Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 843: I'll take you home

The tests that pregnant women need to do are numerous and cumbersome.

   Fortunately, the two little guys were sensible, bought some snacks for them, and sat obediently and ate.

   "Our family Tiantian and Xiaobao are really sensible."

   Looking at the bear children running around and making a sharp cry from time to time, Jin Fengyao heartily sighed.

  Jianse Se smiled, and her eyes fell on Tian Tian and Xiao Bao, with a deeper smile in her eyes.

  Song Qingwan completed the delivery inspection and it was almost noon.

   "Wan Wan, what do you want to eat at noon? Or do you want to go home to eat?"

  Jin Fengyao perfectly implemented the words of wife and slave, and asked in a soft voice, afraid that Song Qingwan would be hungry.

   "Uncle, Tian Tian wants to eat pizza!" Tian Tian also bites bread in his mouth, and vaguely speaks.

   "Xiaobao wants to eat too."

  Seeing her sister's speech, Xiaobao also followed the speech crisply.

   Jin Fengyao gave a funny glance at the two children, and then ignored them all.

   turned to ask Song Qingwan again.

   Seeing that it was useless to spoil the uncle, the two little guys just blinked their eyes and stared at Song Qingwan.

   "Oh, Feng Yao, why not eat pizza?"

  Song Qingwan was originally a mother-to-be. After being looked at by two cute little guys, the motherly love in her heart began to spread.

   Jin Fengyao certainly has no opinion.

   Just about to leave the hospital, a middle-aged man suddenly rushed over.

   He stopped Jiang Seser's way, holding her wrist with joy, "Ser, is it really you?"

   middle-aged man's voice with excitement and faint joy.

  Jiangse was startled by the sudden appearance of a middle-aged man, and the feeling that her wrist was held by a stranger made her wary.

  Jianse Sexiu's eyebrows flicked slightly, and she smiled politely while involuntarily trying to withdraw her wrist: " may have recognized the wrong person."

Jin Fengyao in front of    walked and found that Jiang Seso was being held by a man, and quickly took Song Qingwan to turn and walk back.

   Worried about the embarrassment of the middle-aged man in front of him, Jiang Sesur deliberately lowered his voice and said to Jin Fengyao: "Feng Yao, this gentleman may have recognized the wrong person."

  Jian Fengyao recognized him instantly when he saw the appearance of the middle-aged man.

   Jin Fengyao shook his head, first politely smiled at the middle-aged man in front of him, and then said to Jiang Sesel: "Sister-in-law, he did not admit the wrong person, this is your father, biological father."

  Jiangse Se was slightly startled.

   "Sorry, I don't remember what happened before."

   She smiled apologetically towards Jiang Jiang and explained it.

   This apparently alienated attitude left Jiang Zhen at a loss.

   Before her disappearance, Jiang Zhen's relationship with her had eased.

  In the past few years, Jiang Zhen thought that Jiang Sesur might have encountered many things, but he still froze for a while when Jiang Sese did not recognize him.

   "Thurs, can we find a place to sit and talk? We haven't seen you in a long time."

  Jiang Zhen hesitated for a while, but still couldn't help making this request.

   looked at the man in front of him, there was no fluctuation in Jiangse's heart.

  However, although she did not feel close to Jiang Zhen, she was also her biological father anyway, so she nodded.


  After agreeing, Jiang Sesur said to Jin Fengyao: "Feng Yao, you and Wan Wan go to dinner, I will go home later."

   "Okay, sister-in-law, please call me and Qing Wan at any time."

  Jin Fengyao nodded and asked her to leave with Song Qingwan.

   "Surther, is this your child, can you take it with you?"

  Jiang Zhen had long noticed the two children held in Jiangse's hands.

   When Jin Fengyao left, he looked at Xiaobao and Tiantian, with a loving light in his eyes.

   "Well, yes."

   Seeing Jiang Zhen's restraint, Jiang Sezuo held the hands of the two little guys and shook gently, signaling: "Xiaobao, sweet, called Grandpa."

   "Grandpa is good!"

   "Grandpa is good!"

   The two little guys immediately shouted in unison.

   This made Jiang Zhen's eyes narrow with a smile, "Okay, good, sweet, Xiaobao, can you let Grandpa hug me?"

  Jiang Zhen squatted down and looked at the child with his arms outstretched.

  Tiantian and Xiaobao didn't step forward immediately, but raised their heads to seek Jiangse's opinion with eyes.

  Jianse Se smiled and nodded gently.

  The two little guys got into Jiang Zhen's arms obediently.

  Jiang Zhen hugged one by one, and then took Jiang Sesur out of the hospital and went to the nearest coffee shop.

   As soon as he walked into the cafe, Tiantian saw the counter with all kinds of desserts.

  She raised Bai Nen's small hands like lotus roots, pointing to the counter, her voice softly said: "Grandpa, sweet and want to eat cake!"

   "Grandpa, I think too."

   "Good, good! Grandpa will buy it for you!"

  Jiang Zhen immediately promised two little guys.

  He hasn't been so happy for a long time, and he always has a kind smile on his face, and he takes two little guys to buy cakes.

   Then, the four of them sat down by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cafe.

   Probably because most things have happened in these years. When people reach middle age, they especially like to see their offspring, not to mention how cute and cute.

   So, Jiang Zhen made an excuse to go to the bathroom and asked the waiter of the cafe for two red envelopes. Then, he took out the cash in his wallet, divided it into two, and put it in his wallet.

   He walked back with a smile, handed the red envelopes to the two children, and said: "Come, Tian Tian, ​​Xiao Bao, this is your grandfather's meeting gift, I hope you will always be healthy and happy."

   "Thank you grandpa!"

  Tiantian lifted her face like a little cat and reached out to take the red envelope, revealing a sweet smile.

  Jiangsu froze for a moment, and hadn't reacted yet, sweetly had already received the red envelope.

   She was a little helpless and wanted to take the red envelope out of Tiantian's hand and return it to Jiang Zhen.

  Jiang Zhen saw her thoughts and hurriedly stopped her, "Thurse, this is my little grandpa's intention, not much, it is a blessing to the two children."

  Jiangseyou said that it was not easy to insist, "Thank you."

  Xiaobao hadn't received it. Seeing Jiangse's consent, he accepted the red envelope, and politely and generously said to Jiang Zhen: "Thank you grandpa."

   Jiang Zhen nodded again and again, smiled and praised the two children, and then hesitated for a while before asking: "Surther, have you are you?"

  Jianse Se did not conceal, and said everything that had been lightly described in these years.

   "You just come back, just come back."

  Jiang Zhen had thousands of words to say, but in the end, there was only such a simple sentence.

  Jiansese said it was easy, but he can also guess that those experiences must not be so easy.

  However, after all, the relationship between father and daughter was born in the early years, and it was not easy for him to ask specifically.

   so father and daughter fell into silence.

  Jiang Zhen didn't want so much, and was satisfied to see them.

  So, he always teased the two little guys to play.

  Jiangse can't remember Jiang Zhen. Naturally, she doesn't know what to talk with him.

  Somewhat uncomfortable, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jin Fengchen.

   Later, Jin Fengchen received a text message from Jiang Sesur and hurried to the cafe.

   Jin Fengchen was tall and upright, reached out and pushed open the door of the cafe, his eyes locked on Jiang Sesur, and then he strode forward.

   "Thur, I'll pick you up and go home."

  When he saw Jiang Zhen, he just nodded slightly, as a greeting.

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