Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 871: Repellent antidote

Jin Fengchen couldn't resist Jiangse's urging, and walked into the bathroom with a smile.

  Jianse Se was originally planning to wait for Jin Fengchen to come out and sleep together.

   But the strange thing was that when she was sitting on the bed, she felt unconscious and her head was groggy.

   Jin Fengchen walked out of the bathroom with wet short hair.

   The bedroom did not turn on the headlights, except for a small warm-colored desk lamp beside the bedside table.

   And Jiang Sesu was sleeping there, the quiet sleep made Jin Fengchen couldn't help but collapse.

   beside Jiang Sesur, sweet and extremely inelegant but very cute sleeping posture, he could not help but chuckled.

   Sweet is lying there in large letters, and the white and tender little belly is exposed.

  Jin Feng Jin wiped off excess water droplets on his hair, and took a thin blanket to cover the mother and daughter.

   turned himself out of the bedroom, preparing to go to the study to continue to deal with the work that was not done in the company today.

   Not long after he walked out of the bedroom, Sweet woke up.

  She rubbed her eyes and turned her head to shout, only to find that her mummy was asleep.

   Sweet thought for a while, still did not wake up Jiang Sesur.

   She carefully climbed out of bed and walked out of the bedroom.

   She glanced at her little head and saw that the study light was on, so she ran into the study with bare feet.


   shouted sweetly, and realized that Mommy was sleeping, and quickly covered her mouth.

   went to Jin Fengchen's side like a ghost and reached out to hug.

   "Baby, how did you wake up, did Daddy noisy you?"

   Jin Fengchen bent down and hugged Tian Tian into his arms, sitting on his knees.

   "I can't fall asleep, and I haven't woken my mommy, Daddy, look at me, I'm not good!"

  Sweetly lifted the small face like a gong, and the grape-like eyes fluttered like they could talk.

  'S face was almost filled with the words "for praise".

   Jin Fengchen lost his smile and touched his sweet little head, "Well, we are the sweetest, but Daddy is going to work now, so you are good to play by the side first, okay?"

   Sweet pretend thought very seriously, and then nodded.

   took the initiative to jump off Jin Fengchen's lap, and played by himself in a good manner.

   But the children are already energetic, and playing alone is too boring.

   It didn't take long for Tian Tian to come together again, and climbed **** Jin Fengchen's knee and got into his arms.

   Jin Fengchen couldn't help crying and laughing, as soon as the long arm caught the little girl, she handled the business.

   Sweet big eyes turned around, looking on the pile of documents and notebooks in front of Jin Fengchen.

   But the little girl couldn't understand it, and soon she was bored. She turned around and stretched out her little hand to pinch at Jin Fengchen's face.

   "Daddy, play with Tiantian."


   The little girl's coquettish tone for Jin Fengchen is almost impossible to resist.

   Moreover, the little girl is so troublesome, he can't concentrate on dealing with business.

   Jin Fengchen had no choice but to temporarily put aside the official affairs at hand, and played with Tiantian.

   Fortunately, the little girl is not like a little boy, coaxing, and playing with it for a while, the energy is consumed.

   was soon coaxed by Jin Fengchen to sleep in his arms.

  He didn't rush to put Tiantian back on the bed in the bedroom, but hugged her to deal with the business.

   Later, after confirming that Tian Tian was asleep, she took her back to the bedroom.

   Jin Fengchen gently put Tiantian back on the bed, he leaned over again and wanted to give a soft kiss on Jiangse's forehead.

  Thin lips touched her forehead for a moment, but was shocked by the hot temperature that was different from ordinary people.


   Jin Fengchen's heart suddenly raised.

   He leaned over and hugged Jiang Sesel into his arms, patting her cheek with one hand, the hot temperature in his palm made him more panicked.

  Chen Feng Jin calmed down, called the family doctor's phone, and asked him to come immediately.

   "The vassals..."

  Jiangseul also slept unsteadily.

   She just felt cold all over, and her eyes slightly opened a slit.

  When she saw that it was Jin Fengchen who was hugging herself, she directly got into his arms.

   "Thurs, where is it uncomfortable?"

   Jin Fengchen wanted to hug the person in his arms, but was afraid to hurt her, so he could only ask in a soft voice.

"I am cold."

  Jiangseul's hands also wrapped around Jin Fengchen's waist.

  The vassal Jin was so anxious that he simply hugged Jiang Sesur and called again to urge the family doctor.

  Family doctors who received the notice did not dare to delay, and rushed over without stopping.

  After some tossing, he discovered that Jiang Sesur had a high fever of thirty-eight degrees.

  The doctor prescribed the antipyretic medicine, and Jin Fengchen personally poured warm water to embrace Jiangse in his arms.

   took the pill in one hand and delivered it to her lips, almost coaxing her to eat it.

   originally thought it would end.

   But I never expected it.

   There was a spasm in Jiangse's stomach and he broke free from Jin Fengchen's arms.

   Directly vomited the pill that I just ate out of the trash can.

  The family doctor was stunned, and more still somewhat at a loss.

   engaged in medicine for many years, he has not encountered this situation.

   only faced Jin Fengchen's wife.

   He was afraid that a person who had not been diagnosed had a problem...

   Jin Fengchen also realized that something was wrong.

  Jianse Se was in good health at this time, only today, and after taking the medicine, suddenly started to burn.

   Jin Fengchen was almost certain that it must be that Mo Xie and Han Yu developed drugs to suppress the virus, something went wrong.

  When he asked the family doctor to go back, he also shouted Mo Xiehanyu.

  Don't dare to delay, they drove along all the way.

   Jin Fengchen said things simply and clearly.

  Although he tried his best to suppress his emotions, the cold air that was revealed because of fear of tension was still frightening.

  Mo Xie and Han Yu did not dare to delay, and immediately made a comprehensive inspection for Jiang Sesur.

   At the same time, Mo Xie is constantly explaining to Jin Fengchen.

   "This drug has been tested by us countless times and has no problems. Don't worry, we will find out why."

  It is estimated that about 20 minutes, Mo Xie and Han Yu also determined the reason, "The virus in her body is rejecting the antidote developed by us, which causes physical discomfort."

  Jin Fengchen's eyebrows never stretched. He heard that he frowned more tightly, "What now?"

   His voice was low, but it revealed a cold feeling.

  Although it is just a high fever now, but who can guarantee that there will be no other problems?

   That is what he absolutely does not allow to happen!

   "You can rest assured! We will handle it as soon as possible."

  Mo Xie quickly opened his mouth, and assured solemnly to Jin Fengchen.

  Hanyu had also prepared the medicine, and the two hung a bit for Jiangse.

  In order to be able to observe the situation of Jiangse sooner, the two stayed close to the bed.

   I was afraid that I might miss a little bit.

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