Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 831: Xiao Xiao on the countertop

Before going to the company, Jin Fengchen confessed that the bodyguard is optimistic about this, to ensure the safety of Tse, and report it as soon as there are special circumstances.

   He was worried that someone would take advantage of the chaos to do something to Thurso.

   arrived at the company, Gu Nian was waiting for him in the office, and when he saw him coming in, he stood straight and bowed his head slightly, "Sorry, Master, we didn't catch anyone, our people were thrown away by each other."

   Jin Fengchen nodded thoughtfully, said lightly: "The other party is prepared, don't blame you. Tell me about the specific situation."

Fortunately, the most important information was recovered.


  Gu Nian Shen Sheng responded and immediately reported the specific situation.

He explained the situation at the time, and then thought, "However, although the other party changed the car, we saw the license plate number, and it has been checked. However, I doubt that the other party will deliberately reveal it. Let's check for flaws?"

  Jin Fengchen's eyes narrowed slightly, shining sharply. Gu Nian's worry was also his concern.

   "Continue to follow and report immediately."

   Jin Fengchen was sitting at his desk, a little irritable. When this matter was dealt with, it might be better for a while, and the time to return to China would have to be postponed.

   Gu Nian nodded, and then Jin Fengchen looked at the computer screen while explaining something to him.

   "Okay, Master, I'm getting them to reinforce the firewall. If there is nothing else, I'm going out first."

   Jin Fengchen nodded, looking at the screen in front of him, trying to find more flaws.

   There are not many such hackers in this world, let alone in Italy, the target is well targeted.

  As long as you determine who it is, it will be much easier to catch the person behind him.

   focused on the screen, Jin Fengchen's thoughts were very clear, analyzing every possibility, and using a large number of contacts to check.

   Suddenly, the office door was knocked, accompanied by Gu Nian's voice, "Young Master, Berg even took someone to hurt the people under us, ran in, and wanted to see you by name. Do you want to come forward?"

   "Let them come in."

   Jin Fengchen gave a cold command, pulled the tie with one hand, stood up from the chair, his eyes were cold, and the air pressure around him dropped a lot.

  He hasn't gone to Bergen to settle the accounts yet, Bergen has come to the door by himself.

   Bergen's face with a sneer smile, swayed into the office, "Mr. Jin, don't come unharmed."

He was talking while looking at the busy employees outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows. He sneered: "Mr. Jin, the employees of your company are really dedicated. I heard that your company's system has been hacked and lost a lot of information. You can still sit back and admire such a big event."

   His news is really fast.

Jin Fengchen's tone was indifferent, and he hooked the corner of his mouth, but he didn't smile halfway in his eyes. "Bo Lien, you have acted on my men since you came here. It seems that it does not match your identity. I used to think you were a gentleman , Now it seems to be a tyrannical rogue."

   He sat on the office chair with a relaxed posture and looked at Bergen quietly. It was too coincidental that he came this time.

   Moreover, his news was too timely, and even with this move, it is very likely that there is no silver in this place.

   "Mr. Jin said this wronged me, and I just came here, and I don't need to be so hostile to me."

   Berg smiled and sat on the sofa arrogantly, "Why don’t you make me a pot of tea? I heard that Chinese tea ceremony is awesome. Presumably, Mr. Jin is quite accomplished."

Jin Fengchen slowly leaned on the back of the chair, his eyes cold and cold, just like watching a clown jumping on the beam, his voice was very quiet, "You made such a big noise as soon as you came, it was the person who hurt me, and it broke into directly. Should I explain to my office first?"

   Berg's smiling Zhang Kuang, put his arm on the back of the sofa and tapped at once, "There is nothing to explain, but I heard that President Jin arrived in Italy soon, and the company had a problem, and I came to console you."

   paused, his body leaned forward, his eyes full of gloating: "This foreign market is not under your control, President Jin, I advise you to do what you can."

   Jin Fengchen's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

   Berger caught his gaze unexpectedly, inexplicably feeling dazed, tilted back slightly, and after reacting, quickly straightened his back.

  It's just a defeated one, what's terrible about yourself.

  Thinking about this, Berg even regained the strategizing look on his face.

   Jin Fengchen chuckled, and said slowly: "Mr. Berglian has intentions, but it is just some small children who can't get on the table. It's not enough to engage in small actions behind their backs."

   Berg gritted his teeth, heard Jin Fengchen even satirizing that he was Xiao Xiao!

   is as proud as him, so he has been said, his face suddenly became very ugly.

   Just quickly suppressed his anger again, smiled slightly, "Is it? But think about it too, President Jin's methods, few people can match, it seems that I am worried about nothing.

  Everyone with a discerning eye can see that in just a few words, Bergen has fallen.

  Although he has many methods, the gas field cannot be compared with Jin Fengchen after all.

  Jin Feng Jin just sat there, with one look and one action, can make people feel terrified.

   "I won the prize, I'm just a businessman. But if there is an eye-opening collision, Jin Fengchen will not be polite, and will definitely pack him up hard, let him lose his wife and break down soldiers."

  After finishing this sentence, Jin Fengchen's patience was exhausted, and his voice changed, and he issued a eviction order: "I still have things. If Mr. Berglian has nothing to do, please forgive me."

   This is to catch people directly.

  Berge even looks ashen, no one has dared to chase him away, Jin Fengchen is the first one.

   His eyes swept fiercely on Jin Fengchen. He came here today to deliberately taunt Jin Fengchen. Now his purpose has not been achieved, making him uncomfortable.

   Moreover, if he just left, where would he put his face?

   Berg opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Jin Fengchen, who had already started processing documents, glanced at him and interrupted him.

   "Oh, Mr. Berglian remembers, how did you come in just now?"

   Berger didn't even know, so he nodded, and there was a bit of pride in his eyes, "Of course."

  No matter how powerful it is, it is not possible to let him break in.

   What he didn't know was that Jin Fengchen had already done his job, just waiting for him to admit it.

   Jin Fengchen had a playful smile in his eyes, and Berg even frowned slightly, noticing something was wrong, and immediately became alert.

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