After some preparations, Jin's birthday soon arrived.

   The banquet hall of Jin's Villa is decorated with exquisiteness. After the decoration, it is even more luxurious, and the details are exquisite.

  Starting at 4 pm, guests were visiting one after another.

   A luxury car stopped in front of Jin's door, just like a luxury car auto show.

   Luxury and sophisticated ladies and business celebrities get off the bus.

   The reporters who had been waiting outside had picked up the camera for a while.

   What they most want to take is actually the Jin family, but unfortunately, they can’t enter the gate of the Jin family.

  However, it is not a waste of waiting for them to be able to photograph these guests.

  After all, anyone who can receive the invitation letter from the Jin family, no matter who it is, is a number one in Jincheng.

   In fact, many people from outside have been waiting for this banquet, thinking of having to show their faces at the banquet anyway.

  Even if you have no relationship with the Jin family, you can have a good relationship with the family that the Jin family has made.

  Who knows, people are holding banquets at home, resulting in a much higher threshold than in hotels. If you want to mix up with a familiar person, you can't get in at all.

   People who came to the banquet, holding the invitation letter, entered the banquet hall gracefully.

   At this time, in the banquet hall, Mother Jin was surrounded by a group of noble ladies, talking and laughing.

  Although she is fifty years old, but she is still well maintained, she still looks very young.

   "Mrs. Jin, your cheongsam is really beautiful. I don't know which designer to find? I also follow the trend and customize one."

   asked a lady with a smile.

  Mother Jin smiled and said, "This is my birthday gift from my eldest daughter-in-law. I will ask you about it later."

   "That dare to love."

   "Mrs. Jin, your bracelet is so delicate, I like it very much." Another lady said with a smile.

  Mother Jin smiled, "This was bought by my second daughter-in-law."

  The envy of the ladies, they praised Mother Jin's blessing.

   Two sons are better than one in the business world, and the daughter-in-law is also close and filial, a proper winner in life.

  Mother Jin smiled shut her mouth.

  Her son and daughter-in-law, grandchildren, are the best in the world, no change of money.

   At this time, Song Qingwan and Jiangse Se walked down the stairs slowly.

   As soon as the two appeared, the entire banquet hall was silent for a moment.

   Everyone's eyes were attracted by the duo. What's more, their eyes were fixed on the duo's body.

  Tiantian also came from one side and took Jiangse's hand. For the first time, so many people looked at it, and Tiantian shyly reached out for a hug.

  Jianse Se picked her up and hugged Mommy's neck sweetly, whispered, "Mommy, there are so many people today."

  Jianse Se smiled and comforted: "Shy? Sweet today is beautiful, everyone likes it."

   As soon as I heard that she was beautiful, the little girl's eyes lit up, and she forgot to be shy.

   took out the small face from Jiangse Se's arms again, proudly said: "Sweet is the princess Yo."

   Seeing this, Song Qingwan gently scraped the sweet tip of her nose and said: "Tiantian is the most beautiful little princess tonight."

   was praised and sweetly smiled at Song Qingwan, "Auntie is also the most beautiful, everyone is the most beautiful."

   said three people walked down with a smile, Xiaobao was wearing a small suit, waiting for the three below.

   Today his hair is neatly combed, the exquisite little face is simply a reduced version of Jin Fengchen.

   He was a little envious of Tian Tian's arms.

   Some lost, he has grown up, and Mummy can't hold him.

   was squeezed in his hand, raised his head, and faced Song Qingwan's smile.

   "Xiaobao, do you want a second aunt?"

  Xiaobao waved his hands again and again, and now there is a baby in the aunt's belly, how dare he let his aunt hug him.

If    is known by Uncle, he will inevitably be anxious with him.

  Song Qingwan chuckled, touched his head, and said softly: "Then we go to grandma and say happy birthday to grandma."

  Mother Jin was very proud to see everyone looking at her two daughter-in-laws, beckoning them at Jiangse.

   "Surther, Qing Wan, come here."

   The other ladies didn't know, but nodded with a smile.

  Xiaobao and Tiantian are really sweet: "Happy birthday, grandma."

  Mother Jin was not happy, took sweet from Jiangse Se's arms and introduced: "This is my little granddaughter."

   vacated a hand and pulled Xiao Baodao: "This is my grandson."

   The two children were very well-educated, and softly called the surrounding guests.

  Several elderly ladies do not like it, and have been teasing two well-behaved little dolls.

   Looking at Thurse and Qingwan next to the two children, someone asked in doubt: "What about these two..."

   They already had speculation in their hearts, but they were not so sure yet.

  Mother Jin smiled unchanged, introducing: "This is my eldest daughter-in-law, this is the second daughter-in-law."

   One of them looked at Song Qingwan's stomach and said: "Mrs. Jin is really blessed. Seeing how Mrs. Young looks, should she be pregnant for a few months?"

  Mother Jin proudly said with pride: "It will be out in a few months, and then you will be invited to drink full moon wine."

   "That's that, yes."

   Hearing Jin's words, some young ladies were very jealous of them.

   Such a family, such a mother-in-law, the most important thing is that there is such a good husband.

   These two men saved the galaxy in their previous lives.

   Moreover, I heard that the two brothers of the Jin family are spoiled wives.

   Alas, how could they not have such good luck to meet such a man?

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