In a blink of an eye, it was the day before Father Fang's birthday feast.

   Jin's mother Jin's father has also finished traveling, and brought two little guys back home.

  The Jin family resumed the lively scene again.

  Jianse Seul carefully selected the family of four to wear clothes to attend the birthday party of Grandpa Fang.

   The next day.

  Jianse Seo got up early in the morning, knowing that the two little guys would occasionally leave the bed without even having time to wash, so they ran to the children's room and picked up the sleeping little treasure and sweet one by one.

   Xiaobao is more obedient and consciously goes to wash.

   Sweet is because she is still old, and Jiangse Se helps her brush her teeth and wash her face.

  Children's energy is always the most vigorous, and the sweetness after washing has got rid of sleepy insects.

   This will be running around on the second floor, with giggling from time to time.

   "Brother, let's play this!"

   "Don't play first, sweet, Mommy said, I will change my clothes later."


  Jiangsezuo got two little guys before walking back to the bathroom in the room, and naturally took over the toothbrush that Jin Fengchen squeezed her toothpaste for her.

   is an ordinary but full of warm and happy morning.

  After Jiang Seso washed well, the two little guys were also carried into the room by Jin Fengchen.

   waited for their mom to change clothes for them.

   "Vice, should you go to the next room in front of Xiaobao?"

  Jiangse Se was holding a dress in one hand, and looked at Jin Fengchen, who was not moving inside the house, smiling.

   Jin Fengchen laughed and laughed at her, "We are all old wives and old wives, what is shy."

   "Mr. Jin, please give your children a good example!"

  Jiangsu raised his little chin and nodded, motioning him to look at Xiaobao, who was curious.

   Jin Fengchen looked at her funny for a while, took his and Xiaobao's suit and went to the next room to change.

  Jianse Seul chose for herself and Tian Tian, ​​a bit like a mother-daughter dress, but she is more generous, and Tian Tian is a sweeter princess.

  After she wore it, she checked it carefully and carefully.

   pierced Tiantian with a very cute princess head, and then led Tiantian downstairs.

  Compared to girls who need to dress up delicately, Jin Fengchen and Xiao Bao, the father and son, are faster.

   A suit, then straighten the hair and go straight downstairs.

  Jin Fengchen's tall and tall body was wrapped in a hand-made black suit, which made him more prosperous and powerful.

  Xiaobao is wearing a small black suit, he is like a reduced version of Jin Fengchen.

   a little more cute, cool and cool.

  When Tian Tian saw Jin Jin's mother coming down, like a small artillery shell, he rushed to the second old man.

   The little pink dress was swaying with the sweet running.

  She is like a doll made of powdered jade and full of aura.

   "Grandpa and grandma! Look at the little skirt that Mommy gave sweet pick!"

   "Oh, who is this little princess, so cute!"

  Jin's mother's heart melted in an instant, took her sweet little hand, and bent over to hold her in her arms.

   "It's grandma's sweet!"

   sweetly raised his chin, and giggled when he said with great pride.

   Jin Fengchen's eyes fell on Jiang Seso, his eyes full of tenderness, praised: "Today is so beautiful."

   "Am I usually not pretty?"

  Jianse Seo slightly turned his head, his eyes full of cunning smile.

   "Mummy is always the most beautiful!"

  Not waiting for Jin Fengchen to answer, Xiaobao has already taken the lead to answer loudly.

  Jin Fengchen's mouth twitched.

   The stinky boy said his words first.

  Jianse Se was also happy to see Jin Fengchen's extremely cute expression.

   "Surther, you are the most beautiful in my eyes."

   Jin Fengchen answered seriously, but instead made Jiang Sesur feel a little ashamed.

  Jianse Sehong with his ears walked to the living room with him.

  When the family of four stood together, they were extremely seductive, like a visual feast.

   "Tian Tian is so cute, and Xiao Bao is also very handsome."

   "Ouch, my grandchildren are so beautiful."

  Mother Jin turned into a fan of two little guys, and kept sighing.

  Father Jin also occasionally echoed his words.

  Xiaobao was also exaggeratedly raised his chest, a young face spread with a smile.

  He hesitated for a while, and moved to Jiang Sesu's side.

   reached out and grabbed Jiangse's little thumb and asked with blushing, "Mommy, is Xiaobao beautiful today?"

Jiang Sese immediately laughed, she crouched down, and kissed Xiao Bao's cheek with her thumbs up, "Good-looking! Xiao Bao is the most handsome! I don't know how many girls' hearts I want to grow up Come back."

   Isn’t it? Xiaobao, the miniature version of Jin Fengchen, throws it out to attract the attention of many girls.

Ok! She had to start paying attention to Xiaobao's education.

   can't let Xiaobao do whatever he wants because he looks handsome.

When Jiang Sesi thought about how to teach Xiaobao in the future, Jin Fengchen's side, already holding the sweet little hand, said seriously: "Sweet, no father's consent in the future, not allowed to make a boyfriend, you know? "

  Jiangseyou could not help crying and laughing.

  Tiantian how big is this? The vassal wanted so much! Worry too soon.

   And, now say this, where does Tiantian understand.

  Who knows, Tiantian winked a pair of big watery eyes, focused on her head, and her voice was soft, "Tiantian knows! I will find someone as handsome as Daddy in the future!"

  The sound of milk and milk gas made everyone laugh.

   Jin Fengchen also laughed, he was originally just amused, did not think that this girl actually understands everything.

   "Sweet, little fool, you are still laughing!"

  Jianse Se smiled for a while, and when she came back to her, she nodded her sweet nose. "However, looking for a boyfriend can not only look for the handsome, but you must be good to you."

   "Oh, I know, just like Daddy!"

  Sweet little adult clapped his hands and pointed at Jin Fengchen.

   Jin's father Jin's mother suddenly laughed.

   Jin Fengchen smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

   "Daddy, sweet, right?"

  Tiantian took the short legs and walked in front of Jin Fengchen like an awesome look, waiting for praise.

   "Well, Tiantian is right."

   Jin Fengchen smiled, and bent down to hug her in her arms.

  The family was in a hurry for a while.

   Seeing that the time was almost up, he yelled Jin Fengchen to leave.

   Fang Yuchen sent the address of the hotel where Grandfather Fang held the birthday banquet to Jiangse Se the night before.

   She took two children in the back seat, and Jin Fengchen started the car and went straight to Kyoto.

   Jincheng and Kyoto are not far away. Within two hours, they arrived at the address sent by Fang Yuchen.

   Jin Fengchen parked the car in the parking lot, and led a small guy with Jiang Sesel into the hotel.

   is a six-star hotel, the decoration is very exquisite and upscale.

   A family of four with high face value attracted the attention of many passers-by, and some people even thought they were stars and took out their phones to take pictures.

   Jin Fengchen led Jiang Sesur into the elevator and pressed the button on the fifth floor.

   Grandpa Fang's birthday banquet was held in the banquet hall on the fifth floor.

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