Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 848: There is a Fang family

This request is also reasonable, she did not hesitate, nodded.

   Fang Yuchen couldn't wait to get up, with lingering worry between his eyes, "Can I go now?"

   Jiang Sesur pursed her lips and glanced at the time, "Can."

  After all, it is better to resolve this matter earlier.

   is related to Fang Xueman's family, so Jin Fengchen didn't go to the hospital with Jiang Sesur, only to explain to the driver to send them.

   Soon, Jiang Sesur took Fang Yuchen to Fang Xueman's ward.

  Fang Xueman had fallen asleep just before Jiang Sesur returned home, and at this moment, he was still asleep.

  Through the transparent glass on the ward door, Fang Yuchen saw Fang Xueman on the hospital bed.

   His face was pale and his face was haggard.

  Jiangsu saw such a Fang Xueman, his heart seemed to be squeezed silently by an invisible hand.

   "Auntie, how long has she been hospitalized?"

   Fang Yuchen's brow furrowed and his worries were obvious.

   She raised her hand, pointed her belly at the glass, and looked at the person in bed distressedly, "For a few days, the doctor said that he was hospitalized for observation, so it has been until now."

   Fang Yuchen looked at Fang Xueman, his eyes were dim, his eyes were red, and he sighed a long way, saying, "Grandpa would be sad if he saw his aunt's appearance."

   Fang Xueman is Fang's most beloved daughter. She has been held in her palm almost since childhood.

   Even with her brother, she is still a little princess in the eyes of Grandpa Fang.

   The little girl she loves the most is now suffering from illness like this, if Master Fang really wants to see it with his own eyes.

   will be heartbroken.

  Jiangsu sighed regretfully, facing Fang Yuchen, apologizing: "Sorry, my mother can't go back temporarily."

   Fang Yuchen saw Fang Xueman's current situation, naturally can't force anything more.

   He remained silent for a while, and hesitantly asked: "You... can you go back with me?"

  Wen Yan, Jiang Sezhu froze for a moment, almost failed to understand the meaning of Fang Yuchen's words.

   "Now that my aunt can't go back when she is sick, Grandpa should be very disappointed not to see her aunt, but if you can go back, maybe Grandpa will be very pleased." Fang Yuchen explained.

  I didn’t see my aunt. When I saw my aunt’s daughter, grandpa would love the house and the black one.

  Jiangseur pursed her red lips slightly, she did not immediately agree to come down.

   Fang's family is very strange to her, she doesn't know anyone inside.

Seeing Jiang Sesue didn't give an answer, Fang Yuchen hesitated and said: "In a few days it will be Grandpa's birthday feast, and the family will celebrate the grandfather's birthday. The grandpa's current physical condition, I'm afraid I can't pass a few... "

   This is probably the purpose of Father Fang.

   wants to recognize Fang Xueman home while taking advantage of the birthday feast.

  Hey, no one wants it.

   "Okay, let me go."

  Jiangse He didn't hesitate anymore, before he fell down, he promised to come down.

  The two said goodbye at the door of the hospital. Before leaving, Fang Yuchen did not forget to remind, "Surther, I will come to pick you up then."

"it is good."

  After he got off, he got on the bus waiting in front of the hospital.

   went back to Jin's house, it was already very late, Jin Jin and others had already stopped.

  Jiangsu went straight back to the bedroom and obediently entered Jin Fengchen's arms after taking a shower.

  She told him what happened in the hospital one by one.

   Including the fact that she agreed to Fang Yuchen to take part in the birthday party of Grandpa Fang in a few days instead of her mother.

   "Vice minister, wouldn't it be bad for me to take such a bold promise?"

   Jiang Seser lowered his eyes and rubbed his cheeks on Jin Fengchen’s chest, his voice was a little stuffy, "I just thought, I can’t let my mother leave regrets in the future, but I made such a decision privately..."

   "No, you go to participate, this is also for mom's sake, right?"

   Jin Fengchen hugged Jiang Sesel softly and comforted him.

   coaxed Jiangse to sleep, Jin Fengchen could not help thinking.

   Fang Yuchen's extraordinary temperament, dress and manners are not like ordinary people.

  In addition to Xueman's elopement, Jin Fengchen had to think about it.

  After all, if it weren’t for Fang’s prominent family, how could he strongly block the feelings of Fang Xueman and Jiang Zhen and force Fang Xueman to go to this step of elopement.

  It's just that the famous Fang family in China almost knows it, even knows it.

   But Fang's home where Jiangse's grandfather was, he hadn't heard of it.

   Is it that during his absence from the country, many things happened?

   Thinking of this, Jin Fengchen couldn't sleep either.

   He got out of bed lightly, and did not forget to tuck her a quilt before leaving, and gave another soft kiss on her forehead.

   Then, he unscrewed the door lightly and walked straight to the still-lit study.

  Jin Fengyao is still up late to deal with the company's affairs, his eyes are dark.

   "Feng Yao."

   Jin Fengchen pushed open the study door and walked to the desk, knocking on the table with his knuckles.

Jin Fengyao, who was dozing off, woke up suddenly, "Brother? Why do you scare me when you come to the study room without sleeping at night!"

   Jin Fengyao sat up dissatisfied, grumbled and complained to him.

   Jin Fengchen didn’t take his brother’s complaints into consideration, he asked immediately, “Is there a family name in recent years in China, but has no big family with our family?”

  Jin Fengyao heard the words and frowned, thinking.

   took over the company's affairs, he did know a lot of things, Jin Fengchen came to ask him without wrong.

   "It seems that there is."

   He sorted out the wording and answered succinctly, "There is a Fang family in the past two years, which has been very active recently, that is from Kyoto."

   looked at Jin Fengchen's expressionless cheek, he secretly sighed, and simply introduced it carefully.

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