The banquet hall was very lively, and the young ladies wanted to find their real son at this banquet.

   Don't expect to be as good as the Jin family, but at least it hurts my wife.

  Considering Song Qingwan's pregnancy, Jiangse Se took two guys to sit with her. She took a small piece of cut cake and fed it to sweet.

   Xiaobao was very sensible to hold a fruit tray and sent it to Song Qingwan, a little adult, very sensible, "Auntie, eat some fruit."

   "My mom will eat a lot of fruits when she is pregnant with her sister, and then give Xiaobao a cute sister!"

   "Our little treasure is really sensible, aunt thank you!"

  Song Qingwan smiled with joy, and took Xiaobao into her arms while taking the fruit plate.

  Who doesn't like a good and sensible child? Not to mention that Xiao Bao is so cute.

  Mother Jin and the ladies chatted for a while, and couldn't help coming over to play with their baby grandchildren.

   The banquet went to the most lively and indispensable part.

   Many young men and women who feel a little about each other have already stood together.

   Brothers Jin Fengchen, who will come to the banquet hall, still attracted the attention of many Huaichun ladies.

   Both were wearing black high-definition suits, handsome facial features, tall body, and easily became the focus of the audience.

  When she saw her daughter-in-law, her eyes suddenly drowned.

   The young ladies on the scene were all exclaimed. They wished that they were Jiang Sesu or Song Qingwan.


   Jin Fengyao strode in front of Song Qingwan, took the fruit tray in her hand, and then picked up one of the lychees to peel it, exposing the flesh of the white flower inside to feed her.

   wife and slave nature is undoubtedly revealed.

   Jin Fengchen's face walked softly in front of Jiang Seso, and extended her right hand to her gracefully, the voice was warm, like the warm sun in early winter, "Miss Jiang Seso, do I have the honor to invite you to dance?"

  Jiang Sezuo smiled, put his small hand in his generous palm, and immediately got up, "If you are not afraid of being stepped on by me, then of course I will be happy."

   Jin Fengchen smiled, and led Jiang Sesur to the center of the banquet hall.

  At the same time, melodious classical music sounded, and a bright beam was scattered on the two, as if to bring them a layer of brilliance.

   Jin Fengchen held Jiangse's hand in one hand, and put it on her waist with one hand. He lowered his head and stared at her, and the black eyes spoiled.

   looked at him with such indulgent eyes, and Jiangse's fair face was stained with a little blush, just like a first ripe fruit waiting to be picked.

  The two figures overlap, stepping on the beat of the music, and it looks like a beautiful picture.

   The people present were full of envy.

   This is the real Lang Cai female appearance, born a pair!

   After the song was over, the applause was like thunder, and Jin Fengchen also began to entertain guests.

  Jianse Se sees that the two children are staying with Jin Jin, and does not need anyone to worry, so he entertained the guests behind him.

   After a few laps, Jiang Sesur accompanied Jin Fengchen to walk back and forth, and was a little tired.

   noticed the little movement of her daughter-in-law rubbing her eyes, Jin Fengchen suddenly felt distressed.

   "Church, go."

   explained a few words with the guests around him, and Jin Fengchen directly led Jiang Sesel to Jin Mu.

   Xiaobao's sleepy yawns are repeated, and Tian Tian has been tired from playing for a long time.

   "Mom, I took Tiantian back to bed, would you like to rest early?"

   Jiangse hurriedly took Tian Tian out of Jin Mu's arms, and after telling a sentence, he walked side by side with Jin Fengchen, who also held Xiaobao, to the bedroom on the second floor.

   Put the two little guys back on the bed, and Jin Fengchen directly carried Jiang Sesur into his arms.

   "Thur, you have worked hard tonight."

   looked at the tiredness in his arms, Jin Fengchen felt more and more distressed.

   "I'm okay, please go back to the banquet hall to entertain guests, don't let mom get tired."

  Jiangsezuo cleverly let Jin Fengchen hug him, looked up at him, raised his hand and stroked him on his cheek.

   should be the hardest thing for him. If she can, she wants to stay with him until the banquet is over.

   The two stayed warm for a while, and Jin Fengchen went downstairs back to the banquet hall.

   But Xiaobao didn't fall asleep immediately.

   He glued to Jiang Sesu's side until she finished two fairy tales before she slept deeply.

  Jiangsu went back to the bedroom, took a hot bath, dissipated his exhaustion, and lay back on the bed.

At the end of the banquet, it was already very late.

   There was a clear sound of opening the door, and Jiang Sesur put down the magazine in his hand and got up to welcome him.

   Jin Fengchen drunk drunk, walked in the footsteps in a vague way.

   "Why did you drink so much wine?"

  Jianse Se helplessly and painfully supported him, and took him inside.

   "Take and entertain guests, drink a few more."

   Jin Fengchen was helped to sit on the edge of the bed, and vaguely answered her unexpectedly cute look.

   The overbearing president on weekdays was suddenly so cute, and directly struck Jiangse's softest heart.

   "You sit here and don't move, I'll get you some water and wipe it."

  Jiangsu whispered Jin Fengchen softly, turned around and slapped a pot of water.

  Just as she put the basin down, Jin Fengchen's big hand held her wrist.

   Gently pulled her into her arms, and a woman rolled over and pressed the woman in her arms.

   This ambiguous posture caused Jiang Sesur to blush instantly, and he breathed with a hint of wine, spraying her nose.

   Smoked that she felt like she was about to get drunk.

   "The vassals..."

   Jin Fengchen's eyes were a little confused, and he bowed his head and directly blocked the slightly opened red lips in his sight.

   The strong alcoholic smell filled the nose and brought him a familiar smell.

   really made her a little drunk.

   "Surther, Sorrow."

   Jin Fengchen whispered her name in a low voice, hoarseness. Feeling terrible.

  Where did Jiang Sesel carry his half-coquettish call, and she was distracted by the kiss, and she proactively extended her arms around his neck.

   A room of love. Nice.

  I don't know how long after that, Jin Fengchen finally lay down beside Jiang Sesur and fell asleep.

  Jiangseyou propped up some of the sore body that was tossed by Jin Fengchen and went to the bathroom to pour a basin of hot water again.

   Carefully wiped every muscle and skin on the body for Jin Fengchen.

  Jiangseul looked at Jin Fengchen who was asleep, and his heart seemed to be filled with something.

   After watching for a while, she turned over Jin Fengchen's pajamas from the closet and changed them lightly.

  Even if it is not easy for people who are drunk to be woken up, she can't bear to work so hard.

   finally tossed over, and Jiang Seso was too sleepy to open her eyes.

  She took the initiative to lie in Jin Fengchen's arms, then raised her head to kiss his delicate jaw.

"good night."

   whispered good night, and then, Jiang Sesur embraced Jin Fengchen's waist, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

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