanyuan's room, unable to move.

"Yuanyuan still refuses to open the door?"

Wen Yan, Jin Fengchen looked over and nodded, "Uh."

Shangguanyuan locked the door of the room, no one knocked on the door.

But inexplicably, Jin Fengchen was not even worried about her, but Jiang Sesu.

She also fainted.

how is it now?

Looking at her being taken to the hospital by Fang Yuchen, he couldn't control himself and wanted to go together.

But the old lady of Shangguan ordered people to stop him.

Thinking about this, Jin Fengchen opened his lips lightly, "Can you please help me to ask, what is the situation now?"

Shangguan Qian raised her eyebrows, "Are you worried about her?"

Jin [Biquge] the vassal was silent.

Shangguanqian thought for a while, and asked, "You honestly told me, did you remember something?"

"No." Jin Fengchen shook his head. "I didn't remember anything."

"Then why did you save Jiangse?"

"Because..." Jin Fengchen frowned. "Instinct."

Hearing this answer, Shangguan was stunned, instinct?

Could it be that his love for Jiang Seso has penetrated into the bone marrow, even if the memories are gone, the body still remembers it?

"So you want to postpone the wedding?"

"Well." Jin Fengchen nodded and said softly: "Remember to ask me about Jiangse's situation."

After all, he walked away.

Shangguan looked at his back humbly, and frowned slowly.

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