Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 852: It turned out to be that kid

As Jiangse's voice fell, the box fell into silence again.

   Know daughter Mo Ruo father.

   Fang Xueman is a stubborn character. When she was a child, she would not tell him whenever she suffered any setbacks.

  I chose to digest myself and strive to do better next time.

   But if you make a wrong decision, it is really wrong.

  He didn't know how Fang Xueman came over these years.

   That is his most painful daughter...

  Do not mention how distressed he was in his heart.

   For a long time, Master Fang sighed softly, "Forget it, after so many years, I will not mention it."

   He put down the prejudice brought about by Jiang Zhen, and turned his head to stare at Jiang Sesel.

   Jiangse's appearance followed Fang Xueman, all of them were gentle and pleasant.

   "Sir, when will your mother come back?"

  The more Mr. Fang looked at Jiangse, the more he missed his daughter, and he couldn't help but ask.

  Where did Jiang Sesur dare to tell the truth? When asked, he could only shake his head, and then whispered in reply, "I don't know the exact time."

  'S eyes touched on the uncoverable loss of Master Fang's face. Jiangse's heart softened and he quickly added, "But I will definitely urge her to come back as soon as possible."

  Father nodded.

   This pass is over, Fang Yuchen was relieved, "Waiter, you can serve food."

   Fang Yuchen took the opportunity to divert the topic from Fang Xueman and tried to pick out some happy things.

  Father's mood is gradually getting better.

  The last topic didn't know what happened, and was caught on Jiang Seso.

   "Surther, you are not too young! How about? Have you been chased away by any stinky kid?"

  Father, after accepting Jiangse, the tone is very gentle, completely like an ordinary old man.

  Jiang Sezuo chuckled her lips and smiled, "Grandpa, I'm married and have two children."

   think of Jin Fengchen and the two cute, clever and smart little guys at home.

   The smile and happiness in her eyes almost overflowed.

  Father Fang heard it and he was refreshed.

   This means that he has two great-grandchildren!

   "Good, good!"

   Grandpa Fang smiled and said two good words, "Boy or girl?"

   "A boy, a girl."

  Jianse Se was also happy to see Grandpa Fang happy, and naturally knew everything.

   Father Fang's eyes wrinkle deepened a lot. "One son and one daughter, okay."

  I can see more and more of my juniors, and the old man is naturally happy.

What    represents is the extension of blood.

   "Achen, look at Thurse, they are both mothers of two children. Look at you again!"

  Fang Fang coughed heavily, knocked on the table with his fingers, and looked at Fang Yuchen's eyes full of disgust.

   How old are you, and your cousins ​​are married and have children, and he doesn't move at all.

   Fang Yuchen looked awkward, crying and laughing that he could still work hard in his career.

   Father Fang naturally will not object.

   It is a good thing for men to have ambition.

  Master Fang turned his head, and looked at Jiang Sesur with his eyes, and asked, "Sir, why didn't you bring your two children over?"

  Jiangseer looked at this expression of Grandpa Fang, and wanted to laugh and helplessly.

   This should be love house and black.

   "Next time, grandfather, I came to see you specially this time. I will take the children with you when the birthday is over, will you?"

  Speaking of words, Father Fang was nodded with satisfaction.

  The waiter also brought up the dishes one by one.

  Jianse Se has been carefully understanding the taste preferences of Grandpa Fang, and then helped him pick vegetables.

   Grandpa Fang looked in his eyes.

   initially because of Jiang Zhen, the prejudice against Jiangse also gradually dissipated in this meal.

   "You, like your mother, are caring children."

  Master Fang's eyes softened.

  Through Jiangse, he seemed to see Fang Xueman's figure when he was a child.

   "Hey, don't say this."

  Father Fang waved his hand and took the initiative to turn the subject around and asked, "Cather, what is your husband's family doing?"

   He has been thinking about it all these years, his grandchildren have their own grandchildren.

   is only a hindrance to Fang Xueman's experience, and Father Fang is also afraid that Jiangse will embark on her mother's old road.

  Jiangseyou can probably guess what Mr. Fang was worried about, and did not conceal, "It is the Jin family."

   said these three words, she had a very down-to-earth feeling.

   Everyone in the Jin family treats her very well, and is no less than Fang Xueman, it is a real home.

  The word "Jin family" made Father Fang open his eyes in surprise, "That Jin family? Which one of the two brothers of your family is your husband?"

   Although Jin's family is not many, it can be said that everyone is a dragon and a phoenix.

   "Jin vassal."

  Jianse Se did not hesitate to report this to her, and she felt a sweet name in her heart.

   Grandpa Fang raised his eyebrows in surprise, "It turned out to be that kid."

   It seemed that hearing the name of an acquaintance made Jiang Sesur surprised. She asked in surprise, "Grandpa, have you heard of a vassal?"

"heard about it!"

   Old Master Fang smiled and said heartily, "The leader of the younger generation in China, can't be underestimated! It is really the waves of the Yangtze River."

In the words of Grandpa Fang, he did not conceal his appreciation of Jin Fengchen.

   Hearing this, Jiangse also felt a little joy and pride in her heart.

   Her beloved man is so good in grandpa's eyes, of course she feels proud and happy.

  Father Fang gathered his eyes to appreciate, and turned to Jiang Sesur seriously, "How is this kid doing to you, okay?"

  He is a successful person in his career, but his private life is a mess. He sees more.

   Plus, Jiang Sese is his granddaughter again, of course he can't help but care about it.

   "Grandpa, you can rest assured."

  Jianse Se knows that Mr. Fang is worried about her, and she smiles and answers: "The vassal, he is very good to me, especially good."

The happy smile in   's eyes almost overflowed.

  Whether a person is happy or not, the mouth may be deceiving, but the eyes cannot deceive.

   Fang Yuchen couldn't help laughing when she saw her appearance. How did he feel like he was thrown a dog food invisible?

   Father Fang naturally did not miss the smile in the eyes of Gangse Se, sincerely happy for Jiangsese.

   As long as he doesn't take the old road of his silly daughter!

   "So good!"

  Father said with a smile.

   Then the three of them chatted and talked, and Jiang Sesel kept serving a bowl of soup to Mrs. Fang from time to time with some dishes.

   The atmosphere is extremely harmonious, and it is very different from the moment when I first came in.

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