The black car passed through a piece of greenery, entered a villa area, and parked in front of the innermost villa.

   The gate slowly opened, and a large green lawn came into view.

  Jiangseer looked at the large green area, and the dangling heart also dropped.

   stepped inside and found that the decoration here is the same as that of a house in France.

   saw her surprised face, Jin Fengchen's mouth could not help smiling.

   However, after relaxing, it is accompanied by a sense of fatigue.

   He took her to the sofa and sat down. When she hadn't seen it, she gently rubbed her temples.

   After several days of sleeplessness to find her whereabouts, even the iron body, it is unavoidable.

   is full of light, glancing at Wu Qing in the corner of his eyes, Jiangse's heart inevitably has a hint of distress.

   She raised her hands, wrapped around his neck, and said softly: "I will not worry you anymore, OK?"

   The woman's hot and sweet smell sprayed on Jin Fengchen's neck, making him breathe tightly.

   A certain part of the body was suddenly full of excitement. In order to avoid the embarrassment of the two of them, Jin Fengchen hurriedly opened a short distance with her.

   However, this was her rare initiative to give her a hug. Jin Fengchen was afraid that she would think more, and touched her hair indulgently, and said softly: "I will not let you leave my sight again."

   Jin Fengchen said that after recovering from his own body, he stretched out his hand and took her into his arms, and Jiang Sesur didn't struggle.

   Beside this man, she felt the long-lost peace and stability.

  The next second, a "Guru" broke the atmosphere, and Jiang Sesur looked at Jin Fengchen in embarrassment, then lowered his head and buried his face in his chest.

   spoke a little embarrassedly, "I'm a little hungry..."

   Jin Fengchen smiled and rubbed her hair. "Ten minutes later, you are ready to eat. You can go upstairs and take a shower."

"it is good."

   After speaking, he turned and prepared to go upstairs.

  She just took two steps and couldn't help but look back. She still didn't want to waste time with Jin Fengchen.

   glanced at Jin Fengchen and said, "Can you go upstairs with me?"

Seeing the reluctance in her eyes, Jin Fengchen couldn't bear to say the refusal, and followed with long legs.

Ten minutes later, the two came downstairs together.

  All kinds of dishes have been put on the table.

   has a beautiful color and is very tempting.

  Jiangsu hurriedly walked over and began to enjoy.

  Looking at her lovely food, Jin Fengchen couldn't bear to bother for a while.

   was eating, Jiangse Se, felt a fiery glow on his body, swallowed the food in his mouth, looked up, looked at it, and said strangely, "Look at me, why do you eat some."

"it is good."

   Jin Fengchen nodded his head, picked up a piece of steamed pork ribs and put it in his mouth. He felt unexpectedly delicious.

   Half an hour later, Jiang Sesur sat down with her chopsticks.

"I am full."

   finished with a hiccup, and in front of the man, Jiang Sesur couldn't help blushing.

   was amused by her appearance, Jin Fengchen teased: "I know you are full, so don't tell me again."


   The large and soft bed in the bedroom, the two lie opposite each other.

  Jianse Se looked at the man's smooth and delicate cheeks and couldn't help moving.

   Just at the hotel, the moment she opened the door, she felt as if she had been separated from him for a century.

   Until she fell into his warm embrace, she still felt unreal.

   looked at him at this time, only to really confirm that all this is true.

Seeing the emotion in her eyes, Jin Fengchen reached out and stroked her. Touching her cheek, the eyes were filled with pity and tenderness.

   "Are you still sleepy?"

   "The vassal."

  Jiangse Seul courageously looked at Jin Fengchen seriously.

   "I suddenly wanted to remember things before, I don't want to forget anything about you."

   finished, a blush slowly appeared on his face, and the bright eyes looked at Jin Fengchen hopefully.

   Jin Fengchen left a kiss on her forehead and said softly: "It doesn't matter, as long as you remember that I love you enough."

  Feeling the man's affection, Jiangse's eyes were moist, buried in his arms, and hugged him tightly.

   The two embraced and slept.


   Milan's famous wealthy villa area, a brand new villa.

   Several bodyguards waited respectfully. Berg took a sip from the glass and slowly swallowed it.

  Because Jin Fengchen's side had done something for Jiang Sesel, the movement was too great, which attracted Bergen's attention.

   "Vice King Jin came to Italy? When did he come?"

  A lot of bodyguards in the empty hall are waiting to wait, but no one dares to answer at this time.

   "Check immediately."

As soon as the unquestionable order was exited, someone would soon execute it.

   An hour later, someone came back respectfully and said: "I heard that he was looking for someone, and he was already turning Milan upside down."

   "Find someone? Huh."

   side Zifeng smiled, "It's impossible, is it for you?"

   Berg's eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised arc.

   "It's really possible. Recently, he moved frequently, and Catherine also came back. He was worried that his wife's life was coming."

   Berg put down his glass and slowly stood up, laughing lightly, "If this is the case, then it is necessary to have a good meeting with him for a while."

In the next moment, Berg's breath changed suddenly, his eyes cold and said: "Since I have come to my site, I will definitely do a good job of the "Landlord's Friendship". You should pay more attention to these days. Anything will come at any time. Report."

   "Okay, boss."

  After the purple wind got the order, he immediately executed the order and went.



  Fu Jingyun drink glass after cup of wine, as if drinking water.

   Recently, his chances of coming to the bar have increased significantly. Almost every time, it is because of Jiang Sesu.

  She left, and she followed Jin Fengchen again.

  Why is he the one who is dropped every time?

   Fu Jingyun's tears in his heart were generally painful, and there was no expression on his face.

   A woman came to talk, and Fu Jingyun didn't lift his head to make people roll, his voice was full of anger.

   was so scared that the other party lost sight and ran out far away.

   can still hear her talking with others, saying that Fu Jingyun is a neuropathy.

  Oh, neuropathy, he now hopes he is neuropathy.

   Fu Jingyun's mouth evoked a self-deprecating arc.

  When Catherine came in, she saw this smiling expression.

   Stopped, stared at the man's handsome face for a moment, then lifted her foot and walked over, a fart. She sat down opposite him.

   Warped well-proportioned slender legs, pulled out the smoke skillfully, slightly raised the red lips, and lowered his head to light.

   Fu Jingyun raised her eyelids and looked at her coldly: "I suspect you have a locator on me."

  No matter where he goes to drink, Catherine can be accurately found.

  Catherina took a breath and slowly spit out white smoke, casually said: "Why don't you think about the good? For example, I care about you?"

   Fu Jingyun sneered, his face full of disbelief.

   "Don't be so frustrated, your face definitely has market and capital, you see,"

  Catherina pointed to someone who peeped over from afar, and said lightly: "Trust me, you have more choices, there is no need to hang himself on Jiang Sesel alone."

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