Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 830: Can't let him run

Fu Jingyun got on the car lightly, as if he had not forgiven Catherine's behavior.

   The sun was dazzling, and Fu Jingyun took out his sunglasses belt, but not to block the light.

   just didn't want Catherine to find out that his eyes were wet again.

   Fu Jingyun closed his eyes and leaned tiredly on the seat.

  I kept thinking about the scenes in the past three years. When I got off the bus, Fu Jingyun had adjusted his emotions, and still was the person with a light cloud.

   After receiving the certificate, Lord Feng Jin took Jiang Sesur home.

   Along the way, Jiangse Se finally had no way to suppress her mood, and she couldn't help crying.

Although    has already faced and made up his mind, Jiangse's heart is still soft.

  Fu Jingyun has all her protection in her heart, and she cannot erase what Fu Jingyun treats her.

   Thinking of Fu Jingyun's last look, guilt surged uncontrollably and filled her heart.

   Jin Fengchen looked at the crying little woman, sighed, and stopped the car.

   Then, she reached out and took her in her arms, gently coaxing: "It's okay, just cry if you want to cry, we will be home soon."

   nestled in the arms of Jin Fengchen, Jiang Sesur cried for a while before trying to control his emotions, raised his head, and made a smile, "I'm fine, let's go home."

  She didn't want Jin Fengchen to worry about her.

   Jin Fengchen smiled indulgently, reached out and wiped the tears from her cheek, rubbed her head, leaned slightly, and dropped a kiss in front of her forehead.

   Then, drive home.

  After arriving home, Jin Fengchen immediately called Gu Nian and said, "Now book two tickets for returning home, the fastest."

  Gu Nian was silent for a while, without giving any response.

   "What's the matter?" Jin Fengchen realized that something was wrong, and had always been very efficient in handling things. At this time, even if there was silence, something must have happened.

   "We are afraid that there is no way to leave so quickly. The internal system of the company has been attacked by unknown hackers. A huge loophole has appeared, and a lot of information has been lost, which affects the company..."

   Gu Nian said in one breath, almost as he spoke less and less.

Although    was attacked, it also shows that their defensive net is not strong enough to give opponents a chance.

   He knew that his young master's recent efforts were all to take his wife home.

  Because there was no way to solve the problem of the certificate before, now that I got the certificate, the company had another problem.

  Jiangseer looked at Jin Fengchen's increasingly dignified complexion and asked worriedly: "What's wrong?"

   "It's okay." Jin Fengchen leaned his head to appease, and said to Gu Nian: "Report all the materials to me immediately, and send another copy."

   Jin Fengchen sat in front of the computer, holding a mobile phone, while viewing Gu Nian's documents.

  Jiangsu also probably guessed that the company had nothing but to stand by and said softly and gently: "First solve the company's problems, don't rush home at this time."

   Jin Fengchen nodded, feeling a little sorry.

   Thurse has been looking forward to going home, but at this time something went wrong.

   seemed to know his guilt, and Jiang Seso gave Jin Fengchen a dose of reassuring pills, "As long as you are, you will be home everywhere. Handle your business with peace of mind."

  Speaking, Jin Fengchen calmed down almost instantaneously, condensed his mind, and read the information passed by Gu Nian at a glance.

  Immediately entered the company's internal system, almost as soon as I entered, it was found that a virus was installed inside.

   His face was sombre, his slender fingers pounded on the keyboard quickly, and he quickly cracked. Some data were intercepted back before the transmission was completed.

   However, the part of the data that has been exported must not be used anymore.

   However, the core data has not been lost, and there is a chance of salvation.

  The movement in his hand did not stop at all, but he ordered Gu Nian in an orderly way: "Notify all departments, all the confidential information lost, stop using it. Others, you can do it yourself."

   "Yes, young master."

  Gu Nian responded.

   Jin Fengchen wholeheartedly began to track the position of the other party in reverse, chasing it all the time, and when he could almost be followed, the other party was escaped.

  He decided that the other party was playing with him, but he was not in a hurry. He slowly leaned on the back of the chair. His eyes fell like a falcon on the computer display, and his lips sneered.

  He just installed the echo tracking software, and soon, a positioning appeared on the display.

  Café next to Milan Cathedral!

   He immediately reported the position to Gu Nian, and asked him to immediately lead him over to encircle.


  Gu Nian took the command, and hurried to Milan Cathedral.

   The cafe has a full-length floor-to-ceiling window and walked to the neighborhood. Gu Nian waved a few people to stop and scanned the people in the cafe, not sure if the other party had escaped.

   Suddenly, Gu Nian's eyes narrowed, and he saw a man wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses masks sitting in a remote corner, his fingers pounding on the keyboard quickly.

  Gu Nian turned around and waved, basically confirming this person.

  However, while they wanted to go in, the other party seemed to be keenly aware of something, snapped on the computer, quickly flew out of the side door, and got into a car that blocked the license plate number.

   "Chasing! You follow up, don't let him run away!"

  Gu Nian waved, letting several people catch up, stopped the car, and stayed to see if there were any other clues.

   He looked calm, strode into the cafe, stopped at the man's position, and silently observed everything on the table, except for the coffee cup, there was nothing extra.

   Drinked most of the coffee in the cup, but the other party seemed to be very cautious, leaving no fingerprints.

   The phone rang suddenly, and he took it out and wrinkled his brow.

   was called by his men.

   Only a few minutes? I called and it would not be good news.

  Gu Nian answered the phone, and the people over there said breathlessly: "The people are missing, they are very careful, they seem to have taken the opportunity to change the car."

   The things that were expected.

   Gu Nian nodded and did not blame them.

   The other party was obviously prepared. If he was caught so easily, he would worry about the trap.

   "After the other party changed the car, did you see the license plate number? Yes? Report the license plate number to me immediately and I will see the boss."

  Gu Nian ordered to the other end of the phone.

   On the other side, Jin Fengchen knocked on the last line of code before taking a long sigh of relief and confessing Gu Nian to the company and waiting for him.

   At this time, Jiang Sesu went downstairs and brought in a glass of milk.

   looked at the cold-eyed Jin Fengchen in front of him, could not help worrying a little, "Faint, is it solved?"

   After hearing the words, Jin Fengchen rubbed her head with a smile, comforting: "It's okay, I will go to the company."

   words fell, Jin Fengchen left a kiss on her forehead before turning to leave.

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