Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 849: I'm afraid it won't be too peaceful

The Fang family in Kyoto, but it is a hidden family, all generations of medicinal herbs.

   has accumulated a vast network of people, and the relationship between those of the Fang family is also intricate.

  What I really want to say, I won't be able to finish in a while.

  Jin Fengyao finally summed up a sentence, "Strictly speaking, they should have no lower power than ours."

   Jin Fengchen was secretly surprised. He was silent for a few seconds and asked aloud, "What is the situation of this Fang family?"

  Jin Fengyao was not sure what his brother asked them for, but he still answered.

   "Recently, Fang's family is not very peaceful, and Fang's body is getting worse. The other people in Fang's family are also busy seizing power, which is very chaotic."

   Which is like their parents, only their two children, and they don't want to take power, they just want to accompany their wives.

   Jin Fengchen heard the words, thinking that he was going to go in a few days, his eyebrows could not help.

  Jin Fengyao looked at him with some doubts, "Brother, how are you asking about this?"

   "Your sister-in-law's mother is from this Fang family in Kyoto."

  Jin Fengyao was stunned, "This is a coincidence."

   didn't expect that Fang Xueman looked gentle, and his family would be this messy Fang family.

Jin Fengyao, who knows how chaotic Kyoto Fangjia is, still sighs silently in his heart.

   Jin Fengchen glanced at him with a deep voice, "If nothing unexpected, your sister-in-law may return to her mother in the near future."

  Jin Fengyao realized that things did not seem simple. He raised his brows and gathered his unconcerned look. It looked a little colder now.

   "Is there such a thing?"

   What idea is that grandpa Fang playing?

  Jin Fengchen's thin lips tightened, and he drove his pockets with one hand, and walked steadily to the window.

The place that    looks at is the direction of Kyoto.

  'S eyes fell in the distance, and the dark eyes were as dark as the dark night.

   "Feng Yao."

   Jin Fengchen was silent, and turned to look at Jin Fengyao and confessed, “Today Fang’s family came to say that Fang’s grandfather is going to hold a birthday feast. Also, check the truth about Mother’s affairs.”

   The voice was abrupt, and he said again: "It must be investigated clearly, and there must be no omissions."

  Jin Fengyao knows how important Jiangse is to Jin Fengchen.

   Even if there is a possibility that will hurt the sister-in-law, his brother will be strangled in the cradle.

   "Brother, rest assured, I must investigate."

  Jin Fengyao looked serious.

   This night, Jiang Sesu didn't sleep well.

   In the dream, many broken and messy pictures appeared alternately in front of my eyes.

  Every time she wants to touch and want to watch carefully, the picture will disappear again.

   "The vassal." Jiang Sesu suddenly awakened from the dream, sat up and exclaimed.

   "Thurs, have a nightmare?"

   Jin Fengchen's dry and warm big hand grabbed her cool hand.

   Then, bring her into the warm embrace.

   "It seems to be, but I don't remember what I dreamed of, vassal. I want to see my mother now." Jiang Sesur leaned in Jin Fengchen's arms and spoke uncomfortably.

   Jin Fengchen squeezed her messy hair, all eyes were spoiled, "Okay, let’s get up for some breakfast first, and then I will accompany you."

   After half an hour.

  Jiangseyou stood at the door of Fang Xueman's ward.

   There was no one in the ward.

   "Doctor? Nurse! Excuse me, what about my mother?"

  Jiangsu panicked, and stopped a passing nurse, pointing to the empty ward and asking anxiously.

   The nurse saw the patient at the entrance of the eye ward, "Oh, Ms. Fang Xueman's condition has deteriorated a little, and she was transferred to the intensive care unit just now."

  Jianse Se was like being hit by someone in the head, and looked back a few steps in a trance.

   asked her mother where the intensive care unit was, and Jiang Sesur and Jin Fengchen hurried away.

  The doctor told Jiang Sesur that Fang Xueman had a heart problem in the morning.

  Dan Sheng found the care in time, and now it is stable.

   Next, it still depends on Fang Xueman's recovery.

  Just according to her body, it takes a long time to recover.

   Jiangse's eyes were sore, and she thanked the doctor and she stood at the door of the ward.

   looked blankly at Fang Xueman, who was losing weight on the hospital bed.

   "Thur, I'm here, don't be afraid."

   Jin Fengchen encircled Jiang Sesur's waist from behind, his cheek pressed against her, Wen Wen said.

  Jiangsu's heart is full of ups and downs, it seems that with his simple words, he was smoothed out a little, "Uh..."


   Jin Fengchen did not tell Fang's family about Jiang Sesur.

  Now Fang Xueman is sick and sick, enough for her to worry about.

  Jianse Se hugged his lean waist and spoke softly, "Faithman, please go ahead first, I will accompany my mother here, you can pick me up when you are free."

  She didn't want to delay Jin Fengchen's work because of herself.

   Jin Fengchen looked down at her, and his heart was so soft that he didn't know her thoughts?

  Thinking that Fang Xueman's current condition has stabilized temporarily, she gently rubbed her head. "Okay, please call me at any time, do you know?"

   "Got it, please go busy."

  After Jin Fengchen left, Jiangsesur entered the ward after the doctor's consent, took Fang Xueman's hand, and leaned over to put her forehead against the back of her hand, "Mom, you must be fine."

   Jin Fengchen left the hospital and also received a call from Jin Fengyao.

   "Brother, I found out about the Fang family, where are you now?"

   "Wait when I get home."

   Jin Fengchen hung up the phone and drove back to Jin's home as quickly as possible.

   "Brother, that grandfather is really going to hold a birthday feast, and it's quite lively. I invited a lot of people with faces and faces."

  Jin Fengyao smiled, and pointed his finger on a red invitation on the desktop.

   Jin Fengchen lowered his jaw, and motioned him to continue.

  If we can only investigate so little, then Jin Fengyao's progress in the past few years has been too little.

   Jin Fengyao met, thinking and continued: "However, although the surface is like this, but I heard that there seems to be contention within the property, things may not be too peaceful."

   Jin Feng was clear, and he nodded gently, "As long as it doesn't hurt Thur, everything doesn't matter."

   "In short, it is still risky for sister-in-law to go to that kind of dark tide alone."

  Jin Fengyao thought for a while and said his thoughts.

   "I will accompany Thurse when the time comes."

   Wife madness like Jin Fengchen.

   How could he let his daughter-in-law be alone, and face a lot of strangers who don't know good or evil?

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