As soon as he saw Jin Fengchen, Jiang Sesu's eyes immediately showed a smile.

   is completely different from the alienation when facing Jiang Zhen.

  Jin Feng Jin just walked to the table, sweetly can't wait to jump off the sofa, took his short legs up to hug his legs, and then raised his head milky milky mouth.

   "Daddy, I miss you so much!"

   The little princess is the deadliest.

  This sentence pierced Jin Fengchen's heart, he bent down and hugged the little girl into his arms.

   Jin Fengchen had a soft expression, squeezing sweet and delicate white face in one hand, and asked softly, "Does Tiantian follow her mom today and obediently obey?"


   "Daddy, Xiao Bao is also very good. When my grandfather gave the red envelope, my sister and I said thank you!"

  Xiaobao looked up at his head and jumped to the ground, holding up Jiang Zhenfeng's red envelope, and invited him to make an opening.

   Jin Fengchen touched his head, "Well, all are good children."

   "Thur, let's go."

   Jin Fengchen stretched out his hand to hold Thur, holding her small hand tightly in the palm.

   "Dad, I'll go back with the vassal first."

   "Eh, good, good."

   Although Jiang Zhen wanted to stay with them for a while, he nodded with a smile.

   It's just that his eyes have been on Xiaobao and Tiantian, and he is full of reluctance.

  Jiangseer Jiang's expression of reluctance and loneliness was very unpleasant in her heart.

   "You also go back early, pay attention to safety."

  She pursed her lips, and then simply urged Xiaobao to take Xiaobao and walk out of the cafe side by side with Jin Fengchen.

  The figure of a family of four looks very warm.

  Jiang Zhen came out behind them, watching Jiang Seser and two little guys get on the bus.

   "Grandfather bye!"

   "Grandpa, Xiaobao will play with you next time."

  In the moment when the car started, the window was lowered, and Xiaobao and Tiantian lay on the window and waved Jiang Zhen.

   "Good, good, Grandpa takes you to an amusement park next time!"

  Jiang Zhen was shocked, then he raised his hand and waved with a smile.

  The car that was sending Jin Fengchen farther and farther away, Jiang Zhen sighed deeply.

  He stood there for a long time, and his back appeared a bit depressed on the endless road.

  Recalled the innocent smiles of the two children, and called his grandfather softly.

  He doesn't have much regret in his heart now.

   If he didn't treat his daughter like that, maybe everything would be different.

   Perhaps, now he will be the same as ordinary middle-aged and old people.

   Take a walk with the grandchildren in the park every day, play chess, and life should be very comfortable.

   It's a pity...there is nothing if.

   "Okay, you two sit down quickly. The driver's uncle can't lean his head out while driving."

  Jiangse Seul pulled the two little guys from the window edge and hugged and sat beside him, while seriously educating, "It will be very dangerous, so there can be no next time."

  Tiantian and Xiaobao responded very obediently, and then haunted Jin Fengchen who was sitting on the other side.

   Tian Tian even crawled directly into her father's arms.

   "Daddy, Daddy, when can Tiantian go to the amusement park with Grandpa?"

   "Daddy, Xiaobao wants to go too."

   The two little guys kept asking questions, and Jin Fengchen answered them very patiently.

   Along the way, Jensen lowered his head, very quiet, and very different from usual.

  Jianse Se, who had been silent, also attracted his attention.

   "Xiaobao, will you change the place with Daddy? Daddy talks with Mummy."

   After listening, Xiaobao obediently changed from the middle position to the side.

   Jin Fengchen held Tian Tian in one hand and stretched his long arm in the other. He took silent Jiangse in his arms and lifted his thin lips lightly, "What are you thinking? So quiet."

   leaned on the warm embrace of Jin Fengchen, and Jiang Sesur recovered.

   "Nothing." Her voice was soft and she sighed a little.

   Jin Fengchen frowned, his voice soft and soft, "Isn't he supposed to say something to you?"

  After all, what Jiang Zhen did to Thurse before, he knew everything, and it was inevitable that he was worried.

   "No." Jiangse Se shook his head, "Just thinking, I forgot a lot of things, I want to remember it quickly."

   words fell, her expression was a bit frustrated.

   She forgot too many things.

   Just like seeing Jiang Zhen today, she just felt familiar, but her mind was blank, and she couldn't think of a piece of memory related to him.

   This kind of feeling is not easy, it is like... To integrate into a strange world.

   But fortunately, Jin Fengchen has been with her, and there are two such soft and cute little babies.

   "Do not worry, take your time."

   Jin Fengchen was also distressed by this kind of Jiangse, his warm and dry palm touched her head, gently stroked, while comforting her: "Everything is going in a good direction, right?"

   This is almost a coaxing tone, making Jiang Sesur a little crying and laughing.

   The vacant place in Xinkou was also filled, which made her mood better.

  The vassal is right, the lost memory can be recovered slowly.

   But being too anxious will affect her current life and state.

Seeing that she seemed to have figured it out, Jin Fengchen felt relieved, but just rubbed her hair gently to make her feel quiet.

   Soon, the car slowly stopped in the Jin's house, and Tiantian and Xiaobao ran into the house one after the other.

   crisp and childish laughter spread into the room, and Fang Xueman was greeted after a bored morning.

   She took the two little guys into her arms and asked with a smile where they went.

   "Grandma, Tiantian and Mummy and brother today, see Grandpa!"

  Children are always simple. When asked by Fang Xueman, Sweet said with a smile.

   also told Fang Xueman that Jiang Zhen had sealed her red envelopes.

   Fang Xueman was surprised for a while, then smiled and asked if they were having fun.

   Jin Fengchen knew that when it came to this matter, Fang Xueman and Jiang Sese must have something to say, so they took the two little guys upstairs first.


  Jiangse Seo took Fang Xueman's hand and sat on the sofa with her.

   She stared at Fang Xueman's obviously old face and the silver-white color mixed in her hair.

  All this is telling her silently, and her mother is old too.

   Jiang Sesur observed Fang Xueman's expression, fearing that the wrong sentence would make her sad, but simply said: "I saw Dad today, but I didn't recognize him."

   Fang Xueman smiled indifferently, with a relief in his smile.

   Things have passed so long, she and Jiang Zhen have their own lives.

   She was completely stubborn about this man, now it can be said that the well water does not violate the river water.

   "Thurs, things are over."

   Fang Xueman patted the back of her hand and sighed: "Mom now, I only hope that the rest of my life can see you safe and happy, enough!"

   Speaking of peace... She remembered the words of the abbot of Nanshan Temple again, and she was sad again.

   She sighed, "I don't know how many disasters my thunder still has to go through to get a stable life."

   "Mom, are we not happy now?"

   Jiang Se was full of helplessness, and simply hugged Fang Xueman's arm and spoiled, "And the master abbot said, as long as the vassal is by my side, the disaster can be resolved, right?"

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