Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 853: I tell you, no way!

After dinner, the three chatted for a while. Fang Yuchen worried about Master Fang's body and urged him to go home and take a rest early.

  Father Fang stood up reluctantly, walked out with the help of Jiang Sese and Fang Yuchen.

  Jiangseyou took Mr. Fang into the car.

   When he left, Mr. Fang rolled down the car window again, looking at Jiang Sese and told him: "Sather, on the grandfather's birthday banquet, you remember to bring Jin Fengchen's kid together too."

  Finally, although Mr. Fang already knew that Jiang Sesur had a very good life, he still wanted to see Jin Fengchen in person.

   confirms with his own eyes, whether he is sincerely good to Jiangther.

   Probably overkill.

   But the old man is like that.

   "Grandpa, rest assured, I will take the vassals with me." Jiangse Se nodded and agreed.

   Fang Yuchen asked his head out of the car door at the moment before stepping on the accelerator: "Thur, do you really want me to send you back?"

   "Cousin, no need, I can let the vassals pick me up."

  Jiangse Se smiled and refused, Fang Yuchen did not force, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

   Watching the car gradually out of sight, she took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone of Jin Fengchen.

   Jin Fengchen answered the phone in seconds, knowing that Jiang Sesu had finished dinner.

   said softly, "wait for me", then put down the matter at hand and drove to pick up Jiang Suther.

   Jiangse Se looked up at the night sky dotted with stars, feeling a little relaxed.

   The sky is so vast, and by comparison, her troubles don't seem worth mentioning.

  Like the vassal said, everything is going in the good direction.

   Soon, a black car stopped beside her, she had just recovered, and the door had been pushed open.

   Jin Fengchen stepped out of the car and stood in front of her with a straight posture, his lips gently raised, playing with the taste: "Will this lady, have I the honor to send you home?"

  Jiangse could not help laughing, but also cooperated with him seriously, "Of course, then trouble you."

   Jin Fengchen gentleman opened the front passenger door and motioned her to get in.

  When the two arrived home, the family fell asleep.

  Jiangse Li was lying in Jin Fengchen's arms after washing, and before he asked, he took the initiative to talk about the meeting with Master Fang.

   "I was actually very nervous when I went. I was afraid that my grandfather would be very serious or might not like me. But on the contrary, my grandfather was very kind and the people were very nice!

   Jin Fengchen listened patiently and made a few remarks from time to time.

  Jianse Se was in his arms, and she looked so cute.

  Jianse Se said, suddenly remembering what he promised to Fang Fang, looked up at Feng Jin, "Yes, the vassal, my grandfather said that on the day of his birthday, I hope our family of four can go together, all right?"

   "Fool, of course I will go wherever you go."

   Jin Fengchen scraped the tip of her nose, which was very indulgent.

  Jiangse heard the words and smiled with satisfaction. She buried her cheek in Jin Fengchen's arms and rubbed and rubbed again, "Grandpa needs a gift for his birthday, can you spare time to accompany me to buy a gift tomorrow?"

  Jianse Se raised his head and wrapped his arms around his neck and neck.

   has a feeling that he doesn't agree, she won't let go and sticks to him all the time.

   "Of course."

   Jin Fengchen chuckled and touched Jiangse's head, "I will take you to your grandfather tomorrow!"

   Jiangse's eyes lit up.

  Jin Fengchen's grandfather's antique shop, all the things brought out are good things of great collection value.


  The young couple got tired of each other for a while before embracing each other.

  Early the next morning.

   The bedroom door was pushed open, and the sweet little figure swooped in at once, "Daddy, mommy, big lazy! Get up!"

   The soft glutinous and milky milky sound suddenly exploded in the quiet house.

  Jiangseer rubbed his eyes to wake up, and Jin Fengchen who was awakened was also very helpless.

  The two get up and wash under sweet supervision.

When    came downstairs to the living room, Jin Jin and Jin Mu were well-dressed and dragged a suitcase.

  Xiaobao saw them coming down, quickly waved, and said excitedly: "Daddy, Mommy, Grandpa and Grandma said to take me and my sister to travel!"

  Jiangse Se took the sweet and walked past, "Going to travel?"

   "We told our two children a long time ago. Now that you are back, we have time to take them around."

  Mother Jin took the sweet little hand and took the messy little hair around her ear behind her ear, explaining.

  Jianse Se and Jin Fengchen naturally would not object, but only told them to pay more attention to safety.

  After Jin and Jin's father led Xiaobao and Tiantian out, the house was quiet a lot.

   got used to the lively atmosphere of this time, and suddenly calmed down, making Jiang Sesel still not used to it.

   Fortunately, she still needs to choose a gift for Father Fang today, so she didn’t have time to think about it.

   had breakfast with Jin Fengchen, and the two went to the old man's antique shop.


  Jiangsezu people haven't arrived yet, and the voice first passed into the antique shop.

   Hearing this crisp voice, the old man with a cup of boring bored laughed suddenly.

  The figures of Jin Fengchen and Jiangse Se walked into the antique shop.

   "Your young couple remembered my grandfather?"

   The old man smiled happily and saw the two come to see him, not to mention how happy they are.

  However, as soon as Jin Fengchen opened his mouth, his expression changed.

   "Grandpa, do you have anything suitable for birthday gifts?"

   The gentleman who just smiled just now collapsed.

  , he should know that this stupid boy is certainly not a good thing.

   "What idea are you stupid guys? I tell you, no way!"

   The old man's annoyed opening, don't mention how cute the alert look is.

   can see Jiang Sesur laughed aside.

   Speaking of this, the old man rolled his eyes at Jin Fengchen very earthily, "Every time you come to me, you pick up a good thing. Look at me, what else can you pick!"

  Although there are so many rare things in his antique shop, he can't stand his bear grandson!

   "Grandpa, not me."

   Jin Fengchen smiled and said, "It's your granddaughter-in-law's wife to pick, she wants to give away. Why not? I'll accompany you next morning's chess, what do you think?"

   When Grandpa heard that Jiang Sesu wanted to choose a gift, his heart softened.

  After listening to the second half of Jin Fengchen's words, he jumped up his brow.

  He was tight and bored alone, accompanied by the next morning's chess, but it was not a small temptation for him.

   "Grandpa and Grandpa, you know you are the best."

  Jianse Se took the opportunity to bend down, shake the old man's arm, said softly to the old man.

   Where is the old man who can bear such coquettishness of the younger generation, a heart is soft and soft.

   Jin Fengchen looked at his daughter-in-law coquettishly with a smile on her side.

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