Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 821: Welcome you to join us

Fu Jingyun put his hands on his chest and leaned back on the back of the chair, taunting: "If I let go now, do you think I will join you?"

  Catherina flicked soot and her red lips were like fire.

   She took a breath, moved closer to Fu Jingyun, and sprayed it on his face. The white smoke blurred Fu Jingyun's vision.

   Her voice came like a ghost, "If you can really let go so easily, I won't say that."

  Catherine pinched his life, unable to struggle.

  Fu Jingyun pushed her away expressionlessly, disgusted: "Go away."

  Catherina backed away, inadvertently pressing the cigarette **** in the ashtray.

  See Fu Jingyun went to get the wine again, reminded: "Tomorrow is the day when you formally hold office, you can do nothing wrong."

   "You don't need to bother."

   Fu Jingyun restarted to open a bottle of wine, his expression faint.

  Catherine just said so, to remind.

  Fu Jingyun was deceased and deceased, and he probably knew a lot about what he did.

   At this time, the music in the bar was suddenly replaced with a very hot tune, as if hearing the call, a group of people poured into the dance floor.

"go dance?"

  She took Fu Jingyun together and was simply refused by the other party.

  Catherine snorted, Fu Jingyun looked like she could only drink.

   Can't even accept the touch of others, and was killed by Jiang Sesele.


   She ridiculed Fu Jingyun and got a cold expression in the latter.

After   , she didn't care about this man with a sly expression and entered the dance floor by the sound of music.

   The group of demons dancing around was lively and scary, but Fu Jingyun felt extremely lonely.

   Catherine jumped out in a sweat and returned to her place to find Fu Jingyun without seeing anyone.

  Did I go back, my eyes turned, and I saw the drunk man on the ground.

   She lowered her curse, walked over and kicked, shouting: "Hey, get up."

  Fu Jingyun didn't answer, Catherine confessed to help the person up, and returned to his residence.

   originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do something, but smelled Fu Jingyun's strong alcoholic smell, and then looked at his sleeping face like a dead man, no interest, throwing people away and left.

   This night, Fu Jingyun slept very sweetly.

   In his dream, he was with Jiang Sesu, and they went to a place where no one disturbed them and lived carefree.

   Sweet every day, he wanted to laugh, and he woke up with a smile.

  The dazzling light came in from the window without the curtain, and Fu Jingyun had a headache.

  Instinctively raised his hand to block it, and hated the light in his heart, pulling him out of the dream.

   was trying to close his eyes and continue the previous dream, a sudden doorbell sounded suddenly.

  Fu Jingyun went to open the door with a face on his face, and outside the door was Catherine.

  She saw that Fu Jingyun had a messy hair and crumpled clothes on her body, and her chin was full of newly emerged stubble. She knew that this man was estimated to wake up now.

  Looking at the time, Catherine urged: "Take you to the institute at nine, you have to prepare."

   The sleepy Fu Jingyun was shocked, washed his face and brushed his teeth at the fastest speed, his beard was shaved cleanly, and when he came out, it was completely different from the appropriate one.

   "Let's go." Fu Jingyun said lightly.

   Catherine looked at him more than once, and she felt emotion in her heart. This man looks really good, but unfortunately, his eyes were blind.

   Fu Jingyun passed by Catherine's car, and was blindfolded when she got on the car.

   said impatiently: "You have agreed to me to enter the institute, it means that you have recognized me, and you are still doing these tricks."

   "This is Mr. Berglian's request, I am ordered to act only."

   Catherine's voice was calm and she was not angry with Fu Jingyun's bad attitude.

  Fu Jingyun froze, no longer speaking.

   Catherine glanced at him and started the car.

   On the way, Fu Jingyun was in a bad mood and did not talk to Catherine.

  Catherina concentrated on driving and occasionally glanced at him through the rearview mirror. She looked inexplicable and didn't know what she was thinking.

  Fu Jingyun couldn't see it, he couldn't judge where he was, he could only feel it by running the car.

   is all uphill all the way, and there are many turns. He guessed that the place they were going to should be on the mountain or the like.

   Bergen was cautious, and the place he chose must not be so easy to find.

   Fu Jingyun thought coldly.

  He was unfamiliar with this place and was blindfolded. He would not be able to reveal his address even if he wanted to withdraw in the future.

  Speaking of cunning and vigilant, it was Berger who was even stronger.

   After about an hour, the car finally stopped.

   It seemed that someone greeted him and said a few words to Catherine in a strange language, but Fu Jingyun didn't understand it.

   They should be intentional to guard against him.

  Fu Jingyun was led by someone and entered a place.

  Fu Jingyun couldn't help feeling a little impatient, but fortunately at this time someone finally came over and took off his blindfold.

   He opened his eyes, adapted to the light, and took a breath. He was shocked by what he saw.

   This is a very large research base, with several laboratories covering an extremely large area.

   In addition, these laboratories have gathered a lot of advanced medical equipment, but it is a holy place for medical lunatics.

   Fu Jingyun dares to guarantee that even the best medical laboratories in the world will not have the luxury of Bergen.

  Fu Jingyun glanced twice, Li Yan swept it again, and took notes one by one in his heart.

   remained calm, silently following Catherine.

   came to meet the two, Fu Jingyun narrowed his eyes, one of them was Bergen.

   "Come, we have been waiting here for a long time."

   Berg even shrugged slightly, looked around for a week, spread his hands, and confidently asked, "How is it here, is it good?"

   The sentence of doubt, the tone of the statement, is clearly showing off what he has.

   Fu Jingyun looked around in a circle, and the fine light in his eyes flashed, showing a gentle smile, and exclaimed, "Of course, very good, this is the most comprehensive research base I have ever seen."

  The words fell, and Fu Jingyun stared at the man beside him, that is, Professor Curry was examining himself up and down.

   Berg even looked at the eyes of the two people and introduced: "This is Professor Curry. You have met before, and you will be a partner in the future."

   "Welcome to join us." Professor Curry's reaction was somewhat unnaturally excited.

   Fu Jingyun had a count in his heart. He just knew what he was called just now, but now he shows this look.

   This man is definitely not simple.

   It seems that Bergen still doesn't trust him enough.

   "Good luck."

   Both reached out and hung a formal smile.

   The moment the eyes converged in the air, they all flashed unidentified light, but were hidden by the dim light around them.

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