Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 851: Come see me with no face

"So the old man is more or less angry now, Thur, don't mind."

   Fang Yuchen smiled and said to Jiang Sese.

   Grandpa Fang heard Fang Yuchen shake his old man out, glared at him fiercely, and coughed heavily, "If you don't speak, no one thinks you are dumb."

   This little arrogant attitude makes Jiang Sesur feel that Grandpa Fang does not look as serious as the surface.

   Actually think about it in a different position.

  'S most beloved daughter eloped with a furry kid who had nothing, still in those days.

  Father Fang Xueman did not recognize Fang Xueman is already good.

   Instead of thinking about it, it is enough to see that he loves Fang Xueman in his heart.

  Thinking like this, Jiang Sesel is not as nervous as when she first came.

   Jiang Sesur looked at Master Fang seriously and sincerely, slightly pursed his lips, and said: "Actually, I can understand your mood."

  Fang Fang frowned, a pair of eyes that looked all over the world with an aura of non-self-confidence.

  Jianse Se didn't stop her voice because of this, "Whoever was young was frantic when he was young. Grandpa, you love my mother so much, and my mother must know it clearly.

  Mom has been away for so long, and hasn't contacted you. Maybe he didn't want you, he didn't want Fang's family, he might just... feel guilty. "

  Jianse Seul was careful not to mention his father.

   so as not to touch Mr. Fang's mold.

   These words also really fell into the ears of Master Fang, and he nodded slightly in agreement.

   Everyone has had the most rebellious time.

   When Fang Xueman ran away with the stinky boy, he was very angry and anxious.

  Almost closed all night, worried that Fang Xueman would encounter danger, and angry that she would not listen to his father.

   However, the reason why he loves Fang Xueman is naturally that this daughter is like him.

  Two fathers and daughters with the same stubborn personality, this contradiction, has been full of trouble for more than 20 years.

   No one is in touch.

   Thinking of this, Master Fang's eyes were a little moved. Instead of the majesty just now, there was a little more melancholy among the elderly talents.

   At this time, Mr. Fang is an old man who really misses his daughter.

Seeing Master Fang's face moved, Jiang Sesu was busy hitting the iron while hot, and said with a smile: "Grandpa, don't be angry, your body is important. Besides, although half of my body is the blood of the Jiang family, the other half is the Fang family. It!"

  The last sentence of Jiang Suther can be said to be an idea.

   succeeded in making Grandpa Fang happy.

   "Well! That's a good word."

  Father Fang eased his expression and nodded with satisfaction.

   The voice suddenly stopped, and he asked Jiang Sesur: "How about your mother? Come and see me with no face?"

  Just say, the eyes of Grandpa Fang glanced at the door of the box from time to time.

   From a young age, Fang Xueman likes to surprise him, and he is also smart and clever.

   This time I might have let my daughter take the lead. When he saw his attitude relaxed, should he come out?

Grandpa Fang thinks the more likely he is, his back is straight and he coughs again: "Things have passed for so long, I am not a person who has always been concerned, come and come to your mother. How can you put your own child in the world? Angry parents?"

  The last sentence, Mr. Fang said very quietly, but they were still heard by the two.

   When I saw Grandpa Fang pretending to be serious, but with a hopeful look in his eyes, Jiangse's throat choked, and there was a sourness in his nose for no reason.

   It seems that Fang Yuchen didn't tell her grandfather about her mother's illness.

   Also, my grandfather's health is not good, if I knew about the mother's illness, I was afraid it would be unbearable.

   "Grandpa, my mother went to travel some time ago, but she hasn't returned yet."

  Jiangsu thought for a while, and compiled a reasonably reasonable reason, "When she comes back, I must come to see you."

   Her voice fell, and the box was silent.

Fang Yuchen, who knew the truth, chose to bow her head without saying a word.

  Father Fang was stunned, and there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes, and he was immediately angry.

   His left hand clenched into a fist and knocked on the dining table, Shen said: "She still wants to travel!"

   Jiangse Se and Fang Yuchen didn't dare to talk, they could only hang their heads.

  Thinking about how to comfort Master Fang.

  Father is still distressed by Fang Xueman after all, and the angry words are just talking in his mouth.

   remained silent for a while, and he couldn't help but ask Jiang Sesur, "Have your mother been doing well over the years?"

   His voice is a little hoarse. This sentence is like finding an opportunity to say it after many years.

  Jiangseur pursed her lips tightly, pondering how to speak.

  Various words emerged in my mind, and finally they were rejected and turned into simple sentences.

   "Mom and my dad divorced early."

   This other man's grandfather is a surprising and reasonable answer.

   is a father, always selfishly wishing her daughter a happy life.

  Senior Fang's brow furrowed with a deep gully, he asked coldly, "How did you leave?"

   asked about this, and Jiangse could only answer honestly.

   "Yes... It was my father who had an affair."

Grandpa Fang's eyes widened. He clenched his fists and hammered **** the table. There was a loud bang.

  The goblets on the table were trembling.

   "He! He dare to bully my daughter like this!!"

  Senior Fang shouted angrily, his chest fluctuated violently with anger.

  Jianse Se was taken aback and quickly got up and helped Mrs. Fang, with the other hand patting comfort on his back.

   "Grandpa, these things have passed."

   Fang Yuchen also reassured with a voice: "Yeah, Grandpa, things have passed so long, don't be angry."

   This time Jiang Sesel didn't dare to say anything else.

  Just knowing this, Grandpa Fang was so angry.

  If you know that your mother is ill and your condition has not improved at all, then your body will definitely be unable to eat.

  Master Fang will be very emotionally volatile, "She used to not listen to me!"

  Master Fang's eyes glowed with water, and he closed his eyes mournfully. "That Jiang Zhen is not a good person at first sight. I am her father. Will I harm her? Tiger poison doesn't eat children!"

   There is something wrong in Jiangse's heart.

   Fang Yuchen also did not know how to comfort, the two could only listen to Master Fang vent their anger quietly.

   "And... since she has been divorced for so long, why hasn't she come back once?"

   When the needles were so quiet in the box, Grandpa Fang seemed to be. The sound of muttering sounded.

   The light and fluttering sentence seemed so heavy again.

  Jiangsu sighed silently, "Maybe... I'll see you without a face."

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