Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 846: My name is Fang Yuchen

"Your mother had a few operations, this time because the old disease recurred, and her heart also showed signs of failure."

  The attending doctor took one from the examination results and placed it on the top, and then pointed at one of them.

  Jianse Se looked down, most of the above were medical terms, she could not understand.

   However, she understood what the doctor said.

heart failure……

   "This time the fever does not go down may be caused by this, I suggest hospitalization for a period of time."

  The attending doctor seriously gave the most pertinent advice, and said, "After all, it is not a good sign to keep fever away."

  Jiangse closed his eyes, feeling that the whole person was spinning a little.

   She didn't know how she got out of the doctor's office.

   At the entrance of Fang Xueman's ward, Jin Fengchen tightly hugged Jiang Sesur, who looked worried. "Surse, I will go home and get the documents to come in for admission."

  Jiang Se was silent for a while, then cheered up and nodded, "Well, then I will stay here with my mom."

   "Well, obedient, don't worry, it will be all right."

   Jin Fengchen comforted her a few words before leaving the hospital.

  After returning home to get the required documents, he spoke to Jin Jin and Jin Jin again.

   Only returned to the hospital again, after completing the admission procedures, he took the daily necessities that he had packed up and went to the ward.

   When he arrived at the ward, Fang Xueman just fell asleep and woke up.

  Jianse Se has been sitting by the hospital bed. When she saw Fang Xueman woke up, she raised her lips and smiled and asked, "Mom, are you feeling uncomfortable? What do you want to eat at night?"

  Even if she was laughing, the worries between her eyebrows could not be covered.

   Fang Xueman knew how bad his body was.

   This fever is more like a sign.

   "Thurse, don't worry, mom is good."

   Fang Xueman held Jiangse's little hand instead, warmly comforted, "Mom still wants to see Tiantian Xiaobao grow up."

   Jiangse's lips lifted slightly, and finally he didn't speak, but just nodded.

   "Mom... I'll give you some lean meat porridge to drink."

"it is good."

   Fang Xueman nodded.

  Jiangsu turned around and saw Jin Fengchen back.

   Jin Fengchen put things down and cared about Fang Xueman, then walked out of the ward along with Jiang Sesur.

   He took Jiangse's wrist and took her into his arms and hugged, "Thur."

   He clearly felt that the person in his arms was shaking.

   She was afraid.

   Jin Fengchen's palm was clasped on Jiangse's back. He frowned lightly and said softly, "Mom will be fine, so don't worry."

   Jiangse's eyes suddenly turned red.

  She knew that she didn't need to pretend to be strong in front of Jin Fengchen, so she couldn't help whimpering, "Faith, I'm really scared..."

  No one can calmly face such a serious problem with the body of a loved one.

  Although she can play a strong role in front of Fang Xueman, but more in her heart is fear and worry.

  She disappeared for so many years, and finally reunited with her mother. I never thought about it again.

  The two stood in the corridor and hugged for a while. After Jiangse's emotions calmed down, the two went to a nearby restaurant to pack up dinner and returned.

  The dinner was over, the sky was getting darker, and the twilight was falling.

   Jin Fengchen received a call and hurried back to the company to deal with urgent business affairs.

  Jianse Se left alone in the ward to take care of Fang Xueman.

  The two little guys are at home, and Jin's father Jin's mother is taking care of her, so she is not too worried.

   simply stayed in the hospital with Fang Xueman.

  By the time Jin Fengchen was busy, Jiang Sesur had fallen asleep beside the bed.

   The ward was very quiet and the lights were not turned on. The moonlight outside the window sprinkled in through the glass window and reflected on Jiangse's soft cheeks.

   Her brows were closed, and she didn't sleep comfortably.

   Jin Fengchen watched, as if something was twisted in his heart, he leaned down, his fingertips fell on Jiangse's eyebrows, and gently smoothed.

   In the next few days, Jiang Sesu was taking care of Fang Xueman's bed inseparably.

   Jin Fengchen was worried that she would not be able to survive, so she specifically sought care.

  With the help of nursing care, Jiang Sesu who spent several days in the hospital deliberately took the time to go back home to accompany Xiao Bao and Tian Tian.

After   , Mother Jin would occasionally visit Tian Xueman with Tian Tian and Xiao Baolai Hospital.

   On this day, the ward was very quiet, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Xiaobao rushed to Fang Xueman's ward, lying on his upper body on the bed.

   "Grandma! Xiaobao comes to see you!"

   Next second, another little figure also rushed in, followed by a sweet and sweet voice, "Sweetness is coming!"

   The arrival of the two little guys made the ward suddenly lively.

   Jin Jin walked in gasping, looking at the two children who were running fast with helpless faces.

   "My mother-in-law, Xiao Bao and Tian Tian shouted to see you, how is your health?"

   Fang Xueman hugged Xiaobao who was climbing onto the bed and smiled, "I am much better!"

  Jang Sesur went to pay some fees and came back, but before entering the door, he heard a laughter in the ward.

   Hearing the voices of the two little guys, her low emotions dissipated a little, walked in with a smile, and said hello to Mother Jin, "Mom, you are here, and Xiaobao, get off the grandmother."

   She sat by the bed and picked up an apple and peeled it into small pieces.

   "No hindrance!"

   Fang Xueman waved his hand.

  After lying in the hospital for so long, she also missed her two children very much.

   The liveliness of the ward continued until after lunch.

   The two little guys were also troubled. Xiaobao lay on the sofa and slept sweetly, and Tiantian lay directly in Jin Mu's arms and slept.

   Seeing this, Jiang also worried that Mother Jin would be tired, so she and her two little guys returned to Jin's house first.

   And Jiang Seso, has been with Fang Xueman in the hospital, until the night, until she also fell asleep, Jiang Zese got up and walked out of the hospital.

   At this time, the sky was faintly dark.

   Just out of the hospital, he met Jin Fengchen who came to the hospital to pick her up, and the two went home together.

   went home and got out of the car and saw a strange man standing in front of Jin's house.

   Men's suits and leather shoes also looked very young, wandering back and forth in front of Jin's house.

   looked up from time to time in Jin's house, his expression was anxious.

  Jianse Se glanced, and after confirming that she was a strange face, she turned sideways and asked Jin Fengchen, "Faint, do you know him?"

   Jin Fengchen also shook his head.

   He frowned and looked at him, then led Jiang Sesue over, "Hello, may I ask who you are looking for?"

   The man in the suit turned his head and realized that he had been hovering at the door of someone else's house.


   He nodded apologetically and then introduced himself. "My name is Fang Yuchen. I am here to find a lady named Fang Xueman. Have you heard of her?"

  Jianse Se was surprised when she heard her mother's name, and politely asked, "Sir, can you tell me what happened to me?"

   This time it was Fang Yuchen's face with a surprised expression, "Is she your mother?"

  Jiangsu nodded very sincerely.

   Fang Yuchen did not doubt, "Hello, I am the son of Fang Xueman's brother, I came to find my aunt who has lost contact for many years."

   Fang Yuchen saw that Jiang Seso was related to him, and introduced herself again.

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