Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 850: Are you her daughter?

For the next two days, Fang Xueman had been in the intensive care unit, and Jiang Sesur became more and more worried.

  Although Jin Fengchen, Jin Mu and Jin Jin often comfort her, her heart is still hanging in her throat.

   As time went by, Fang Xueman's condition had not improved.

  On this day, Jiang Sesur asked the doctor to learn about Xueman's current condition. When he came out of the office, he met Fang Yuchen, who was wearing a tall suit and had an extraordinary temperament.


  Jianse Se stopped him and smiled politely, "Why are you here?"

   Fang Yuchen saw her now, stopped and Wen Run smiled, "Grandpa wants to see you in advance, do you have time today?"

  Wen Yan said, Jiang Sesu stunned, "Time is available, but, I did not have time to prepare."

   She was originally going to pick the day before the birthday feast. Unexpectedly, Grandpa Fang would suddenly propose to see her.

  I really can't keep up with the changes.

   Fang Yuchen smiled lightly, very understanding, "I am ready for you, as long as you are there."

   "That won't work."

  Jianse Se refused immediately and smiled, "How can I get my cousin to prepare for me when I go to see my grandfather? Well, I don't know my grandfather's preferences, why would it be better for my cousin to pick me up?"

  Although Grandpa Fang's decision was abrupt, Jiang Sesur felt that it was not appropriate to go away empty-handed, or to use the gift prepared by Fang Yuchen.

  After all, she and Fang Yuchen are not familiar yet.

"of course can."

   Fang Yuchen saw her insist and agreed.

  Jianse Se and Fang Yuchen went to the nearby shopping center together. On Fang Yuchen's suggestion, she chose a string of beads as a gift.

  Jianse Se carrying a packaged gift in his hand, when he was seated in the co-pilot seat, hesitantly asked, "Cousin, is fairness often serious?"

   It's fake to say not to be nervous.

  Although Jensen has never seen her grandfather since childhood.

  From what Fang Yuchen said before, Jiang Sesurer made up a very serious image of the old man.

   Fang Yuchen saw her concern at first glance and appeased: "Thur, don't worry, you are so good, grandpa will love you."

   Fang Yuchen said, stepped on the accelerator and drove to the place that Grandpa Fang set in advance.

   is a classic restaurant.

   Fang Yuchen parked the car, and led by the waiter, walked to the door of a box with Jiangse.

  He held the door handle in his hand and said very intimately before pushing the door open, "Thur, don't be nervous."

  Jiangse squeezed the gift bag in her hand, took a deep breath subconsciously, and then nodded.

   Fang Yuchen pushed open the door and walked into the box.

   An old man wearing a Zhongshan suit sat in the center of the box in an upright manner.

   The old man has white hair, and his spirit is not particularly good.

  Jianse Se was a little surprised to see the old man.

   Her grandfather is very kind, which is completely different from what she expected.

   But when looking at the gaze of the old man above, the pair of very majestic eyes made Jiangseer feel a little nervous.

   There is a child who does wrong things, waiting for the feeling of being scolded by serious parents.

   "Grandfather, here comes."

   Fang Yuchen walked over to Mr. Fang and said with a slight bow.

  Father Fang withdrew his gaze.

   He did not give a good face because the other party is the descendant of his favorite daughter.

   On the contrary, it was obvious that she did not want to see her.

   "Are you her daughter?"

   Grandpa Fang's voice is thick and full of energy, not like a weak person at all.

  Jiangseyou bowed slightly to Mr. Fang, and nodded, "Yes, grandpa, my name is Jiangseyou."

  I don't know if Jiang Sesur said something wrong, but Father Fang's face suddenly fell.

   The atmosphere inside the box became a little bit depressed in an instant.

  Fang Fang stared at Jiang Sesue for a while, his face softened a bit, and said slowly: "Your child, it's pretty good to be obedient."

  Jiangseul sighed easily. Unexpectedly, Master Fang's face showed a bit of an expression of disgust, "It is the blood of the boy half flowing in the body, not perfect."

  Jianse Se was a little embarrassed.

   didn't expect to see my grandfather for the first time, this grandfather was so straightforward.

   Fang Yuchen was also a little stunned, and looked at Master Fang funnyly and helplessly.

   But what this said, um, really embarrassing.

   The atmosphere is somewhat frozen because of this sentence.

   Fang Yuchen, who was sitting next to Mrs. Fang, gave a jealous look to Jiangse.

  Jiangse Jue understood Fang Yuchen's meaning. She quickly took out an exquisite gift box and handed it to Grandpa Fang, "Grandpa, this is a meeting gift prepared for you, a little heart, I hope you don't give up."

   As the saying goes, people reach out without making faces laugh.

  Jianse Se is so well-mannered and polite.

   Even if Mr. Fang is not upset, it is not easy to put on his face.

   Not to mention, Jiang Seso is also the descendant of his most beloved daughter.

   "Yeah, I have a heart."

  Master Fang took the gift box and set it aside.

  A few simple words make the air dull again, neither Jiangse Se stand nor sit.

  It's also impossible to expect Mr. Fang's stubborn temper to speak first.

  After so many years, he was still angry.

   is a model of an old naughty boy.

   Fang Yuchen couldn't help but worry about embarrassment, so he had to laugh round the field, "Cather, don't care about grandpa's attitude."

   Grandpa Fang snorted very proudly, then turned his head.

   Fang Yuchen smiled helplessly, gestured to Jiang Sesue to sit down and said: "The old man was very angry that your father had taken her aunt to elope.

   The old man always said to his aunt, your father is not a good person. In the end, my aunt broke off contact with your family for your father. This is the way to go. "

   Fang Yuchen worked hard to enliven the atmosphere, and brought back what he had said only two days ago.

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