Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 841: Rich and noble life

Early the next morning.

   After waking up, the two little guys did not go to the living room on the first floor to make a big noise, but went to Jiangse's bedroom together.

   "Brother, brother, come on!"

  Tan Tian walked to the bed with her short legs, and stepped on the sofa at the end of the bed, crawling into the bed swiftly.

   Then beckoned to Xiaobao who was standing by the bed, his big eyes were like two grapes.

   Xiaobao hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but climbed into the big bed.

  Jiangseyou was sore and slept deeply, even if two little guys climbed up, they didn't feel it.

   "Daddy, Daddy gets up."

  Sweet little body crawled directly over from Jin Fengchen and sat next to his head.

   She reached out her hand and patted Jin Fengchen's cheek, whispering milky and said: "Daddy, get up and play sweet!"

   Jin Fengchen frowned, and when he opened his eyes, he saw his little princess smiled sweetly at him, exposing the white millet teeth, which made him soft.

   "Sweet, got up so early? Awesome."

   He sat up from the bed and stretched his hand to rub his head after a hangover.

   But even so, after that, he still reached into his arms and sweetly praised him.

   Everyone can see how much he loves this sweet princess.

  Xiaobao looked at Jin Fengchen, lowered his head to Jiangse's cheek, he kissed it up, and his voice was crisp, "Mummy, the sun is drying your ass."

   Jiangse's thick eyelashes shuddered, and then opened her sleepy eyes.

   had to say that when I woke up and saw the two little babies in my family and the man I loved, I was in a very good mood.

  Where is the displeasure of being awakened?

   "Good morning, Xiaobao, wake up sweetly? Really amazing!"

  Jianse Se rubbed Xiao Bao's head and yawned to get up.

   "Daddy and Mummy are both lazy pigs! Sweet have been awake for a long time." Tian Tian chuckled.

  Jianse Se was a little embarrassed by a sweet smile and had to get out of bed to wash.

   Jin Fengchen accompanied Tiantian and Xiaobao to have a meeting. After Jiangse's washing, he also went in to wash.

   Then, a family of four went downstairs neatly.

   In the living room.

   "Sur, are you awake? Sweet, come and hug grandma."

  Mother Jin got up from the sofa and took sweetness from Jiangse's arms with a smile.

   holding Tian Tian, ​​and then took Xiao Bao to the table.

   It didn't take long for everyone to get up and have breakfast, and it was fun on the table.

  Considering Jin Fengchen's hangover, Jiang Seser deliberately cooked some sobering soup, which was swept away by the vassals and Feng Yao.

   "Veice, I want to take them to the Nanshan Temple to worship."

  Feeding sweet after breakfast, Mother Jin made suggestions.

   Jin Fengchen did not hesitate to hear the words, and nodded and agreed.

  The upper-class society of Beicheng, the older generation is more feudal, the old people believe in Buddha, especially his grandfather.

   After her mother Jin married, she was also taken by the old man to the Buddha.

  She firmly believes that Jiang Sesu can be safe, that is, the Buddha and the Bodhisattva are blessing.

  Mother Jin will go to Nanshan Temple to worship Buddha every once in a while.

   And this is just right, there is nothing on hand, and Thurse has returned to the country, so naturally he has to take this opportunity to worship.

   "My mother-in-law, let me go with you too!"

   Fang Xueman held Xiaobao and quickly expressed his position.

   "Mom, Feng Yao and I will not be with you anymore."

   Jin Fengchen is busy with other things, and can only say sorry.

  Mother Jin and Fang Xueman naturally did not care, let him and Feng Yao feel at ease to do work.

  So, Jin Jin was accompanied by Jiang Sese, Fang Xueman and Song Qingwan.

   took two little guys and was escorted by the driver to the Nanshan Temple.

   The temple is on the mountainside, and a pedestrian got off at the foot of the mountain.

  The mountains in the early morning are surrounded by white mist, and the endless emerald green mountains can be seen faintly.

   is like a fairyland on earth.

   "Grandma, Grandma! It's so beautiful here."

   Get off the car, Tian Tian yells at Nanshan, causing the adults who are also coming to Nanshan to laugh and look over.

   "Yeah, just like sweet!"

   and his party took the cable car up the mountain, and then walked a while after going down the cable car. The magnificent temple appeared in front of everyone.

   "Nanshan Temple" three big characters came into sight first.

   was probably influenced by the solemn atmosphere of the temple, and the two little guys also became quiet.

   They were each holding an elder, their big eyes dripping and looking around.

  Mother Jin led them to worship the Buddha from the Great Hall of Great Heroes, and came out and said: "My mother, I heard that the abbot of Nanshan Temple is very accurate. Since we are here this time."

   "Why would you like to take the two children to see the abbot and let him test the word?"

   Fang Xueman, of course, agreed without any hesitation.

  Jiangseer couldn't help crying, but could only help Song Qingwan keep up, "Qingwan, are you tired?"

"It's ok."

  Song Qingwan smiled and shook his head.

   Fortunately, when they came early, when they found the temple abbot, the abbot had just sent away several guests.

   "Hello, a few donors."

   The abbot of the temple looked at the oncoming Jiang Sesur and others, folded his hands together, and bowed slightly.

   "Hello, Master Abbot."

  Mother Jin released her sweet hand and returned the same salute.

   "It turns out to be Mrs. Jin, Amitabha."

   The temple abbot naturally knew Jin Jin who came every once in a while.

   "Abbot, I took my little granddaughter and grandson to find a word with you. I don't know if you have time?" Jin Jin said the purpose bluntly.

   "Let's go, please donate, please come with the poor monk."

   The abbot ushered the group into the house.

  Jiangsezhuo supported Song Qingwan to sit down, and looked curiously with a pair of eyes.

  Mother Jin and Fang Xueman took two little guys and told their abbots their names and names.

   the abbot also took the word measurement very seriously.

   "Mrs. Jin, your grandson and granddaughter's words show that they will all be rich and wealthy in the future. You may encounter twists and turns, but you can all spend it smoothly.

   "Really? Great! Master Abbot, please help me count the children in my daughter-in-law's belly."

  Jin Mu's inspiring finger points to the belly of Song Qingwan.

   the abbot also measured it very well, and like Tiantianxiaobao, they are all rich and expensive.

   "Mommy, what do you mean by "the life of the rich and the noble"?"

   Xiaobao blinked, and walked to Jiang Se's side, Xiao Xiao pulled her clothes and asked suspiciously.

   Jiang Sezuo squatted down with a smile, palms resting on his head.

   "Meaning that as long as you grow up to be an upright man, Xiaobao, there will be many toys and snacks in the future."

   "Really?! Is it a daddy-like man?"

   is a child after all, as soon as he heard toys and snacks, Xiaobao's eyes brightened and he eagerly asked.

  Jiangsu nodded solemnly: "Yes."

   "Master Abbot."

   Fang Xueman hesitated for a while and walked to the abbot, "Can you show me my daughter?"

  Her daughter suffered so much, what will happen to her fate in the future?

  Since the abbot’s test is accurate, it’s better to test it together.

  She believes that it is impossible for Catherine to be so rough in the future.

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