
   The old man raised his hand against the lips and coughed a few times, with one hand behind his back, he did the majesty of the elders.

   He squinted at Jin Fengyao and snorted softly, "Looking at Thurse's face, let you pick whatever you want!"

   Jin Fengchen looked at the old man's pretentious expression with a smile.

   He knew that no one could resist his wife's coquettishness.

  No, the serious old naughty boy like his grandfather couldn't help it.

   saw that Jin Fengchen was laughing at his old man and gave him an angry look like a grumpy child.

   turned his head and changed his amiable smile into Jiangse's softly whispering, fearing that loud noise would scare her.

   "Girl, just pick whatever you like! Grandpa can still give you something."

   "Grandpa, I think the piece of blood jade in your shop is..."

   Jin Fengchen's timely opening, he deliberately prolonged the tail, looking at the old man meaningfully.

   The old man's smile suddenly stiffened in his face. He turned his head and yelled at Jin Fengchen, "You stupid boy, I was thinking about the blood jade all day long! I tell you, no! Door!"

  Jianse Se looked at the scene where the grandfather and the grandson were fighting, but couldn't help laughing.

  A man who is so serious that Grandpa Ming is so cute in front of his vassals.


   realized that the image might be gone forever. The old man blushed and ignored Jin Fengchen, and said to Jiang Seser seriously: "Girl, go and choose!"

   At the end, add another sentence: "If you really like the blood jade, just take it away."

  Jianse Se smiled and nodded: "Okay, thank you grandpa."

   Said in my heart not to be moved is false.

   The **** jade of the old man was so precious, but as a result, even the words sent to her were spoken.

   Enough to see, really hurt her.

   "Stick boy, go, go play chess with me."

   The old man dragged a handful of Jin Fengchen, took the chess board and dragged him to the courtyard to sit down.

  When the two of them went out, Jiang Sesu also strolled in the store.

The style of the antique shop is quite antique, and the things are also neatly arranged.

  There are many jade articles, calligraphy and paintings, and some gadgets that are hard to see on the market.

   There are too many things, and Jiang Sesu will not know what to choose for the Fang Fang for a while.

   She had some regrets. Yesterday when she saw Grandpa Fang, she asked him his preferences without knocking.

  Jiangse Su suddenly remembered something, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Fang Yuchen's phone.

   The phone rang a few times and was connected.

   "Thurs, what's the matter?"

   "Well, cousin, I would like to ask, what do grandpas prefer?"

  Jiangsu hurriedly asked.

  Although yesterday, she and Fang Yuchen went to pick up a meeting ceremony for Grandpa Fang, but she still didn't know much about the other's grandpa's preferences.

   Yesterday, in a hurry, after listening to Fang Yuchen's suggestion, he directly bought the string of beads, and didn't have much time to ask.

   Fang Yuchen over there thought for a while, "The old man really likes medicine."


  Jiangsu has some circumstance, Fang Yuchen's determined "um" sound.

   She froze a little, and after thanking her, she hung up.

   If it's about medicine...

  Jiangsezhuo for a while, really did not expect anything to do with medicine.

   She could only walk around in the shop with frustration.

  Do not miss any corners that may be overlooked.

   was surprised to find that there was still a small bookshelf in Grandpa's antique shop.

   There are not many books on it. She glanced at them. Most of them were collected books that were left many years ago.

  Justice came, and just checked it out in front of the small bookshelf.

  The Emperor's Heaven is not disheartened.

   After reading it for a long time, she found a book about medicinal materials.

  The book cover is made of materials such as parchment. Although it is well kept, it is also very old and looks very old.

   The cover has no other bells and whistles, only three obscure fonts.

   should have been stored for too long, so it is not clear what the word is.

  Is it related to medicine? Isn't that what she was looking for?

  Jiangseul looked up with interest.

   Some of the previous ones she can understand, are some herbal medicines and usage introductions.

   The more you turn down, the more obscure the technical terms above are.

  Jencer simply stopped reading, holding the book in his hands with both hands.

   She walked over with the book, "Grandpa, I chose it."

  Jianse Se sits on the other side of the duo's board, and then holds out the book and hands it out.

   The old man looked at it, and the look of surprise was overwhelming, "OK, girl, I picked a good thing in one choice."

   Jin Fengchen raised his eyebrows.

   He didn't look down on the books because they were inconspicuous, but waited for the old man to talk.

   tends to be less conspicuous and more valuable.

   "This book is called Wan Yao Ji."

   The old man took the book and rubbed the fuzzy three words on the cover gently with his fingers.

   "It was collected by an old friend and is said to have been circulating for hundreds of years."

   For ordinary people, this ten thousand drug set may not have much effect.

   But for someone who knows how, this is a priceless treasure!

  Jianse Se looked at the old man with a blink of an eye, and said with a smile: "Originally collected books, then I thank my grandfather!"

   The old man shook his head helplessly with a smile, and waved his hand, "Go, go, here you are."

   "Your young couple took away all the treasures I cherished, so I can spend more time with me."

   he took the opportunity to ask.

  Gangse Se smiled, and put Wan Wanji next to Jin Fengchen and got up, "Grandpa, let me make tea for you, you continue."

"it is good."

   The old man agreed with a smile.

  Jianse Seshu walked into the inside of the shop, and took out the tea set for the old man and the tea pot that he often drinks.

  She cleaned the tea set and boiled water in a small pot.

After   , it was a cloud-like movement of making tea, and finally, Jiang Sesur went out carrying the teapot.

  Grandpa and Jin Fengchen each served a cup of tea at hand.

   Then she sat quietly and watched them play chess.

  Grandpa and Jin Fengchen are both masters of chess.

   This game has been going on for a long time, and I still can't see the birth father.

   The old man has the excitement of his opponent on his face, and he is serious about wanting to win this game.

   time passed, and it was almost noon.

  Jianse Se and Jin Fengchen simply stayed here for lunch together.

   "Haha, vassal, your chess skills have improved again! Sure enough, it is still fun to play chess with you!"

   The old man had a good time and couldn't help but have a drink at noon.

  He wanted to take Jin Fengchen to have a drink, but he was rejected by Jin Fengchen.

   Jin Fengchen glanced at the curated collection of selected books and smiled and said deliberately: "Thank you Grandpa for your praise, mainly because you are generous with you."

   The old man glared at him angrily, and murmured again, "You don't know, I'm just fooling under the group of little old men, and playing chess with them can kill me."

   Jin Fengchen and Jiangse Se laughed together.

   "It will be fine in the future, the two of you will take me with them to accompany me."

When    left, the old man was still very reluctant.

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