Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 870: Newly developed medicine

Judging from Jiangse, Fu Jingyun's parents are equivalent to her reborn parents.

   is going to settle in the country, which means that they rarely have the opportunity to meet them again in the future.

  Jiangse also felt very unhappy.

   "Church, in fact, you can do well, we are very happy."

  Mother Fu held sweetness in her arms, and at the same time reached out and held Jiangse's hand, "The saying is good, there is no feast for the world, we are very happy if you have that heart!"

   She smiled amiably, and looked at Jiangse Se as if looking at her own daughter.

  Jiangse's throat choked, and for a while did not know what to say.

   "Children, don't be sad, we welcome you back at any time."

  Father patted Jiangse's shoulder with his big hand and smiled kindly.

  The tears in Jiangse's eyes finally couldn't help sliding down along the cheeks, "Thank you parents."

   "Come on, don't cry, after being aggrieved in the country, come to us, this is your home."

  Mother Fu looked at the distress and reached out to wipe away tears gently for Jiangse.

  Jiangse Ju wiped her cheek indiscriminately, calmed down and decided to stay with them for a while.

  Wait till the end, before Jiang Sesu prepares to leave with sweetness.

  Mother Fu's reluctance clenched Jiangse, gazing at her cheek.

   seems to remember her look in her heart.

   "Thurse, you must be good after returning home, because Jingyun does not have that blessing."

   mentioning his son, Fu mother's face showed a worried and helpless expression. "And I don't know where this kid went."

   "The stink boy has always been like this, many things refused to tell us, just hope he is safe."

  Father was also very helpless to take the conversation.

   Hearing this, there was something wrong in Jiangse's heart.

   seems to be bitter in his mouth.

   She knew where Fu Jingyun had gone, but she couldn't say it, so the second elder was worried.

  Fu Jingyun did so many wrong things before, and now she went to Italy for the virus on her body.

   She had never been able to forgive.

  But when I saw Fu and Fu, I couldn't blame so much in my heart.

  Jianse Se did not know how dangerous it would be to sneak into that institute.

  However, in case he does something.

  Can Fu Jingyun's parents really live?

  She dare not imagine.

   As a mother, she couldn't help but feel that her child was sick.

   "Jingyun will be fine."

  Jianse Se felt so comforted and felt insufficient, and quickly added a sentence, "I will help get Jing Yun back."

  The second old man nodded his head, looking at Jiang Sesur with relief, with various emotions in his eyes.

   unwilling, sad, worried, and helpless.

   "Church, come back with sweetness when you have time."

  Fu and his mother's hands held Jiangse's mother and daughter respectively, and they did not want to let go for a long time.

  Tiantian seemed to perceive something, and turned directly into Fu Mother's arms, holding her tightly, unwilling to let go.

   "Grandpa, Grandma, Sweetness can't bear you."

   The sound of sweet milk and milk gas stained the crying cavity.

   made her second old, who was reluctant to let her go, even could not bear to let go of her.

   After all, Fu Mother and Fu Father have also brought sweetness for so many years, and the feelings are deep.

   This parting, I won't know when it will be next time.

   "Sweet boy, don't cry, it's not cute to cry anymore."

   Fu Mufu. Touching the sweet back, softly pacified.

   is like every time she patiently coaxes sweet sleep.

  Children's perception of emotions is very keen. When Fu said so, she cried out with a wow, and she still shouted: "Sweetness can't bear grandpa and grandma..."

   Mother Fu couldn't help it at the time, and she shed tears.

  Tu Tian also cried as soon as she saw her, and wiped her tears with her red eyes, "Grandma, don't be sad, sweet, don't cry."

  Tiantian's so sensible appearance even made Fu's tears stop.

  'S Fu father was also silently wiping tears.

   "Grandpa, hug."

  Tiantian sweetly extended two small white arms to Father Fu.

  Father quickly hugged the little girl into her arms and patted her back.

   Watching the three of them weeping, Jiangse's eyes were even sour.

  'S sadness and sadness almost swallowed her up.

   But she is going to go after all.

   She has her own destination.

   "Uncle, auntie, it's very late, so I'll take sweet back home first."

  Jianse Se took the sweetness from Fu Fu's arms and bid farewell to the car and went back.

  Through the car window, Jiang Sesur saw Fu Jingyun's parents stood at the door of the house until they could not see them.

  Jiangse Se guarantees sweetness almost all the way, and will definitely come to see grandpa and grandma in the future, and the sweet little emotions are subsided.

When    came home, Jiangsezhuo cooked noodles and fed them sweetly.

   After a short break, he coaxed sweet sleep.

   Jin Fengchen came back very late. When he entered the room, Jiang Sesur was leaning against the head of the bed, his head dozing little by little.

  He walked lightly to the bedside, preparing to lay her down and let her sleep.

  However, as soon as Jin Fengchen approached, Jiang Sesu opened his eyes.

"You're back."

   Her voice was deeply sleepy. When she saw Jin Fengchen, she sat up again.

   does not seem to intend to sleep.

   Jin Fengchen saw that she was not asleep, and asked about Fu Jingyun's parents.

  Jiangse Se was silent for a while, "Tiantian couldn't bear them, but I promised to see them when I have time."

   Jin Fengchen bowed his head, bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

  He knew in his heart that Jiangse's feelings for Fu Jingyun's parents.

   This separation, both sides must be very sad.

   "It will take a few more days for me to finish it," he said.

  Jianse Se smiled and shook her head, said: "It's okay, I can wait slowly, don't worry."

   Then the whole person nestled in Jin Fengchen's arms.

   smelled the breath from him, she felt more at ease.

   Jin Fengchen's eyes also softened.

  He raised Jiangse's jaw in one hand and slowly leaned over to kiss her red lips.

  Jiangse's cheeks floated for a long time with a faint blush. Under the warm light, it became more and more attractive.

   Jin Fengchen only kissed her lips softly, and tasted to stop before leaving again.


  He took out a small transparent glass bottle of medicine from his suit pocket and handed it to Jiang Sesu.

   "This is a medicine that can suppress the onset of the virus in your body."

   was newly developed by Moxie and Hanyu.

   Jin Fengchen had just got it, and after confirming that there were no other side effects, he brought it back to Jiangse.

  Jiangseyou naturally has 100% trust in Jin Fengchen.

   She didn't even ask a question, she poured a glass of water and swallowed it with the medicine.

   "Hurry up and wash, and then rest with me."

  Jiangsu lowered the glass to urge him.

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