Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 845: High fever does not go away

Fang Xueman nodded Jiangse's forehead and looked at her with amusement. "They are both mothers of two children, and I'm spoiled with me."

   "Why not, in front of you, I am not a child."

  Jiangse wrinkled her small face and whispered back.

   Mother and daughter chatted for a while in the living room, and later, Mother Jin returned.

   Two little guys are playing in front of Jin Jin and Fang Xueman, and a few adults are sitting on the sofa talking about the sky.

   talked about the topic, and it touched Jiang Seso.

   "Surther, how long do you plan to stay this time?"

  Mother Jin was carrying a small fruit bowl, feeding Xiaobao, and looked at Jiang Sesu and asked.

  Jiangseul heard the words, pursed her lips, and thought about it.

   She rarely returned to China once with Jin Fengchen, and had not thought about when she would return to France.

  Mother Jin suddenly asked, she couldn't help thinking seriously.

   "I plan to stay in the country for a longer period of time. If I can, I still want to settle in the country." Jiang Seather hesitated for a while, and when he said these words, he was not sure about Jin Fengchen.

   "It's so lively today, Xiaobao, let grandpa hug!"

   When Father Jin came home, he saw the happy atmosphere at home and was in a good mood.

   He smiled and hugged Xiaobao into his arms, how could it be half serious and serious.

  After Jin Jin sat down, Jin Jin happily took his arm and said, "Those are talking about planning to settle in the country!"

   When Jiang Sesuo and Jin Fengchen settled in France before, God knew how much they missed.

   When Father Jin heard it, he immediately had fun.

  The two of them, of course, wish this family of four could come back to settle down.

   Jin Fengchen looked at his daughter-in-law's eyes, he had no resistance at all to the eyes of his wife.

   Moreover, it is indeed better to stay and settle in the country.

   Jin Fengchen exchanged a look with her, and said, "I will let people arrange things in France at that time."

  Jin Fengyao who came downstairs heard it, his eyes suddenly shined, and he ran down the stairs.

   "Brother! Are you and your sister-in-law finally going back to settle down? Great!"

  Jin Fengyao almost did not jump up and cheered, he asked loudly, "Since you are all ready to settle in the country, then I strongly demand that I take one year of maternity leave!!"

   Heaven knows how busy he is during the years when his brother is not in the country.

   The whole person is like a gyro, there is no time to stop and rest!

   had greatly reduced the time he spent with his wife.

   Jin Fengchen lazily glanced at his brother, his thin lips moved, very ruthlessly refused.



   Jin Fengyao was suddenly unhappy, "Brother, you don't know, I'm busy like a gyro all day long, I have to take maternity leave to accompany my family Wan Wan!"

   Jin Fengchen smiled and asked, "Maternity leave?"

   Jin Fengyao nodded heavily.

   "It is Qingwan who gave birth to the child but not you. Which kind of maternity leave do you take?"

   Jin Fengchen's merciless words blocked Jin Fengyao's speechlessness.

   family members were also laughed at with amusement.

  Jin Fengyao sat scornfully on the side of Song Qingwan, asking for comfort and hugs.

  Song Qingwan lost her smile and could only reach out and gently pat on Jin Fengyao's back.

   "Okay, how old are you, like a child." She lowered her eyes and coaxed softly.

   In the next few days, the Jin family has also been lively and lively.

   This day, early in the morning.

  As usual, Jiang Sesu took two little guys downstairs, and after preparing to eat breakfast, took them to the playground that had been clamoring for going.

   Fang Xueman is already sitting on the sofa and watching TV. She is the earliest one in the family every day.

   Two little guys shouted sweetly: "Good morning grandma!"

   "Mom, have you eaten it?"

  Jianse Se held Tian Tian and Xiao Bao in front of Fang Xueman with both hands.

   approached, and she noticed some unnatural blush on Fang Xueman's face.

  Jianse Se loosed Tian Tian and Xiao Bao and reached out directly to touch Xueman's cheek above.

A little hot.

   changed the place on the back of her hand immediately, sticking on Xueman's forehead.

   is also a bit hot, it must be a fever.

   "Mom! Why don't you tell me if you have a fever, have you taken medicine?"

  Jiang Suther suddenly felt anxious.

   Fang Xueman touched the temperature of his forehead a little dullly, and smiled helplessly: "I said that I'm a little tired when I come together today."

   Jin Fengchen learned that the mother-in-law had a fever and directly asked the housekeeper to contact the family doctor.

  Family doctors are on call at all times and rushed over as soon as possible after receiving the call.

  The family doctor first measured the temperature of Xueman below, and then did a simple check.

   "Thirty-seven degrees seven, low fever, I will prescribe some medicine for you."

  The family doctor flicked the thermometer, put it back in the medicine box, and then took some medicine out of it.

   urged to eat several times a day, and after taking a few capsules at a time, left Jin's house.

  Jianseyou poured a cup of warm water from the kitchen, then took out the medicine and handed it to Fang Xueman.

  Xiaobao patted Fang Xueman's back sensibly, and the little adult comforted like, "Grandma must take medicine! This disease will soon be cured!"

   Fang Xueman was a little relieved, and touched Xiaobao's head. After taking the antipyretic medicine, he was hurried back to the room and rested.

  Mother's fever caused Jiang Seser to worry about it, where can I go out with confidence.

   She can only apologize to the two little guys with good anger and tell them that the amusement park can only go again next time.

  Xiaobao and Tiantian are sensible children, and it’s okay to say very intimately.

   Fang Xueman fell asleep in the afternoon.

  Jiangsether came in to measure her body temperature, instead of her temperature not dropping, but there were signs of faintly rising.

   "The vassal."

  Jianse Se took the thermometer and ran to find Jin Fengchen, "Ma's body temperature has not dropped, I plan to take her to the hospital to see."

   Jin Fengchen took the thermometer and looked at the light.

   Thirty-eight degrees.

  It's not a good sign that you have a fever.

   Jin Fengchen also knew that Fang Xueman's health has not been very good, and immediately drove out with Fang Xueman and Jiang Sesel to the top hospital in North City.

  As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Fang Xueman was arranged for a comprehensive body examination.

   The doctor in charge of seeing Fang Xueman checked her previous medical records and the examination report just came out.

   "Doctor, how is my mother? How is it? Why is there a high fever?"

  Jiangsu could not wait any longer, and asked several questions anxiously.

   "Miss Jiang."

  The attending doctor then put down the examination report in his hand and pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose, looking a little dignified. "I have read your mother's medical records and examination reports, and her health has always been poor."

  Jianse Se heard this and all her hearts were pulled up. She bit her lower lip lightly and waited quietly for the doctor to continue.

   Jin Fengchen saw this, stretched out his arms around her shoulders, and gave her comfort.

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