Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 874: If you can't do it, just grab it

At this time, the night in Milan, Italy, is like a beautiful picture.

   Glimpse that the sky outside has been dark, and Fu Jingyun is also busy with his affairs.

  He strode out of the institute and prepared to go back.

   He parked beside the innermost car in the parking lot, but leaned on a tall girl.

  Catherine saw Fu Jingyun's figure from a distance.

   She raised her hand and waved at him with undisguised happiness in her eyes.

   Fu Jingyun concentrated his eyebrows and wrinkled, and he quickly unfolded.

   He took out the car key without expression, opened the door and sat straight into the main driver's seat.

  Catherine opened the front passenger door very consciously and sat up.

   Her long legs were folded together, her eyes were twirling, and she looked at Fu Jingyun with a charming eye.

   "Jing Yun, Jiang Seshe returned to France."

   A sentence like temptation, which made Fu Jingyun's fingers on the steering wheel tighten a little, and his eyes were dark and uncertain.

   He responded casually with a careless expression.

   But Catherine was in a clear mood, but this was nothing but Fu Jingyun's disguise.

   "Jingyun, don't you wonder what she came back to France for?"

  Catherine hooked up her strand of hair and wrapped it in her fingers.

  Fu Jingyun moved slightly under his heart. He stepped on the throttle and asked slowly, "What's her curiosity about living in France?"

  Catherine suddenly chuckled: "Living in France? Then if I said...they are going to return home to settle down this time, they go to your parents to say goodbye."

  Catherina deliberately aggravated the word ‘goodbye’, meaning something.

   Suddenly, the tires ran over the ground, and they were stepped on the brakes fiercely, making a harsh and sharp noise.

   Fu Jingyun's pupils contracted suddenly, shocked and shocked, but he was quickly converged.

   He turned his head slightly, the face of Junyi was hard to distinguish.


   Fu Jingyun responded lightly.

   He seemed calm and indifferent, but his expression was a little trance, and that sentence turned up a huge wave in his heart.


The name    has been summoned in my heart countless times.

   The distance between them is getting farther and farther.

   If you go on like this, they will eventually be like strangers?

  Thinking of this, Fu Jingyun was very unhappy in his heart.

   eyes are full of bitterness, even with a throat pain.

  'S sight suddenly appeared a dazzling light, and Fu Jingyun's cries of cries sounded beside her.

"Be careful!"

   The steering wheel was yanked by Catherine.

   The car was able to evade the car almost hit by the oncoming head.

   Fu Jingyun recovered, still with that calm expression, not worried at all.

   Catherine patted her chest, panting lightly in fear, and then turned her head and yelled out loudly: "Are you crazy? The car is so fascinating! Can you concentrate!"

  Fu Jingyun raised the corner of his mouth and smiled meaninglessly, then stepped on the accelerator again.

   The car drove towards the arrow of Lixian, and rushed out with a blow.

  Catherina leaned on the seat because of her inertia, and looked angry at Fu Jingyun.

  She opened her mouth and swallowed the words.

   went home, Fu Jingyun parked the car, ignored Catherine and got off.

   Take out the key and open the door, then throw the key on the coffee table.

  Catherine kept up with her, she closed the door.

  Fu Jingyun has walked to the wine cabinet, which contains many kinds of precious wine.

   He opened the wine cabinet and directly took out a bottle of wine to unscrew the wine cap without using a glass. He raised his head and took a sip to the bottle.

   The cold and spicy liquor slides down the throat into the stomach, all the way to the point of burning.

   Even so, his bitterness not only did not decrease, but he was even more troubled.

   He knows that what he has done is not enough to be forgiven.


   He didn't want to see him and Jiangse Se go away.

  After a while, most of the wine was drunk by Fu Jingyun.

  Catherina walked on high heels, she reached out and grabbed the bottle and set it aside.

   Then, she stared at Fu Jingyun with her hands around her chest and asked, "You should give me an antidote."

  Fu Jingyun raised his head now, and he glanced coldly at Catherine.

   got up and took the antidote and handed it to Catherine, and continued to drink.

  Catherine poured warm water and swallowed her belly with an antidote.

  Looked up again and saw Fu Jingyun staring blankly at the bottle in a daze.

   The eyes are gentle enough to immerse any girl.

  Catherine put down the empty glass and walked to Fu Jingyun to sit down.

  She leaned her elbows on the desk case, staring at Fu Jingyun with her chin on her palm.

  Drunk men look more eye-catching.

   She smiled with her lips: "If you drink it again, you will get drunk."

  Fu Jingyun was unheard of. He picked up the bottle and poured a sip of wine.

  It was Jiang Sesur's face that appeared in his mind.

   She was smiling, angry, angry, and disappointed.

  Fu Jingyun was moved by the translucent thin lips stained with wine, and silently shouted Jiangse's name.

  Katherine, who had been watching him all the time, saw that he was frustrated and couldn't help talking.

   "Some things have already been done, there is no way to recover them."

  Fu Jingyun put a hand down the bottle.

  Does he need someone to teach this?

   "If you can't do it, just grab the person in person. What is it to drink and relax?"

  Catherina snorted.

   Wen Yan said that Fu Jingyun was like a cat who was stepped on the tail and blew hair.

  He let his empty wine bottle fall to the ground and shattered it, "What do you know!"

  Catherina sneered, her white cheeks became more enchanted and enchanted under the light.

   "I don't understand, but you can't go back and did something that hurt her, then I will always stay in my heart."

   is like driving a nail into a wooden board. Even if it is pulled out, there is still a hole in it.

   Fu Jingyun was silent.

  Catherine saw this and continued to speak down.

   "Do you still expect her to accept you again? Want me to say, you just grab it and let her forget Jin Fengchen again, so that maybe it will belong to you forever."

   Her words have a certain bewitching meaning.

  Fu Jingyun was too lazy to listen. He got up and took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, opened it straight, ignoring the existence of the woman around him.

  Catherine sees Fu Jingyun like this, and her name is on fire.

   "Are you still a man?"

   She gritted her teeth and scolded the last sentence.

  'S answer was still silent. Perhaps Fu Jingyun was too lazy to take care of her.

   Catherine only felt like a fire was brewing on her chest.

  She didn't understand, what's so good about that Jiang Sesu?

  Why make such a good man, one or two tear her heart?

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