Jin Fengchen was amused by Tian Tian's discourse of negotiation.

   couldn't bear to refuse the request of the little girl, and finally she could only hold her into the bedroom where Jiang Sesu was.

   Tian Tian's little brows frowned when she saw Jiang Suther lying in bed.

   "Daddy, isn't Mommy uncomfortable?"

   The little girl covered her lips with her hand and asked quietly.

   She was very uncomfortable when she was ill. She also had an injection.

   Jin Fengchen nodded, learning to lower her voice and answer: "Yeah, so sweet can promise Daddy, let mommy take a good rest?"

   The little girl agreed very sensiblely.

   After eating breakfast, the little girl nestled in Jin Fengchen's arms.

  In the next two days, Jiang Fengchen also handled the company's handover affairs.

  Tiantian and Moxiehanyu both played together.

   Fortunately, Jiang Seso's body is no big deal, and the two of them take turns to play with Tian Tian's play.

   This can be regarded as helping Jin Fengchen share some.

  Jiansesu woke up the next afternoon in a coma, his fingers moved slightly.

  This little action made Jin Fengchen, who had been watching her, look in his eyes.

   He became nervous immediately, and when he called Moxie and Hanyu, he was afraid that something would go wrong.


   Jiang Sezu snorted, and opened his eyes, propped up against his groggy head.

   This movement pulled the needle still stuck on the back of her hand, and a tingling sensation came suddenly.

   Jin Fengchen leaned over and hugged her, "Thurse, you finally woke up."

  'S hoarse voice was full of exhaustion. Jiang Seser looked away. Jin Fengchen, who had not rested well for two days, looked haggard at the moment, and there were blue stubble on his jaws.

   The pair of obsidian eyes sparkled, and her cheeks were filled with joy and care.

   "Young lady, can you lie down again? Let's check your body for you."

   Hearing Mo Xie's words, Jiang Sezhu nodded and lay back again, but his eyes were stuck to Jin Fengchen's body, and he was not willing to move away half a point.

   She seemed to vaguely remember her fever.

   How did I wake up again, and the vassals became so haggard?

   "Mommy! Sweet and Daddy are worried about you."

  The little girl came with the two of Moxie, and when Jiang Seso opened her eyes, she stood at the bed and expressed her thoughts happily.

  Mo Xie gave Jiang Sesu a thorough physical examination.

   "Mrs. Shao's body is no longer a problem."

   Hearing this sentence, Jin Fengchen mentioned his throat and heart in these two days, and finally he can put it back in his stomach.

  Moxie and Hanyu were very clear-up to pick up the good things and left.

   They don't want to stay and be a 250-watt light bulb, and they don't want to be thrown away by dog ​​food.

   "Republican, am I a long sleeper?"

   As soon as the two left, Jiang Sesur couldn't wait to sit up and took Jin Fengchen's warm and dry palm to ask.

   Jin Fengchen sat down next to Jiang Sese, stretched her long arms and put her whole arm in her arms.

   "You have been sleeping for two days, but there is no problem."

  Jianse Se was stunned when she learned that she was sleeping for two days. She raised her head and stared at Jin Fengchen's haggard face.

   He still had lingering fatigue between his eyes.

  Even if she didn't ask, she could guess that he must not have taken a good rest in these two days, but stayed close to her.

  She was both moved and distressed.

   "Vote, I'm sorry to worry you."

  Jianse Se stretched out his hands around Jin Fengchen's thin waist, put a small face on his chest, and apologized.

   Jin Fengchen chuckled his lips and smiled. He raised his other hand and gently stroked her hair.

   "As long as you can do well, it is better than anything."

  For him, Jiang Sesu is his life.

   He prefers to lose his life, not to see her something wrong.

   "Mommy, sweet, hug!"

   The neglected little girl went to the two of them with dissatisfaction and raised two small arms to protest.

"it is good!"

  Jiangse turned around and planned to embrace the little girl in her arms.

   was preempted by Jin Fengchen, who distressed her, and took the little girl up, holding her in her arms.

   Sweetly turned her head into Gangse's arms, hugged her waist tightly, and began to complain, "Mommy, let me tell you, Daddy didn't eat and sleep well in these two days!"

   "Okay, Mommy taught him this."

  Finally, Jiang Sesur deliberately showed a fierce expression, and looked up to see Jin Fengchen.

   But the moment he caught his sight, his heart softened.

   "Vice minister, since I am all right, would you go to bed first? Would you like to go to bed at night? I will cook for you at night and cook for you."

  She said to Feng Feng Jin with a coaxing tone.

   Jin Fengchen was also really tired. After thinking for a few seconds, he agreed.

   When he fell asleep, Jiang Sesu led Tiantian out of the bedroom, and the mother and daughter stayed in the living room and watched TV together.

  Tiantian also shared the two days with her, and finally did not forget to add a sentence.

   "Mommy, why don't you play with Tiantian for a day today."

   Of course, Jiang Sezhu nodded without hesitation.

   accompanied the little girl to play around the evening, and Jiang Sesu set out to prepare the ingredients needed for dinner.

   Tian Tian also shouted that she would help Mommy make dinner together for Daddy.

  Jiangse could not bear the enthusiasm of the little girl, and she simply divided some green vegetables and sent the little girl to choose aside.

   Jin Fengchen woke up and went downstairs to see the busy figure in the kitchen.

   There are many dishes full of flavor and fragrance on the table.

   "Thurse, I'll help you."

   Jin Fengchen bypassed the dining table and walked into the kitchen, but was rushed out directly by Jiang Sesel.

   Helpless, Jin Fengchen could only turn around and sit on the sofa beside Tiantian, watching the cartoon with her.

  A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Sesur served the last dessert, and then greeted the father and daughter to dinner.

   Family of three sitting at the dining table.

  Can't wait to pick up a big chicken drumstick and took a bite. He gave thumbs up to Jiang Sesel while eating, "Mommy, it's delicious!"

  Jianse Se laughed with exaggeration.

  The family of three happily finished dinner, and Xiaobao's phone came over.

   "Mommy, Daddy, are you there?"

  Xiaobao's childish voice came across the phone, sweetly heard his brother's voice, and quickly came over.

   shouted loudly at some distance: "Brother!"

  Jianse Se smiled and opened the hands-free.

   "Xiaobao, I'm a mummy."

   "Mommy, Daddy, Xiaobao are obedient."

   The little treasure on the other side was silent for a moment, and it seemed a little embarrassed to ask: "So when do you come back? I miss you!"

  Jiangseyou Yan said, smiling at Jin Fengchen, and replied, "Xiaobao, my father and I will soon take my sister back."

   talked with Xiaobao for a while, and Jiang Seso hung up the phone, and decided to return to China with Jin Fengchen.

  Early morning.

  Jiangse and his family took the plane back home.

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