Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 819: This place should not stay long

"where are you?"

   "I am at the Sena Hotel, the room number is 1808." Jiang Sesur reported the hotel and the room number in a series.

   "Listen, Thurse, don't stop the call from now on. You are now going to lock the door of the room, no matter who knocks on the door, don't open it! Wait for me to pass!"

   Jin Fengchenchong made a gesture with Gu Nian behind him. Gu Nian understood, and quickly sent someone to follow Jin Fengchen.

  Jianse Se sat on the bed and listened to the familiar voice from the telephone receiver. The uneasiness in her heart finally dropped.

   He will definitely come to rescue her.

   The roar of the car was heard on the phone, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to him. Jiangse's heart became more and more firm, and his throat could not help but choked.

   Jin Fengchen stepped on the accelerator all the way, fearing that he would be surprised if he was one second late.

   fifteen minutes later, rushed to the door of the hotel.

  Looking at the elevator that has gone up, Jin Fengchen scolded, and even had no time to wait for the other elevators, ran straight up the stairs.

   Listening to Jin Fengchen's more and more rapid breathing and messy footsteps, Jiang Sesur couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, walked behind the door of the house, and looked out through the cat's eyes.

   "Surther, I'm here."

  The moment she saw Jin Fengchen's tall figure through the cat's eyes, Jin Fengchen's voice also suddenly sounded.

  Jiangsu can't wait to open the door, so excited that he even trembles a little.

   The door opened, and Jin Fengchen looked at the little woman half hidden behind the door, and his heart tremble.

   hurried forward to hold the person tightly in his arms, "finally found you."

   Jin Fengchen embraced the woman in her arms, but only felt more vulnerable than before, and seemed to crush her with a single effort.

  Jiangseul panicked for a long time, as if at this moment, he was completely quiet in his arms.

   hugged for a long time before Jiang Sesur raised his head and gently pushed him. A slight nasal sound sounded, "Let's go in."

   Jin Fengchen reluctantly let her go, watching her red eyes swollen with pain.

   The slightly cool fingertips gently wiped the tears off her face, but the more she rubbed the more.

   Jin Fengchen looked at her apparently thin face and figure, and she couldn't help but burst of distress.

   picked her up directly around her back and returned to the room.

   was sitting by the bed, and Jiang Sesur held Jin Fengchen's palm tightly, so that she could be sure that she was really beside him.

   stared at her eyes for a long while, Jin Fengchen bowed her lips and kissed her lips, swallowing all the whimpers in her mouth.

   Until she was breathless, Jin Fengchen only let her go.

   cheeks were flushed by the kiss, but she couldn't hide her pale face.

  Pushing the broken hair in her ear, Jin Fengchen asked softly, "What have you encountered in these days?"

  Jiangse heard his words, his face dimmed.

  The experience of these past few days is a nightmare for her, and Fu Jingyun's changes make her want to remember.

  Noticing the emotion in her eyes, Jin Fengchen's big hand fell on her back and couldn't help but hug her into her arms, stroking her at once. Touching her back and appeasing her.

   "I was taken to Milan by Fu Jingyun, he said he would treat me, shut me into a house, sent someone to stare at me, and later... changed to a villa."

   During the closed time, she was the only person in the empty house all day, and the servants who came in from time to time stared at her with cold eyes, fearing that she might run away or commit suicide.

  Endless waiting and the panic of being imprisoned made her dare not turn off the lights even at night, and even the wind outside the window could make her wake up instantly.

  Jenser paused, and sucked in a sour nose, and the voice finally stopped shaking. "I finally found a chance to escape. I met a kind person on the road and took me to this hotel."

   Her eyes were unknowingly revealed, her wet eyes were distressing like a deer.

   Jin Fengchen can almost imagine how she was frightened recently to escape Fu Jingyun's surveillance.

   suddenly frowned, and I was also thankful in my heart, but I came early.

  If it was found by Fu Jingyun or Bergen ahead of time, I don’t know how much hardship to suffer.

  Recalling the experience of the past few days, Jiang Sesur's heart was cold, but fortunately, the man's chest was very warm, and all her fears were dispelled little by little.

   "Then have you noticed, has Fu Jingyun contacted anyone in recent days?" Jin Fengchen still patted her back gently and asked aloud.

  Jiangse hesitated for a while, thinking hard, shaking his head gently.

  Jianse Se's emotions have also been adjusted at this time. He came out of the man's arms and saw him frowning, asking with concern: "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

  The words fell and raised his hand to gently smooth the wrinkles between his eyebrows.

   Watching her look at her with tenderness, Jin Fengchen reacted and stroked her silky hair.

   "It's nothing, thinking of little things, it doesn't matter."

   finished his eyes down, noticed the wound on her calf, Jin Fengchen squatted down, and gently touched her calf skin, "how hurt, does it hurt?"

   The cold brows on weekdays are totally nervous now.

   "A little injury, no pain, just a bruise, now it's all right."

   said she shrank her calf back, and she did not want to worry about Jin Fengchen.

   But when it moved, it seemed to pull the wound, and Jiang Sesur gently hissed.

   "Where is this painless?"

   Jin Fengchen was going to grab her ankle and wanted to see if there were any other scars.

   Seeing this, Jiangse's face rose with two red clouds. Some embarrassed eyes dropped slightly, and his tender white hand grabbed his wrist.

   "It's just a fall and scratched a little bit of skin.

  In a short sentence, it fell in Jin Fengchen's ears but it was distressed.

  He rubbed her head and said, "Thur, don't stay here for long, we must leave immediately."

   "Okay, I'll go with you."

   Jin Fengchen directly took off his coat and draped over her. He took her half-armed and stood up, pulled out the room card and walked out the door.

  Through the huge transparent revolving door, Jin Fengchen took Jiangse's hand to the car parked in front of the hotel.

   opened the co-pilot to protect her head and got her in the car, and then carefully arranged her clothes. Jin Fengchen just bypassed the head and sat in the driver's seat to start the car.

   The car slowly drove out of the parking lot and gradually merged into the traffic.

   Not far away, Fu Jingyun had a panoramic view of everything.

   The intimacy of the two people tingled Fu Jingyun's nerves.

   Eventually she followed Jin Fengchen.

   Fu Jingyun smiled bleakly, with a bit of bitterness in his throat.

   struggled to run around for her illness, even trying to block the last friendship between the two and imprisoning her. It was indeed such a chilling result.

   The night is dark, like his mood at this moment.

  Fu Jingyun's hand bones holding the steering wheel turned white, and he couldn't take back his gaze for a long time while watching the direction they left.

   Ground, stepped **** the accelerator under the foot, rushed across the road, rolled up a yellow leaf at the rear of the car.

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