Suddenly hearing Fang Yuchen's name, Fang Xueman froze for a while.

  The memory suddenly appeared, just like opening a book with thick dust.

  She... How long has it been since I heard the name?

   Fang Xueman's nose burst into sourness, "When did your cousin come to you, what did he say?"

  Returned, Fang Xueman clenched Jiangse's hand, looking at her with anxious expectation.

  Jiangse seized Fang Xueman's cool fingers.

   "The cousin said that my grandfather was always looking for you and wanted to see you when he was eighty."

   After pondering for a while, she selected the key points.

   Fang Xueman clenched Jiangse's hand unconsciously.

  She knows...

  She always remembers her father's birthday.

  Jianse Se said a little while, and continued: "But you didn't wake up at that time, and I didn't tell Grandpa that you were sick. Mom, I went to attend Grandpa's birthday party instead of you. Won't you blame me?"

   Fang Xueman sucked his nose and shook his head with his red eyes, "How can I blame you? Thur, your grandfather... Isn't it that you don't want to see me?"

   Fang Xueman's voice is full of bitterness and uneasiness.

  Jiangse Se seemed to see that the young Fang Xueman was regretting many years ago.

   After so many years, her mother must have regretted her guilt.

   "Mom, grandpa, he didn't blame you, and, like grandma, I miss you very much and worry about you all the time."

   Jiang Sesur avoided the fact that her grandmother had died a few years ago.

   Rarely awakened mothers can't bear this kind of stimulation.

   But after hearing her words, the other Xueman is already a very complicated matter.

   regrets, thoughts, and guilt intertwined emotions, straight into the mind.

   forced Fang Xueman's eyes to become more sour, and the tears in his eyes could not bear, and his face was full.

   "I should have known, I should have guessed."

   Fang Xueman choked his voice.

  What is she doing all these years? I was afraid to go back because of my fear.

   She was afraid to face her father's disappointed look.

  She always thought that her father would not forgive her.

   But I never imagined that when she missed her home deeply, her parents kept remembering her too!

   "I haven't dared to go back all these years, I'm afraid your grandfather and grandmother won't forgive me, I..."

  Finally, Fang Xueman could not cry.

  Jianse Se knows that Fang Xueman will be emotional this time, and it would be bad not to let her finish.

  So, she patted Fang Xueman's back and listened to her.

   Fang Xueman at this time is just a person who has been away from home for many years and misses his loved ones.

   "Okay, Mom, you can't be too emotional."

   Seeing Fang Xueman calm down a lot, Jiang took the opportunity to comfort her softly: "You now, just take care of your body, and then go back to visit his old man, okay?"

  With Jiangse's comfort, Fang Xueman's mood gradually adjusted.

   heard the words, Fang Xueman nodded gently.

  Jiangsezhuo helped Fang Xueman back to the ward, and spoke to her as lightly as possible.

   But Fang Xueman was curious about what she experienced in the past two days.

   Jiangse was helpless, so she told her one by one.

Fang Xueman couldn't help laughing when he heard that Master Fang was also satisfied with Jin Fengchen.

   There are very few people who can nod satisfied with the old man.

  Jianse Se accompanied Fang Xueman to chat in the ward, the atmosphere between mother and daughter was harmonious.

   Later, when Fang Xueman fell asleep, Jiang Sesur walked out of the ward lightly.

When    returned to Jin's house, it was already dark.

  Jianse Seul had just arrived home, and Jin Fengchen also came back.

   As soon as King Feng Jin came back, he hugged Jiangse directly and talked to her about going back to France.

   "I need to go to France to handle some job handovers, and Xiaobao's school status must also be moved over."

   Of course, the most important thing is that he will also bring Mo Xie and Han Yu back.

   When they are there, they can always cope with the virus in the body.

  Jiangse also remembered this.

  Too many recent events caused her to forget it.

   "I want to go back to France with you too, is it okay?"

  She looked up from Jin Fengchen's arms and looked at him expectantly.

  Fearing that Jin Fengchen disagreed, Jiang Seser thought about it and added, "I want to say hi to Fu Jingyun's parents."

   Jin Fengchen heard that, after thinking for a few seconds, he nodded and agreed.

  The husband and wife said they would do it. Jin Fengchen booked the plane the next morning.

   Then he said to Jin's father, Jin's mother again.

  Fearing that the second old man would be bored at home, Jiang Sesur left Xiaobao, and then took the sweetness.

   Before leaving, Xiao Bao held back her tears and hugged Jiangse.

   "Mommy, Xiaobao will be good, but you have to come back early."

   "Well! Mommy will miss you, get along with grandparents during this time."

  Jiangsezuo held Xiaobao's small face carved with jade, and kissed his cheek hard.

   Then in his reluctant gaze, he left the Jin family.

   arrived in France, it has been more than ten hours later.

   Jin Fengchen, holding the sweetness of his past, took Jiangse home to take a rest, until the afternoon, before going to the company to handle the transfer.

   and Jiang Seso waited for Sweet Sweet to wake up and then led her to visit Fu Jingyun's parents.

   Looking at the familiar building, Jiang Sesu rang the doorbell.

   opened the door to Fu Jingyun's mother. When she saw that the person who ringed the doorbell was Jiang Sesu, she was surprised.

   Immediately, the surprise on her face turned into joy, "Thur, you come, hurry, hurry in."

  Mother Fu warmly welcomed Jiang Sesur into her house, and when she saw Tian Tian, ​​she was happy to hold her in her arms and kissed her for several cheeks.

   "Sweet, do you miss grandma?"


   nodded sweetly, and then kissed Fu mother's face.

  Fu Jingyun's parents both expressed great welcome to Jiangse's arrival.

   gazed at the second old man teasing the sweet figure, Jiang Sesur was silent for a while.

   "Dad, Mom...I'm going to settle in the country. I'm here to tell you this time."

  Fu Jingyun's parents suddenly froze when they heard it.

"is it?"

  Mother Fu's face showed a lost expression.

  Father is also sad.

   "You are not good in France... so sudden?"

   Jiang Seso did not conceal, and told Fang Xueman that he fell ill.

   The two can only sigh, not much to say.

   But there was a depressed atmosphere in the air.

   This feeling made the people present feel heavy.

  Looking at the sad expression of Fu Jingyun's parents, Jiangse also felt very uncomfortable.

   "I... I don't like you very much, as long as my mother is better, I will definitely visit you, okay?"

   She pursed her lips and said softly.

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