Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 882: Not a small number

In order to get a reply as soon as possible, Fang Cheng would not hesitate to come up with this identity again to suppress people.

   The little girl at the front desk couldn't help but twitched a few times.

  Although Mr. Jin has told them, no matter who it is, they are not allowed to enter the company without an appointment.

   But...the uncle in front of this Mrs. Jin is Mrs.

It is no secret that the chairman loves his wife.

   For a time, the little girl at the front desk was embarrassed and finally smiled apologetically.

   "Sir, can I call you and ask?"

   Fangcheng nodded very well this time, "OK."

  Joke, he remembered what Jin Fengyao said last time.

  If he really wants to cooperate, he can't put the shelf too high.

  The little girl at the front desk was relieved and dialed the phone of Jin Fengyao's office.

  Small workers like them do not have that authority to contact Jin Fengchen, they can only call Gu Nian.

  Gu Nian hung up the phone and went to Jin Fengchen's office to ask his opinion.

   In fact, people who don’t have an appointment, Gu Nian will directly refuse.

   But Fang Cheng is different, in any case, it is Mrs. Shao’s uncle, he dare not make good claims.

   coincidentally, Jin Fengyao was also in Jin Fengchen's office at this time.

   heard it, and immediately said: "Brother, if you decide not to cooperate with Fangcheng, then I will refuse him."

  Although Jin Fengchen just said a few words to him yesterday, he has been in business for so long, and he quickly analyzed the pros and cons of it.

  The project of Fangcheng is too risky. Furthermore, he thinks that Jin Fengchen is hindered by Jiang Seso’s bad relationship, which is a bit hesitant.

  Whoever expected it, Jin Fengchen shook his head, "Leave it to me, you go to deal with other things in the company."

   finished, he straightened up and walked out of the office.

  Reception room.

   Fang Cheng sat on the sofa with anxious and expectant mood. He did not know whether Jin Fengchen or Jin Fengyao would come to see him.

   But he waited for two days, he didn't care about waiting for this one more time.

   Fang Cheng still froze for a few seconds when he saw Jin Fengchen's figure pushing in, and he thought that Jin Fengyao should negotiate with him.

   "Feng... Jin Dong, hello."

   Fangcheng subconsciously wanted to call Jin Fengchen's name intimately, but after a little thought and thought it was inappropriate, he could only change it.

   "Mr. Fang, hello." Jin Fengchen looked like a public official. He nodded and said hello to the other city, then walked on long legs and sat down on the sofa opposite him.

   Fangcheng This is the first time he has a separate conversation with Jin Fengchen.

  Without Jiang Se's side, Fang Cheng clearly felt the oppression from Jin Fengchen.

   He sat there with some hands on his feet, politely said: "Hello, hello..."

   "Sorry, there have been more business affairs in these two days."

   Jin Fengchen's low voice came, it seemed to explain why Fang Cheng had waited for two days, but had not answered.

  This gave Fangcheng an illusion.

  ——Jin Fengchen must have been so polite to him on Jiangse's face. Does that mean that this project will succeed?

"it's okay no problem!"

   Fang Cheng shook his head with a smile and said he didn't care, and then hesitantly asked, "That project, do you think Jin Dong?"

   Jin Fengchen did not rush to answer, but put the contract in his hand gently on the table.

   "I have read the content, the conditions are very attractive. People are very profitable."

"Yes, it is."

   Fang Cheng's eyes lit up and nodded his head again and again: "Of course I think about such a good thing is my family, so this project, can you see if you can cooperate?"

   Jin Fengchen raised his eyes. He must be staring at Fangcheng. His eyes were very pale, but he could see the hair inside Fangcheng.

   "SA Group is well-known in Italy." Jin Fengchen quietly led the topic to SA Group, the tone remained unchanged, and it was hard to guess his intention.

   Fangcheng was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the company name.

   It seems that Jin Fengchen is very cautious, maybe he has already investigated the SA Group.

   He quickly answered, "Yes, their company is very large, so, Jin Dong, you can rest assured that there will be no mistakes."

  Secretary Jin Fengwei slightly counted as a response, his slender legs overlapped leisurely, and his voice was rather quiet. "Mr. Fang, I am a little curious. How did you reach cooperation with SA Group?"

   This problem killed Fang Cheng by surprise.

He laughed a few times and thought for a few seconds before organizing the language. "Our Fang family, presumably Jin Dong also knows, and is also a big family in Kyoto. Plus the old man's network is very good. Once and two, I contacted some Italian companies. It is not difficult to reach cooperation."

   The reason for Fangcheng is barely said in the past.

   Jin Fengchen raised his eyebrows gently, and said nothing.

  Anyway, he just came to cliché.

   Xu Yu, then asked: "Mr. Fang, should you also read this contract seriously?"

   Fangcheng hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded honestly.

   "Most of these are favorable conditions for Party B, and Party A SA Group has no profit at all."

   Jin Fengchen did not turn around, "Why would the other party give such an unreasonable profit?"

   The question he asked was normal.

   After all, there is no such thing as a pie.

   However, Fang Cheng was stunned when asked.

   He had never thought that Jin Fengchen would ask this question. In the business world, there are many profit-minded businessmen. Usually, as long as the profit is sufficient, it is rarely digged into this kind of problem.

   But Fang Cheng underestimated Jin Fengchen.

   He is the youngest helm of the Jin Group.

   "This, me, me..."

   Fangchengzhizhiwuwu, clenched his hands unconsciously, and calmed himself, "Sorry, Jin Dong, I am not very clear about this, because this contract is also talked about by Yiming."

   In the end, Fangcheng could only say so with helplessness and apology.

   Jin Fengchen was silent, but only looked at Fang Cheng quietly.

  He has been in the business world for so many years, and his vision and intuition are terrible.

   intuitively told him that Fangcheng had concealed.

   Of these, there must be something that is important to him.

   "Mr. Fang, since you are not sincerely cooperating, then please."

   After a long silence, Jin Fengchen got up from the sofa, and he made a gesture of invitation to the entrance of the reception room.

   This is the order for eviction.

   Fangcheng suddenly panicked and quickly explained, "Jin Dong, I have all come in person, how can I say that I have no intention of cooperating? Isn't it sincere to wait for your reply for two days in Jincheng?"

   "The investment of 300 million is not a small amount."

   Jin Fengchen looked at Fang Cheng lightly, his voice was cold.

   "Jin Dong, you listen to me, although the initial investment is quite a lot, but as soon as the project is completed, the profit will almost double!"

   Fang Cheng was in a hurry and stood up too busy, trying to persuade him.

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