Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 847: I want to find my aunt

As soon as Fang Yuchen's words came out, the surprise in Jiangse's heart was even more.

  Similarly, Jin Fengchen also showed a little surprise on his face.

   He opened his lips lightly, inviting: "Since it is my mother-in-law's mother-in-law, it is better to enter the room and talk."

   Fang Yuchen just came here this time. Hearing the invitation was naturally a polite thank you, and then nodded.

   Jin Fengchen could see that Fang Yuchen had come before something, and he and Jiang Sese took him to the study.

   Passing through the living room, Jin Jin's mother froze a little when he saw the stranger, and then nodded politely at him.

Entering the study, Jiang Sesu sat on the sofa, some uncomfortably squeezed the broken hair in her ear, "Sorry... I never heard my mother mentioned her mother's family, so, know your identity, some Surprised."

   The same is true, she knows nothing about her mother Fang Xueman.

After the mother and daughter reunited, Fang Xueman never mentioned it, nor did she think about it in the past.

   Therefore, when a relative suddenly appeared, Jiang Sesu couldn't help but feel a little bit confused.

   Jin Fengchen remained silent, and he gently held Jiangse's hand.

   Fang Yuchen was not surprised by this, but instead bowed his head and smiled bitterly, "It's normal that Aunt didn't mention us to you."

   He only said this sentence briefly, without much explanation.

  Jian Sesel didn't ask too much, and she asked immediately when she opened the door: "So is there anything important about your coming to my mother this time?"

   Fang Yuchen's thin lips lightly pursed, "There are very important things..."

  With his warm voice, Jiang Sesu was brought into a long time ago story.

   When Fang Xueman first opened his mind, he met Jiang Zhen, who had entered the society for the first time and was full of dreams and spirits.

  Girls' feelings are always poetry. When the two come and go, they develop feelings and become male and female friends.

   But Fang Xueman did not dare to let his father, that is, Fang Fangzi know.

  Because of the conditions of Jiang Zhen at that time, Father Fang certainly would not allow them to associate.

   Until one day, someone came to introduce the object to Fang Xueman.

   Grandfather Fang agreed that the other person's family was not bad.

   Fang Xueman knew of this matter, of course, it was impossible to agree, even with a hot brain, he returned to Fang's house with Jiang Zhen.

   And, threatened not to marry Jiang Zhen.

   "You, you, I have worked hard to raise you up, do you dare to talk to me now for a man?"

   This time can be very angry with Master Fang, "You said, you will be happy with such a hairless boy, will you be happy in the future? Ah?!"

   Fang Xueman has been a good girl for twenty years, this time it is determined to want to be with Jiang Zhen.

  She stuck her neck and was also unwilling to show her weakness, "Dad, I love him! Jiang Zhen will definitely have a good future, you can't play a mandarin duck."

   Every woman has expressed her position. As a man, Jiang Zhen is naturally confident and sincere and said: "Uncle, I will bring her happiness, please don't break us up."

  Father Fang was so angry that he blew his beard, and kicked Jiang Zhen **** the spot, "I will play a mandarin duck today! You want to marry this kid!"

   Watching that his beloved man was kicked to the ground, Fang Xueman's emotions suddenly stopped, and Jiang Zhen shouted, "I want to marry!"

   talked about it, and went out with Jiang Zhen.

  Father looked at his daughter not only did not listen to him, but also left Fang's house with Jiang Zhen.

   He almost fell in anger and angered: "You step out of this door and don't come back in the future! I don't have your daughter!"

   Fang Xueman was startled, and his face was full of tears.

  When everyone thought she would compromise, she turned around, knelt down at Fang Fangzi, knocked her head heavily, and left Fang's house without looking back.

   Fang thought that Fang Xueman was only impulsive, and she would be back soon.

   will not send someone to stop.

  Whoever expected it, Grandpa Fang waited for a few months, and did not wait for his daughter to come back once.

   did not expect that Fang Xueman would be so decisive that he broke all contact with Fang's family, and it took him more than 20 years.

  Fang Yuchen talked about it at this time, Jiang Sesur was a little dazed.

   didn't expect her mother to have been capricious when she was young, so she left.

   Fang Yuchen took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and continued: "These things were told by my father, and the purpose of my coming this time was also because of the old man."

   He sighed softly, all his eyes full of sadness.

   "Father said that the old man didn't want to find an aunt in the past, but the grandfather was too stubborn to refuse to be soft."

  After hearing the words, Jiang Sesur pursed her lips and opened her mouth in doubt, "Then are you here...?"

   "Aunt is the oldest son's most beloved daughter. It is because of his love that grandpa is more disappointed with his aunt and unwilling to be soft. However, over the years, grandpa also often mentioned aunt at home."

   Fang Yuchen put down the teacup and looked up at Jiang Sesur, looking a little nervous. "Recently, Grandpa's health is not good anymore. He...want to find his aunt."

   Fang's family is Fang Xueman's maiden, but let her wander alone alone for so long, so many years left unnoticed.

   Fang Yuchen did not know whether Fang Xueman would have resentment in his heart, and would not return to Fang's house with him.

  After listening to Fang Yuchen's words, Jiang Sesur knew that her mother had such an experience.

   She lowered her eyes, "I'm sorry, my mother is also in the hospital recently and may not be able to go back temporarily."

   So long after the incident, she thinks that her mother should let go.

   But the mother’s current situation... it is not convenient to go back.

   Fang Yuchen quickly asked, "Aunt, what's wrong with her?"

  Jiangsezu organized her thoughts and probably said things again.

   Fang Yuchen was silent after listening to it, and his expression was dimmed. It seemed a bit sad. "I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

   The voice sounded slightly, and he hesitated, "Can I go and see my aunt?"

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